I'm hoping one of you may know of an online resource that would include a fairly comprehensive list of (fantasy) fiction archetypes... I've been googling all the search terms I can come up with and haven't had much luck. I'm thinking I may have more success in a less dedicated website that just may happen to cover what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide!
A great discussion of archetypes that are relevant to literature can be found either in "The Hero With A Thousand Faces" by Campbell or "Writer's Journey" by Vogler. I don't know any online resource that discusses this topic in any reasonable detail, so I'd recommend you check out one of these books, both are excellent.
That site is awesome! Thanks guys =) I appreciate the tip on the books, too, and I'll use those as a resource if this fails to meet my needs... but so far, so good!