I already have a world created and the types of characters (witches, vampires, psychics, and "superhumans") but I can't think of a plot. Any tips on where to find one or any (vague, so I can make it my own) ideas? Thanks for your help! ~Joanne
Part of writing is coming up with your own plot, so we can't really help you there. My only advice is to look at some books in the genre you want to write it. Maybe that will spark your imagination.
Yeah... I dunno, I had one when I started developing everything but I lost it. lol Should've written it down... I'm just afraid that if I look at books in the genre, I'll end up taking too much from that story/plot... =/
I wouldn't worry too much about taking too much from another book. Like I mentioned in another thread, due to the large number of books, there is always going to be a book that is similar to yours. Also, there are many other ways to get ideas. There are many threads about this in the General Writing section. The idea of looking at other books was just one suggestion. I've gotten many ideas while lying in bed at night. I even got an idea once while taking a shower.
There are many ways to invent plots. Some How-To Tips: 1. Among all the characters you have created which do you love the most? 2. For this character, what is the worst thing that could happen to him or her?
The plot should come before the world, in my opinion. Yes, they are intertwined, but hear me out. Ask yourself what you want to communicate to the reader. What do you want them to feel after reading this book? What have you taken away from other books? Pick the books that most inspired you and let them inspire your plot.
Honestly, I usually come up with my plots way before I have my characters and anything else written out. Sometimes I'll go on for days without the characters, simply working on the plot and using "He" or "She" to fill in the character's name. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself though, this may help: - Did anything out of the ordinary happen to the characters lately? - Why does a particular character do something, and do the rest of the Village/City/whatever agree? - Is there a danger, does someone have to save the rest of the World? That's just a few questions in my head, I could list a dozen more. Also, you could try and read titles of Fantasy books and then maybe come up with a plot using that title. You probably won't be close to the actual story of that said book, and even if you are, you will make it your own one way or another.
Someone (Vonnegut, I think) said that the best way to start a story is to make one of your characters want something. Best advice on the matter I've ever heard, for sure.
As was indicated, you'd really have to come up with your own plot or storyline, especially since you're the one knowledgeable about the world you've created. Some general thoughts that might help: A crisis or event that motivates action by indivdiuals or a group. It could be natural (an earthquake or volcation or flood or plague, etc.) or man/creature created (an invasion, a death leaving a power vacuum, an assassination, a runaway, being exiled, a prophesy--cliche but still valid, apprenticeship, sold into slavery or indentured service, traveling to find/start a new life, etc.) It has to be a story you're interested in. And for my two cents, it's the story that counts, not the created world. That is the backdrop and the coloring and adds texture to what you're writing. The story (a house) has to be something the buyer is intersted in. All of the fancy paint and furnature (the backdrop) won't sell the house. It may get the house a look but won't be enough to get a buyer to follow through. Not a perfect analogy, but remember if you eventually go the more 'traditional route' with your novel/story in trying to get it published, the first 'buyers' will be agents/editors, who won't be fooled by the fancy carpet. They'll note that the floor sags in places and some of the doors don't open. Good luck. Terry
You want a plot? Here is probably the most used fantasy plot: Young man lives in village. The village is attacked and someone or something taken. Young man must go on a journey and confront the enemy. Along the way he faces his fears and learns something about himself. But way not come up with something better?
What might be a good idea, is to imagine yourself being there. What would you do, were would you go, what things might happen? I do this myself a lot, and it helps.
So you've got types of characters. Do you have any individual characters? If you know the world very well, once you have an individual character, you can begin to piece together what kind of conflict might make sense for that character within that world. Take it slowly. These things do occur organically if you don't pressure yourself. Play with different ideas. Have fun with them.
All of these ideas are great to start with. If you are still having trouble just start writing without any direction. I find that to help me more than anything, just get something down on paper. Good luck.
I think sometimes designing your world helps. One day, I just got up and made a big fantasy map and added lakes, rivers, mountains, towns, etc. Tons of ideas then popped into my head as I looked at the map. The problem I have had with this approach is information overload. My novel has so much history in it that it takes too many pages. On the bright side, I can probably use a lot of excess for the sequel. That is of course if I can ever get published.
Start thinking about how these people would interact, what problems they might face and how they would handle them. What are the dynamics between all these different races and why? Is there a story to why, for instance, vampires might have a deep reverence for witches but a profound hatred of superhumans? Play around with ideas and see what you come up with.
In my sig is a link that teaches a really cool way to develop plots. You think of a theme, then start from there. You think of a desire, then start from there. here is one way to come up with a plot. Start with something, anything. It can be mundane. Say your character gets into a taxi. What's the worst thing that could happen? Taxi gets a flat. Damn, now your character is running late. What's the next worst thing that can happen? Cabby doesn't have a friggin' spare tire. What the hell. She will just flag another Taxi down. What is the worst thing that could happen? Before she gets a new taxi, a stranger comes up and shoots the cabby in the face. It turns out that flat tire was not an axident. The killer hands the gun to her. In shock, she just grabs the gun. Now her finger prints are on it. Or this is a fantasy, so the person uses magic or something to kill the person, then he flees. But the people around her, thinks she did it. Does she run or try to explain to the authorities she is innocent. What is the worst thing that can happen if she chooses to stay? What about if she chooses to flee? Keep going like that until you think of a plot and then a theme. Try starting with a different task. Brushing your hair. What is the worst thing that can happen? Brush is magical and makes your hair fall out? You smell a fire, and when you go to grab the doorknob it's too hot. You're trapped in the bathroom. After he escapes he has to figure out why his house burnt down. Clues lead him to believe so and so might have done it. If his hair falls out, he needs to figure out who did it and why.