Greetings! As of now, I am moving on to my next challenge: Writing an eerie but fun murder mystery (in highschool) I'm currently in the process of forming the motives and the suspects, one of them is a hacker who was caught by the police with the help of a snitch -- the victim a year prior to the murder. The suspect (let's just call her "Mary") hacked into the school system and changed some students grades for a fee. This question is important for the motive... What are the criminal charges for doing such a thing, exactly? And can Mary really go back to the same school she hacked into after paying for her crime? (i honestly don't know) And just how much can a criminal record ruin a student's life? -- a motive strong enough to commit murder (to kill the snitch).
Since we're talking under 18, likely time in juvenile detention, I don't think it would be a particularly sorts sentence either, given they she's facilitating cheating that could allow people into places they don't deserve. She'd likely be expelled as well, because it's cheaper to the school than doing up a new computer system to keep her out of permanent records.
Good question. I'd imagime there's a wide spectrum of cyber crimes related to hacking, from misdemeanors to felonies punishable by fines and/or jailtime. I'm no lawyer, but I would think the punishment would depend more on the crimes perpetuated by hacking rather than the act of hacking itself. Changing grades, for example, would not seem to warrant jail time, unlike, oh, accessing a nuclear weapons database for example. I could be totally wrong, but jail time in even a juvenile facility would seem excessive. But expulsion for cheating would probably be expected.