I suggest for WF to use a different color. Do you know the affects of blue has on people? Blue, even looking at the color blue can keep you awake and alert. It's a double whammy with the light of the computer which is also blue and then a blue site. The color blue scientifically keeps you more alert and awake. I suggest WF makes their color less blue.
It's a website for people who write. It's here for people to give and get criticism on their writing. Do you really think it'd be a good idea for people to be less alert when giving criticism? Why would we want to be less awake or alert while we're here? Or did you just want to sound knowledgeable?
Oh you don't have to be rude. Just I notice sometimes when I am tired and end up on WF I end staying much later than I should and it be nice for some of us to have a different color something more neutral or something. I'm sure that the color isn't the whole problem, but it does ease it somewhat.
I don't see the color as problematic, at all. If you do, perhaps you can adjust your brightness and color settings to make it less vibrant. I belong to another board that is powered by vBulletin. It looks exactly the same as this, and to my knowledge, there have never been any complaints. That board has the user option to change the color of the layout, but the blue is definitely the most comfortable on the eyes. I think the light of the computer is going to keep you awake, no matter what, and it is not the board's responsibility to lull you to sleep. I ultimately think the design and layout is the decision of the owners of the board.
Proser, no a board shouldn't lull you to sleep. LOT. But I already have a computer program that changes my blue background of my light into a soft orange right during evening time. And forum color helps with that as well. Some people are sensitive to color. But all right forget I said anything.
If that's the problem, set an alarm on your phone or something that'll remind you of the time so you can go to bed. Alternately, come on the forums earlier than right before you go to sleep and do other stuff before sleeping. It just sounds to me like the problem stems from your routine and not from the forum at all.
I do not understand this rejection to change. Sometimes change is a good thing. I think I stated the forum color is only half the problem. But it still be nice for someone to dress up a little. I'm asking people to be considerate of a change up and instead I get rude and uncalled for behavior.
I'm not asking for them to change it. Asking for an alternative. Just like we have alternative costumes in a one on one fighter game. An alternative color for some people. As said though I do not understand this resistance to change.
The resistance is because the change itself is unnecessary, even as an alternative. Your reasoning extends about as far as: "I want to go to bed, but using this website wakes me up more. I think it needs a change." I repeat: the problem stems from your routine and not from the forum itself.
That wasn't exactly the whole reason. But I find it the easier reason to explain. I do not think it's so wholly unnecessary. I will end this where it stands and not get into a row with someone based on forum color. My mistake for bringing this up.
I like the style as it. But if you don't, scroll to the bottom left corner of the site and choose "Default Style" from the drop-down menu. That style has a lot less blue in it.
It has actually been scientifically proven that the colour blue has a soothing effect on sore or tired eyes.
Try suggesting a theme feature? My forum gives the individual users the ability to choose a theme that they want to use. Granted, they are all sleek and black, but that's not the point.
There are a couple alternate themes. Daniel paid a designer out of pocket to create them. Honestly, few people seem to care. It's more important that the site remains easily viewable, which it is. I suppose a new theme might be called for to use with mobile devices. Daniel will cross that river when he arrives at its banks. And developing themes costs time and/or money, neither of which is in abundant supply. If it is to be spent on themes, then what else is to be deferred or abandoned?
For the record, about the mobile device bit, I use WF on my phone all the time -- just as much as I use it with my computer --and I can navigate through forums and threads just fine, and even make short posts. About the color blue, it is scientifically proven to make people calm, and I think it's fine as it is, but maybe having a couple different colors would be cool. I didn't know there were different themes now; I'll check through them and see which look I like best, although that's not the aspect of WF that matters, of course. However, if I were to suggest an alternate color,I think a bold red would be nice. Most people would find that too straining on their eyes though. So...I think WF is fine the way it is, but I also don't think J.P. or anyone else should be jumped on for making a suggestion.