The rules are simple, leave a sentence of description for a character, and when I have enough I'll create something from the results. It can be male, female, animal, etc etc. If you participate I'll list the names of everyone whose description I chose this time around when I post the final character
Martin is a pigeon who wears a waistcoat and a monocle, and is rather self-important but has a good heart underneath it all.
Kali Radcliffe is a pretty little time-traveling, zombified vampyrical were-witch with a flighty, eccentric disposition; an undeserved level of self confidence; and a complete lack of social inhibitions. Edit: just to be clear, this was an actual character in one of my past stories—not me trying to be difficult. (She was originally meant as a joke)
Jer-Jer-Fizzle-Biker is a 9 foot tall humanoid creature that looks something like a cross between a cat, wolf, hippo, alligator, and giant floating eyeball.
Delphi Campbell is a high school senior with clinical depression and anxiety who also deals with self harm; she tends to wear all black or just generally dark clothes, but isn't limited to your stereotypical black jeans and hoodie type thing, and almost always wears long sleeves (to hide the scars). She has a pair of black Docs that she wears nearly every day and her hair is dyed a silvery color; she also enjoys wearing dark lipsticks and winged eyeliner, as well as black choker necklaces. Oops! Sorry this is more than a sentence!
Fred is an ex security guard. He lost his family and now he's alone, coexisting with a terminal brain cancer. He's a dark minded guy with personality problem, cynical and without anything to lose exepct his pills and alcohol Sorry for bad english!
Vitellius is a roman footsoldier, who enjoys pranking his superiors and may or may not have a drinking problem after acidentally getting his best friend killed.
Creed Lockheart is a war torn gurella fighter. With dark brown skin white hair in his mid 20s, he constantly struggles with his inner demon Luros, who is trying to manipulate him into doing wrong. He loves to play the piano and is constantly awkward when it comes to meeting new people. He thinks he's cooler than he really is.
I just joined so if you want to take submissions from more established members I'll understand. However, this sounds like something that would greatly keep me on track to writing my book. So I offer you a character from book-in-progress. I apologize up front for going past the one sentence rule. If that disqualifies me so be it. I give credit to those who can accurately describe their character in one, albeit long, sentence. Johanna is a Sun Elf, a proud race of warriors, and this one has a bit of a sarcastic yet playful nature to her. She has long pointed ears whose tips can just be seen though her long fiery red, and slightly curly hair. She is slightly taller than the average human, and thinner, yet still athletic in build. Her most defining feature is her wings, two white feathery wings that barely touch the ground when she is standing upright. She wears dark brown leather armor with rounded metal studs through out, and carries a spiked mace as her weapon of choice.
Aleksander is an officer graduated from Fleet Academy. He commands a Navy vessel to protect humanity. Blonde hair and blue eyes, he liked to keep things formal, in uniform and proper. White gloves cover the burn scars he carried from his homeworld. He enjoys quiet moments, reading with a cup of tea and star gazing. Duty before self is his conviction for others paid the price for the life he still holds. Yet there is much for him to learn.
In a sentence? White, male, late thirties, average height, stocky build, brown hair, grey eyes. In rather a lot more than a sentence: He's a former British Army officer, now a very specialised kind of law enforcement officer- closer to a gendarme or Carabinieri than a traditional policeman- in a world where a brave band of heroes went to stop the bad guy unleashing an ancient evil on the world but completely fluffed it and where the good guys never found their Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins and had to do it all the hard way. He's in his late thirties, slightly below average height, broad shouldered with short brown hair and grey eyes. He has an old injury in his right leg that causes him to constantly shift his weight from one side to the other. People say that he always looks a little sad but what he feels more than anything is tired. The only thing that keeps him motivated now is trying to make a safer world for his kids. His uniform looks a bit like a First World War officer's, as a shortage of synthetic materials and restricted access to cotton for shirts means that woollen tunics with high collars have made a bit of a comeback.
Andrea is a pretty woman who works as a schoolteacher but who dresses very traditionally in.long skirts
Kelly is a 17 year old girl with black, thick, wavy, and long hair that is slim with a medium toned skin, and sea green eyes. She has an average weight and height for her age. Her outfits are slightly fashionable with a stylish cardigan over a white shirt with light blue jeans and flats. When you first meet her she's mostly standoffish but isn't disrespectful. She loves antiques and DIY stuff as well as gymnastics, so she's flexible.
Thanks for the rather colourful response! I've got quite the selection to choose from. When it comes to deciding, I'll try to work at least a slice of your sentence in
Thanks for the comment, sorry my response took so long, time around christmas was very busy for me, personal and business alike! Don't worry about the paragraph, not a lot of people are taking the sentence rule seriously haha!
Ooh I quite like this one, he sounds like he would be hilarious to draw, especially if I could include a prank, I'll see what I can do when it comes to picking the entries. Thanks for playing
Hey there, sorry it took me so long to respond, nothing personal, things have been pretty busy for me lately. It doesn't matter if you're new or not, makes no difference to me Not a lot of people are following the one sentence rule, and to be honest that's my fault for not explaining it properly. It was more so supposed to be; write a short description, and then when I had enough sentences, a character would be born from the weird collabs. But nevermind, they've all been really interesting reads, and yours is no exception. I'm still picking the entries I want to work with, but I figured I would respond to as many people as possible so they didn't think this was a deserted thread. Thanks so much for being a part of it though
Hey everyone, thanks so much for playing this game, I hope you've all enjoyed participating in this thread! I'd like to apologise in advance for this lengthy post. However, it's in everyone's best interests to read it, because the game is now over and I have an announcement. OK.... So as you'll all know it's taken me a while to respond to this game, and for that I'm really sorry, I've had a bit of a busy time. Today I was planning to respond to people so it was clear that I hadn't ditched this thread. However, I've stopped responding half way through because there are so many more entries than I expected, and I've noticed a bit of a pattern that I'd like to comment on. OK, so basically the point of the 'one sentence rule' was that you each write one short description of some random character, and then when there were enough sentences, I would pick the best ones and create a new character with the collaboration of random descriptions. However, obviously a lot of the entries have been filled with detailed characters, with not only descriptions, but feelings, and back stories. WHICH IS REALLY AMAZING! I love this sort of thing; people getting excited over characters, wanting to see them come to life. It's really cool, and I've loved going through them. The bad news is, I can't really follow through with the game like this. But you've all taken the time to play, and I don't want to leave you all empty handed. So how bout this... WE'LL STOP THE GAME HERE, and I will pick two or three entries. And instead of mushing these really detailed descriptions together, (because at this point I don't think that's what any of you would like to see). I will just draw each character that I pick, the way the original writer intended them to look. Which means there will soon be two or three characters uploaded onto this thread, instead of just one. So let me summarise incase that was a bit confusing. The original plan was for me to create one randomly generated character from different people's short entries. But instead, I'm going to pick two or three people who entered their personal character, and I will draw them as originally described without anyone else's input. I really hope this makes sense! If you are confused feel free to message me. And keep a look out, because the next post I make will be announcing the winners!
Sorry for the wait everyone! I have finally chosen this threads winners. As previously stated; I have picked three people who played, and will be drawing the characters that they described as accurately as possible without adding anyone else's input. Sorry that the rules changed half way through but the original intent didn't seem to be working with you guys Anyway. THE WINNERS ARE: Georgie S. with their character Delphi Campbell Privateer with their character, the former British Army officer and Dark Infinity with their character Johanna the Sun Elf The winners will be notified just in case they don't see this message. I hope you all enjoyed this thread, keep a look out for the next one and get your characters ready!
Sorry for the wait everyone! I have finally chosen this threads winners. As previously stated; I have picked three people who played, and will be drawing the characters that they described as accurately as possible without adding anyone else's input. Sorry that the rules changed half way through but the original intent didn't seem to be working with you guys Anyway. THE WINNERS ARE: Georgie S. with their character Delphi Campbell Privateer with their character, the former British Army officer and Dark Infinity with their character Johanna the Sun Elf The winners will be notified just in case they don't see this message. I hope you all enjoyed this thread, keep a look out for the next one and get your characters ready!