well tis winter here in aus, and in my town, winter is usually around 30 degrees, and summer around 50 degrees celcius. but for some reason old mother nature is giving us a special treat this winter, cold wind and rain! The sudden change in weather has practically made the whole town sick, including me, i may have a chest infection! not cool. i work at a daycare centre, every member of staff is sick, all the children are sick, and none of us are getting any better. now it may just be my very own opinion, but in my eyes, the centre sould be shut down, some of the sickest kids are just babies and yet the mothers keep bringing them in. if my baby was sick id be at home with him/her until he/she was better. and id be disgusted that all the staff were at work sick too. anyone else feel the same?
yea i agree with u, kids should be home with parents and everyone there should go home to until they r better no good being sick and watching sick or healthy kids
I agree to an extent. Sometimes there is alingering cough or a runny nose that just wont stop, but if they are sick with watery eyes and are tired all the time and a deep cough they cant stop then they should be home for sure. Maybe send out a newsletter reminding parents that it is inappropriate to bring a sick child to school. Good luck-get better!
That is appauling but it is the same down here which is disgusting. Recently they had an outbreak of foot and mouth and this is the exact reason why I do not put my children into daycare. I honestly think that if a child is sick that child should be at home with one of its parents until it is better. I never go anywhere when my children are sick, I keep them home as much as I can until they are better. Even if it does mean no life for a while. Kids are more inportant than anything else and I think that parents really need to start takig care of their children when they are sick and stop palming them off onto others. I wouldn't send my kids to that daycare ever again if I was one of those parents.....who wants a sick person taking care of their children!? ~Torana (sorry if that offends anyone, I can be head strong when it comes to children and rather rude about my opinions so I do apologise if anyone takes anythign I say offensively!)
Hey yeah our winter has been freezing as well, averaging like 16 degree day temps. Thats off the hook cold. Never been done before. It's crazy. But there's not too many people sick. Im sick, but not because of the cold. I wont be disclosing that.
Well our days have been around there and the lowest temp so far has been 4 degrees.....it is getting colder and colder but not a great deal of rain really.
hey do any of you remember being made to swallow that supposedly cherry flavoured cough medicine as a kid? god that tuff was aweful, and who did they think they were kidding trying to tell us it was yummy and tasted like cherries..im 21 and my mum made me go and get some cough medicine the other day which is supposedly grenadine flavour, its the most aweful thing ive ever swallowed, so aweful that i keep throwing it up and its just so damn gross.
I remember the cough medicine I took was strawberry. It tasted so yummy and I kept wanting more of it! And with daycare, it should be shut down if everyone is so sick that no-one can replace the carers. And the mothers that keep bringing their sick babies in should be told that they wont be accepted until the children are better. It's unfair to put pressure on the staff that are also sick and in need of a good rest.
I swear 50 celcius would kill you... D= or is that centigrade? xD Here its been quite warm with sudden (literally) bursts of rain. I've been ill lately with some kind of chest infection... I think it's because I went camping and was sleeping in the damp.
Celsius is Centigrade - Centigrade is the older term. 50 C is 122 F. Very uncomfortable but not immediately life threatening.
That's rubbish. The temperature of the human body is 38 C, if it gets any hotter than that (or even close to that) the body can't lose excess heat from internal proceses, body temperature will rise and the enzymes will denature. So yes, 50 C will definitely kill.
*Feels smart but worried that all those Aussies are suffering such heat.* I feel old because I've always said Centigrade... xD and I'm only 17!
Banzai is correct, in a sense. Your brain needs to remain within a degree or so of 38 C, or it will break down and you will die. The body does have mechanisms to generate or shed heat to regulate brain temperature; homeostasis is the term that mains stabilizing the overall body environment. thermostasis is the part of homeostasis that deals with maintaining constant temperature. The further the ambien temperatur is from 38 C (actually a bit under 38 C, because the body MUST produce heat from necessary chemical reactions), the harder it is for the body to maintain thermostasis. The body's main strategy for shedding excess heat is evaporation. High humidity inhibits evaporation, and so does still air, but in a 50C low humidity breeze, a body supplied with plenty of fluids can continue shedding excess heat for quite a while. Not indefinitely, however.
Well, I live in a desert. We're quite well equipped for extreme heat round these parts. Air-conditioning, fans constantly blasting, and around 15 L of water a day does the trick.
Exactly. I mean you can't carry an aircon around with you when you go for a walk but you can wear a nice big thick jacket and go for a walk.
Oh yes. And as you well know Tor, we get to build snowmen in the snow with the kids and snow ball fights.