  1. Reximus

    Reximus New Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Reximus, Feb 12, 2010.

    This is a question that I would assume is commonly asked to yourself. In my novel, like many there is a main antagonists. His actions lead to problems in the world and the protagonists solve those problems. Such as letting loose a demon and my novels heroes stop that demon. But whats stopping the reader from asking themselves, "Why doesn't the antagonist just fight the protagonists right now, whats he waiting for?" I don't want the main antagonist to be destroyed and the world saved until the climax battle near the end. So I am trying to brainstorm ideas that would explain the antagonist not fighting the protagonists right away.

    Any suggestions as to what explanation I would put in that would explain why the wait?

    All advice appreciated. Thank you :-D.
  2. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Oh, so many possibilities! You really cannot think of any? That would be preferablle to having others chart your story for you.

    !. He doesnn;t know the protagonists exist.
    2. He believes his demon is invincible, and doesn't want to expose his identity by acting openly.
    3. He is focused on his long term goals, and doesn't believe your protagonists are a threat.
    4. He personally likes the protagonists, and would prefer not to attack them directly.
    5. He's a coward, and won't act directly unless he has no other choice.

    You take it from there.
  3. NaCl

    NaCl Contributor Contributor

    Apr 30, 2008
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    Hey Cog, I like this one best:

    I can see it now...loaded with arrogance...the evil puppet-master yanks the strings of the lowly protagonists, challenging them with one crisis after another. He thinks he's untouchable and enjoys his wicked amusement at the expense of many innocent people. The protags run around like ants in a rain storm, trying to stop all the leaks in the nest, until they finally realize it's time to fight back, collectively. Then, the fun really begins.

    I agree completely with Cog. There are unlimited possibilities and you as a writer need to be creative. Don't rely on others for suggestions. Creativity is the essence of writing fiction. Don't diminish your success by relying on others for your basic ideas.
  4. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    ditto the above to infinity!!!!!!!!!!!

    if you want to be a real writer, you'll have to come up with your own ideas...
  5. Anders Backlund

    Anders Backlund New Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Land of Lagom
    6. He needs the heroes alive becuase he they are actually a vital part of his plan.
    7. He actually tries to kill the heroes, but fails.
    8. He's not in control of the demon, and possibly even manipulated by it.
    9. He's not evil, but a well-meaning extremist who recognises the protagonists as good people and therefore doesn't want to fight them unless they seriously get in his way. (An antagonist doesn't need to be a villain, just someone who opposes the protagonist in some way.)
    10. Any combination of the above.
  6. Reximus

    Reximus New Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    Thanks for your suggestions. Your ideas all crossed my mind at one point or another but there was always a reason it wouldn't work.

    I took your advice and thought some more. Eventually I came up with my own idea which fits really well.

    Once again thanks for your help and my issue has been resolved.

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