A 1x1 request is a thread in which a Roleplay describes his or her preferences for 1x1 roleplaying. This often includes a list of possible plots or pairings, a quick look at the rpers fav characters, and an explanation of what the rper is looking for in a 1x1 partner. A 1x1 request, then is a thread, for recruiting/finding partners "for roleplays". The answer is, I do not believe you can. The only play to find roleplayers if the General RP discussion thread. However, the RP forum is currently not set up for 1x1 roleplaying. It is better to join a group RP for now.
What Murasaki said. To the best of my knowledge, this site has never been set up for 1x1 games. I if you were interested in talking to the RP mod directly though, you might be able to work something out. His name is Losthawken, and he's a pretty reasonable guy Welcome to the site though!
This is not primarily a gaming site. The RPGs we support are meant to be participated in by as many mambers as practical, and the focus is on good storytelling and characterization. In other words, it is intended to exercise writing skills in a more or less improvisational venue.
RPG lingo... It's a 2 player, (ie 1(player)x(versus, times, etc.)1(player)) Most of the RP's on this site are group rp's. So there's more than two people playing them. Most rp's here don't have a character limit, but some do. 1x1 rp's are just between two players, where the writers each control multiple characters instead of a group of people writing together each controlling one or two characters. Hope that made sense
Welcome to Writing Forums, Athecai! Although we don't have one-on-one role-plays, I hope you enjoy your time here and take a peek at some of our group RPGs. We always love new writers to join in!
Hmm. I too have been wondering about one-on-one RPs around here but it seems, as I have been told, all are in groups currently.
makes no sense to me to use the 'times' symbol, but i'm not an rpg-player, just a nit-picking editor!
Well, I could be mean, and point out that there is a long tradition for the illiterate to signify nearly anything with an X... But that would just be downright nasty of me, so I won't.
The lower case x is not used exclusively to mean "times" nor to replace a signature of those who cannot write their own name. In roleplaying terms, it is used to imply a pairing between two people. Mura x Ana shows Mura with Ana, or Mura and Ana. It is also used in fanfiction terminology to show pairing between characters. MxF, could be male with female romance, versus say, MxM for male on male romance. Some might read it as one times one. Others read it as one on one. 1x1 roleplaying. It is important to remember that there are many ways to read symbols like X or x, and many meanings can be assigned to the same symbol or word. Co-cultural specific terminology is as valid as that recognized by common dialect.
well, so far, in my 74 years, i haven't come across an 'authorized' [by literary types] use of 'x' to mean 'on' or 'with'... can't even find it with a google 'define' search, either... just tried adding 'rpg' to the search and lo and behold, i found it translated as 1 'by' 1!... as in a 2x4 'stick' [in architectural/construction terms]... or a 4x4 truck... so i guess we'll have to suck it up and accept it, cog... tempus do fugit and fukzit!
Guys, some might consider the direction this thread has gone as condecending. Let's dial things down somewhat, alright?
sorry, coach!... i just thought an apology was called for, since i had questioned the validity of 1x1 before finding out what it actually stands for in rpgs... i will go quietly....................