I've found pronunciations for these words but can't find how they're meant to sound. Y Gododdin: ə ɡɔˈdɔðɪn What I think: ee god-oth-in (oth like in other) Aelle: /ˈælə/ What I think: A-eh-la
"Uh godothin", you have the right -th sound. The 'god-' is stressed. "Aluh" Like the muslim deity but with a deeper sound on the end. The Ae is stressed. Also, have a digraph. I think they're prettier, you may agree: Æ æ.
And it's the "proper" spelling of the name Ælle anyway. The Saxons were big on names like that, such as Æthelstan, Æthelwulf and Æric to name a few.
No! Not at all, the exact opposide. This [Æ æ] is ash. Ash says [a] like the [a] in ash. It would be pronounced just like alley.
I see. Then you pronounce Allah wrong. That a is mean to be pronounced like the [ɑ] in always, not the [æ] in Allfred. No, he is wrong.
I'll accept being corrected on the pronunciation of the Muslim god, but you should understand that we're both advocating the exact same pronunciation of the saxon name. If I had said that the 'æ' should be pronounced as the 'a' in 'cat', this argument would not exist, and OP would have received the same answer.
Only that's not what you said, It wouldn't be like the Arabic word for God at all. There is no stressed [ɑ] sound, there is no [uh] at the end. Again, @King Arthur it would be pronounced just like alley. The kind that you walk down and find hookers in.
But ə is pronounced like the "a" in "a mission" or "Rosa" according to Wikipedia, not like the "ey" sound in "alley" or "Rosie"
But ə is pronounced like the "a" in "a mission" or "Rosa" according to Wikipedia, not like the "ey" sound in "alley" or "Rosie" Moreover, ALL muslims I know say "Allah" with the A from Alfred. No one says Allah like the word "all".
But ə is pronounced like the "a" in "a mission" or "Rosa" according to Wikipedia, not like the "ey" sound in "alley" or "Rosie" Moreover, ALL muslims I know say "Allah" with the A from Alfred. No one says Allah like the word "all".
Then either you don't know enough Muslims, or they don't speak Arabic. That sound like [a] in mat, simply doesn't exist in the Arabic alphabet. Also it's worth mentioning that the American and English pronunciation are probably a bit different here. I was trying to get across a different pronunciation of alley. Edited to add: upon further consideration and much mouth moving, I think the word allay, would fit best, but only if you used the American pronunciation. Edited again: But there's some American's who would pronounce "allay" Ay-lay, so basically the whole thing is fucked.