1. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"

    Dark Skies Discussion

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Love to Write, Feb 8, 2016.

    Hello Fellow Rp'ers! Here is where you will post Approved characters sheets and any questions or comments you may have. It's been a while since I led a game but I have high hopes that you will enjoy this RP, specifically the Role Playing part. Have fun!


    Name: Favara of Clan Two Moons
    Age: 18 Cycles
    Gender: Female
    Species: Gillick
    Appearance: Favara is a White Gillick with glassy gray eyes. Her spines have been shaved down to less than an inch. Gold tattoos decorate her jutted chin and crest.
    Position at the Council Meeting: Favara is a Pun, and advisor to Grix, leader of the Two Moons Clan.
    Brief History: As a Pun Favara has been raised up in the Temple to be a spokesperson for one of the gods. The god was determined by her abilities and the clan she was born into. At the age of 10 it was decided by her elders that she spoke for Meness, goddess of the moons. After her final trial she became part of the Two Moons advisory court to Grix and has been in his service ever since.
    Brief Personality Description: Favara is quiet and reserved. She does her duties efficiently and speaks for the Goddess only when she feels she has had a true vision. She has no desire to use her status for personal gain but only wishes the best for her people.
    Special Technology: Favara carries a staff which channels ancient Gillick magic (or god-power as they call it) used only by the Pun.

    Name: Scorpion (real name unknown by public)
    Age: 45
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Appearance: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/167477679869935300/
    Why you are at the Council Meeting: AATF Honor Guard to Human Representative
    Brief History: Scorpion has been an Anti-Alien Task Force soldier since he was 17 and has many medals to show for it. His service record is impressive and reads like a fiction novel leaving many wondering what he is hiding. Despite his obvious secrets, Scorpion has made it to the rank of Colonel. If all goes well at this council meeting, he'll make the rank of Brigadier General.
    Brief Personality Description: Scorpion is a seasoned warrior and takes crap from no one. His men respect him and he has a strong motto about leaving no man behind. While strong and proud he also likes to have fun knowing that any leader who is too serious will quickly burn out his squad.
    Special Technology: Energy Gun, Emergency Shield, Grappling Hook

    Name: Tora
    Age: 27
    Gender: Female
    Species: Bastotian
    Appearance: Tora looks like a regular bastotian with 4 hind legs and two front legs/arms. She has sleek brown fur with a white patch between her ears.
    Why you are at the Council Meeting: Unlike most of her Bastotian brethren, Tora is cook and not a scientist. She was hired on as a specialist head-cook for the Council Meeting. She has a unique knowledge of all species dietary needs and allergies.
    Brief History: Like all Bastotians Tora was raised up to be some sort of medical scientist to help search for a cure for their species. Unable to pass exams however, Tora searched for another avenue in which she excell. She found cooking was that avenue. In a few short years she’d mastered cooking for Bastotians. At 18 she began to travel over the Galaxy studying under master chefs of all races. Now at 27 she has been elected by the representatives to oversee the entire cooking staff on the station to ensure no one dies from food poisoning.
    Brief Personality Description: Tora is somewhat bookish, enjoying her space and quiet time during which she loves learning about new recipes, ingredients and dietary needs for other species. She has a kind heart but isn’t afraid of conflict, unlike many Bastotians. She is resigned to her fate, to die in only a few short years but also unlike most of her brethren she’s learned to have fun and not take life too seriously. “Life truly is too short to worry about the small things.”
    Special Technology: Throwing knives, smoke bombs, a utility belt with various tools for cooking, cleaning, etc.

    Name: Captain Raz Lin

    Age: 35

    Gender: Male

    Species: Aquizikan

    Appearance: His skin is the grey colour of the bark of a hornbeam tree. He is covered in scars, most noticeably the one starting just below his upper right eye and stopping just above his lower left. He is rather tall, even for an Aquizikan, being almost 10 feet. He is dressed in a rather simple black outfit, but made impressive by the 10 foot cape hanging over his shoulders. He has an intimidating presence, but without looking mean. If he wants you to fear him, you will.

    Position at the Council Meeting: Bodyguard to the Aquizikan people.

    Brief History: Raz Lin was born to loving parents who died when he was young. He was gifted with a superior intellect, which made him stand out, though not in a particularly good way. It didn’t take him long to realise that, although the Egrinots have been good to his people, they reap the benefits as well. Not to mention that they were the cause of their misery in the first place. He left and turned outlaw at age 15.

    He survived as a lone wolf for a long time, but turned out to have a knack for leadership. He soon found a small group of very talented individuals who also happened to be generally good people and prepared to follow him. They became the basis for his crew. On one of their first missions together they found an ancient Human Battlecruiser that they managed to patch up and restore to some of its former glory. Although his crew lacks in numbers (being counted in dozens, instead of hundreds), the raw firepower of the Quad’s Hope and the loyalty of each member more than makes up for the difference.

    The mere mention of the name “Captain Lin” is enough to strike fear in the hearts of those who have it coming, and hope in those whose times are bare. He is known to look out for the weak and prey on the strong, pissing off most of the governments he’s come across and ranking high on the Guardian Core’s hit list. He’s the bully that’ll protect you from the other bullies.

    Brief Personality Description: Captain Lin is a space pirate and a strong leader with has a very strong sense of justice. Although he decided to live away from his people, he does care about their fate. All round he is a good man, prepared to do what must be done. He does not talk much, but makes sure that his intentions are always clear.

    Special Technology:
    The most remarkable tool at his disposal is a small device worked into the fabric of his clothes that projects a forcefield perfectly enveloping its user. It is specifically designed to counter kinetic energy, so although it will be completely ineffective against most laser or plasma weapons it will stop any projectile dead cold, make most people regret punching him and allow him to survive any fall short of a drop from orbit. The kinetic energy it blocks is also what powers the device, so it doesn’t require a big power source. Lin can activate the device by contracting specific muscles in his chest around it.

    In case of a fight, he usually prefers unarmed combat. Because of his species’ strength most blows will fulfil their purpose without the supplement of a weapon that’ll only slow him down more. He does carry a laser rifle in his belt that is light enough for him that he hardly notices its weight, but for human standards quite powerful.

    The only other technology he has on him is his communicator to get in contact with his crew.

    Name: Liberty Clair (Over the years she's had many nicknames, from Libby to Berty to Clair The Blare. Typically she goes by anything you choose to call her, unless it's offensive--then you're in trouble.)

    Age: 34

    Gender: Female

    Species: Human

    Appearance: Liberty's dark brown hair is styled in a half shaved long pixie cut. Her green eyes sparkle beneath her eye gear. She wears the clothing of a pilot; a uniform suit, sleek brown leather jacket, fingerless gloves, and long boots. Colorful tattoos wind around both of her slender arms in an array of whimsical swirls and patterns, if you're lucky enough to see them. (Similar to her appearance:https://www.pinterest.com/pin/541698661407603228/)

    Position at the Council Meeting: Pilot for the Anti-Alien Task Force.

    Brief History: Liberty was destined to be a pilot, even if her protective mother denied it. Their relationship was strained since her father died in a ship explosion fighting for the AATF when she 13. She had admired her father greatly and wished to be just like him someday.

    But in her mother's eyes, women did not become pilots. Instead she would get married and live a quiet life, not have the same cruel fate as her father. With a burning desire to prove her wrong, Liberty secretly researched all skills required to become a pilot, studying the anatomy of ships and beyond. When she was old enough to join the AATF training, she went without her mother's knowledge and left behind a bitter message that perhaps someday she would return.

    For years, Liberty went through the strenuous exercises to become one of the best female pilots in the force.

    Brief Personality Description: Her name suits her well, for Liberty is a determined free-spirit. She holds herself with a certain confidence that some may call arrogance, but she loves what she does and knows how to do it well. She respects those who respect her, and hates those who hate her. She tends to go through "moods" and rages if things don't go her way...but still keeps a professionalism when among most in the force.

    Special Technology: Her eye gear technology gives her access to maps and coordinates, can magnify the area around her, give night vision, detect life forms, and can read human/alien species, revealing heart rate and vitals. Along with this, it can be used for better target range, aiding in fighting when need be. Each of these show as holographic information only she can see. An energy gun is holstered around her waist and she carries a small pocketknife that she has the habit of playing with and tossing around.

    Name: Inspector General Alfred Reed

    Age: 53

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human


    Position at the Council Meeting: Overseeing AATF security forces.

    Brief History: Alfred joined the military at a young age, carrying on as a soldier and eventually going to officer school. It was there that he excelled, showing a tactical brilliance and passing at the top of his class. He was a Vice Admiral in the Navy for 22 years before becoming an Inspector General.

    Brief Personality Description: Alfred is a calm and collected man, and appears to be almost unfazable, retaining an air of confidence in nearly any situation. He is a human supremacist and looks down on the other species that inhabit the galaxy, he even holds a personal grudge against the Egrinots.

    Special Technology: Alfred carries an powerful revolver with him, to call it a hand cannon would be an understatement as it's capable of piercing almost any sort of infantry armor. He also carries a sabre but it's more for show, a throwback to old times.

    His other piece of equipment is a DBG-09 "Palisade" Personal Shield System. The small, discrete shield generator projects an invisible field of energy capable of stopping most small arms fire but will need to recharge itself after a few hits. it can be overcharged and projected directionally to stop anything short of anti-armor weaponry. It is capable of stopping laser-based energy weapon without drain but plasma-based weapons will only have a reduced impact.

    Nano-Guardian IFF/Control Module: A small device used to control a Nano-Guardian, a swarm of nano-machines that fly in a formation to resemble a Guardian APU. It's composition of nano-machines make physical attacks ineffective. by projecting energy between them they can utilize weapons similar to a light plasma cannon or an arc caster, as well as a short range concussion cannon.

    Name: Abathur“Greyquill” Slazzar
    Age: 280
    Gender: Male
    Species: Gillick
    Appearance: Grey is small for a “true” Gillick, as he calls himself. Being only around six and a half foot tall, nature has made up for this by making him particularly stocky. His form is slightly hunched, and it is likely that if he stood up he’d be around regular height. As he has grown older, his quills, and to a certain extent, his fur, has become more of a greyish hue, something that he thinks makes him look distinguished. His quills have been carved into a jagged design, apart from on the shoulders when have been removed entirely. Covering his crest is a bone helmet, carved from the great creature that attacked his world.

    Position at the Council Meeting: Serving as a “cultural assistant” for the humans.

    Brief History: Born to a minor clan of a name he no longer remembers, Abathur always held a certain wit about him that set him apart from his peers. Yet that didn’t matter when The Blessed People, another minor clan, destroyed his family and forced what was left into slavery. A particularly religious group, his masters were led by a set of Puns, their rule maintain by larger enforcers who rarely questioned them.

    His captors would hold great gladiatorial games, ritualistic feast and brutal sacrifices, the former of which being where Abathur ended up for some time. Fortunately for him, in his thirtieth year, their was a large uprising that in which one of the enforcers took hold of the clan, and many slaves managed to escape.

    After several months of surviving on his own in the wilder parts of the world, Abathur began to hear strange voices coming from above. The pun lie! You are the true herald. It is rather hard to determine how many years he spent alone with the voices, however, he took up a ritualistic act he called “The True Hunt”. A strange procedure that involved killing a Pun and giving the meat to the animals of the world, while unsuccessful at first, he became proficient after many years.

    After a while, he was picked up by a wealthy human that had come to his world for to hunt, and found the Gillick “charmingly quaint”. For some time Abathur served as a mixture of bodyguard, pet and companion, slowly developing an understanding for life off of his world and receiving his equipment that he still uses today.

    When his employer died, he became bountyhunter of minor fame, before returning to his home planet and forming his own mercenary clan, The Jagged Scars, more or less a cover for him to spread “The True Hunt”. Eventually it fell apart due to Abathur’s poor leadership skills and lack of motivation to do so, and he returned to his formed profession, however, he left several followers and heirs behind to continue his ritual. Most of these have been killed since he left however, slain by the majority.

    Brief Personality Description: While Abathur does hold the same “might makes right” belief of his people, his time away from them has tempered it slightly, and he has often pondered the philosophy of it and found himself agreeing. However, he understands there is more than just physical strength, granting great value to cunning and technological expertise and individualism. Due to this, he can be slightly egotistical, seeing himself as more intelligent than the others of his kind, and physically stronger than the other species.

    He, while not particularly charming, is rather eloquent in his dialect, having spoken often with humans, and creating a presentable persona for himself as a bounty hunter. He gave little value to the money he gave, instead enjoying the hunt, particularly that of slavers.

    He has a great hatred of Puns, both due to his history and the voices inside his head. Otherwise, he considers his kind the chosen people, they just needed to be unshackled from the deceivers.

    Special Technology: Abathur’s main weapon is an Arc Trident he calls Nhana. A six foot long three pronged device, between each of the blades, an electrical field of variable strength is generated. With this he can either stun, incapacitate, or outright kill his target. However, it is an antique and holds great sentimental value, and keeping it from him will drive him to a berserker rage.
    On his left wrist is a deployable shield. When stowed, it appears as an armoured bracer with an archaic design on it. In its active form a transparent circular field is formed. With a four foot diameter and being damn near impenetrable, he is able to survive nearly anything from the front, so long as has time to activate it, and it has enough energy. It is generally charged by movement and things that impact it, helping to sustain it. However, the centre of the shield is weak to corrosive substances such as acid.
    On his right shoulder is a Net Launcher and winch. Highly inefficient at short ranges due to the net’s barbed mesh needing time to spread, it is purely used capture targets and drag them to him. Alternatively, the jagged mesh can latch onto objects and aid in climbing

    Name: Henry Turnabolt

    Age: 37

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Appearance: Brown hair neatly combed, faded green eyes, slightly unshaven and a little over average height. His clothing varies but he is currently sporting a dark navy blue work man's jump suit and and a matching blue trucker's cap.

    Position at the Council Meeting: - Janitorial duties.

    Brief History: Henry is a disgraced Jumper and infamous various parts of the galaxy for his involvement in the Omega Pass incident five years prior. An event which resulted not only in the deaths of not only his squad but several alien species as well (mostly Bastotians and A-quads). His actions during that day were considered both horrific and cowardly but he strangely was not sent to prison. He was demoted and exile to working hard labor jobs for the military.

    Henry is mostly disliked by the public and his fellow soldiers be it AAT and most of all Jumpers but has received some support for racist groups for his known brutality against aliens and his impressive skill in combat when he was on the field.

    Brief Personality Description: Nobody really knows what the man in person is like.

    Special Technology: Standard issue military laser pistol and a computer controlled mops he operates via remote control. He surprisingly doesn't have any body alterations but his serving record would imply otherwise. But what he didn't have tech he made up for in simply being ruthless.

    Some of these rumors include shooting foes in the back when an advantage presented itself, making sure to shoot or cut out the eyes of any A-Quads he ever faced in combat, scalping at least one live Gillick and of course leaving his team to die to save himself at Omega Pass.

    Name: N’Rhyssa Vitalia de Honavar
    (translates as Vitalia of Clan/House Rhyssa of the province of Honavar)

    Age: 65 Cycles (just over 300 Earth years)
    Gender: female
    Species: Inari

    Appearance: Vitalia stands about six feet tall, with a slender, willowy build. She is very thin, but with broad hips, long legs, and sinewy muscle. Her silky fur is snow white, with a pale silver stripe down her snout, ending in a pink nose. The tips of her nine bushy tails and pointed fox-ears are also dipped in silver. Her big blue eyes give her a startled ‘deer-in-the-headlights’ look. She ties her nine tails into bundles of three, using blue ribbon, and wears a silver choker, which serves as a voice synthesizer; her mouth does not move when she ‘speaks.’

    Her clothing is the standard attire of Inari dignitaries: a plain, form-fitting, knee-length white dress with an offset pale blue stripe down the left side, an official badge on the right breast, and a white waistcoat with a high collar. Beneath it is a silvery gray underlay with a carbon-fiber-esque pattern. (The underlay is actually a thermal lining, to resist laser burns, sort of like Kevlar for energy weapons. It also provides some minor protection against knife attacks.)

    Position at the Council Meeting: Inari Representative

    Brief History: Vitalia has lived a long and varied life. She was born on the Inari colony of Honavar. The Inari are a very isolationist culture; very few of them leave their homeworld and even fewer choose to settle. Most of their colonies are populated by worker robots. Offworlders are typically frowned upon, but Vitalia had the great fortune of being born with nine tails, which is considered a sign of great things to come. Her birth cast a positive light on House Rhyssa and opened many doors for them.

    When she came of age, she returned to Khaliya, the Inari homeworld, but has always supported increased travel and feels the Inari should venture out more. She chose to study space travel and spent nearly the first century of her life working on improving astronavigation software, thruster efficiency, and space-folding technology. She remained fearful of other races, but feels the Inari must overcome this fear if they are to progress.

    The biggest turn in her life was when her ship was attacked by Gillick pirates on a test run. The crew and passengers were killed. Vitalia was shot three times and presumed dead, but stabilized her wounds and forced herself into a hibernative state, spending nearly a month adrift in the dead ship until she was found by a patrol of what would later become the Guardian Corps. This was just over a hundred years ago.

    She was ransomed back to the Inari and changed her field of study to quantum mechanics. Despite her near-death experience, she still believed in space travel, but wanted to take the ‘travel’ out of it. Vitalia became the head of research and development on what she calls ‘gate technology,’ a form of dimensional tunneling, permitting instantaneous travel between two points. An archaic form of this had been protecting Khaliya for millennia.

    When talk of assembling an inter-species council began to spring up, the Inari people voted in overwhelming favor of sending a representative. The president was the obvious choice, but fear got the better of them; less than ten percent of the population felt it would be wise to send their supreme leader, in case of assassination. Other names were floated and the polls fluctuated for weeks. Vitalia was quite shocked when her name drifted to the top, through no effort of her own.

    Brief Personality Description: Shy. Timid. Soft-spoken. She is not at all like a world leader, but the hopes of her people rest squarely upon her narrow shoulders. Vitalia seems every bit like someone who is in over her head. Fortunately, she’s not here to negotiate contracts or brush shoulders with the elite; she is a scientist, here to pitch a world-changing idea. The Inari have sent her to pay reparations for their inaction during the human conquest over three thousand years ago, an event they refer to as “The Century of Shame.”

    Special Technology: She is accompanied by an OmniSphere personal assistant droid, a hovering metal orb about the size of a baseball. OmniSpheres are one of the most common appliances on the Inari homeworld. Vitalia’s has been specially modified by the Inari Defense Department to serve as her bodyguard and personal helper. It is equipped with a communicator, cutting laser, hard-light holo projector, Taser, small-caliber railgun (fires tiny shards of metal at absurdly high velocities), and micro-fabrication suite (allowing it to break down and reconstitute materials, like a tiny 3D printer). It possesses AI, but is only about as smart as a well-trained dog; a neural interface in her vocal collar tells it what to do.

    Name: Scar or Scarlet

    Previous names: The Scarlet Tyrant, The Scarlet Baron, Scarlet Abomination... (Experiment CXIII)

    Age: 38 (Yet looks as though he's in his early twenties.)

    Species: (Majority) Human (Technically he's a Genetically Altered being or Experiment)

    Appearance: Onlookers would see an abnormally/very tall human. (Stands 7' 5" in height, weighs about 340 lbs) Giving him his name, Scarlet possesses fiery red hair and brow color. Body-build is athletic/fit so isn't a body builder, however is not lean/scrawny. Finally his eyes are rather unique, besides his blue iris, the whole eye color is black/same color as the pupil.

    Brief Personality Description: Showing a strong distaste for authority or anyone trying to stand in his way, some could say Scar is Arrogant and stubborn. (Not to mention hot-headed at times) However, deep down he's just a man trying to cope with his upbringing and never really having anyone to teach him the "right way" to do so. Scar would never admit, his resolve stems deeply within knowing his origin or his creators. Either that, or simply finding somewhere he can "belong".

    Special Technology:
    • Metholic (Calls it Metho for short): A sword (which he found as a pirate during a raid) composed of a very durable substance (could be a metal?) also is sharp enough to cut through many types of metal/materials. (countless stories exist of him using this sword to cut through ship walls/doors that don't possess things such as energy defenses or shields.
    • Amyna: A pendent which grants an energy shield/bubble when activated (by a button. Yet the pendant is close enough he can activate said button with his chin/by tilting his head down enough)
    • Skia: A pair of goggles which are able to adjust the amount of light they allow in. Along with adjust distance to be seen. (Basically sun-glasses and binoculars all in one, but each feature can be manually updated/adjusted for any light resistance/sight distance. To an extent)

    Name: Taldrum Ru’khrup

    Age: 25 years old

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Appearance: Mid tall, brown hair, childlike features. Likes to wear black and earrings

    Position at the Council Meeting: Maintenance and part time jobs likes to slack off

    Brief History: Taldrum don’t has an origin per se. One could say that he is nationless. He used to be part of a group of pirates, an organized group of thieves often looking to collect a bit from the chaos generated since the appearance of the “unknown creatures”, yet still they were low class criminals. It was in one attempt to robbery at the colony’s arcs that he got separated from the group and would find that his “companions” run out as soon as the Guardian Corps showed up, thus leaving him alone. Now he makes his best to sustain himself with little jobs, people unaware of his origin. The most notorious trait of Taldrum is “Aramaki”

    Brief Personality Description: Fitting his appearance, Taldrum is a childish individual, though smart and cunning. He is the kind to always have an optimistic view of things. Is not strange to find Taldrum having fun alone, talking not to himself but to Aramaki, an invisible, untouchable and unhearable being by anyone but Taldrum; due to this, people thinks he is a bit nuts.

    Special Technology: Still thinking...
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016
    obi-sem kenobi and JessWrite like this.
  2. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    Love to Write likes this.
  3. obi-sem kenobi

    obi-sem kenobi Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    The Netherlands
    Yay! Looking forward to playing this!

    Name: Captain Raz Lin

    Age: 35

    Gender: Male

    Species: Aquizikan

    Appearance: His skin is the grey colour of the bark of a hornbeam tree. He is covered in scars, most noticeably the one starting just below his upper right eye and stopping just above his lower left. He is rather tall, even for an Aquizikan, being almost 10 feet. He is dressed in a rather simple black outfit, but made impressive by the 10 foot cape hanging over his shoulders. He has an intimidating presence, but without looking mean. If he wants you to fear him, you will.

    Position at the Council Meeting: Bodyguard to the Aquizikan people.

    Brief History: Raz Lin was born to loving parents who died when he was young. He was gifted with a superior intellect, which made him stand out, though not in a particularly good way. It didn’t take him long to realise that, although the Egrinots have been good to his people, they reap the benefits as well. Not to mention that they were the cause of their misery in the first place. He left and turned outlaw at age 15.

    He survived as a lone wolf for a long time, but turned out to have a knack for leadership. He soon found a small group of very talented individuals who also happened to be generally good people and prepared to follow him. They became the basis for his crew. On one of their first missions together they found an ancient Human Battlecruiser that they managed to patch up and restore to some of its former glory. Although his crew lacks in numbers (being counted in dozens, instead of hundreds), the raw firepower of the Quad’s Hope and the loyalty of each member more than makes up for the difference.

    The mere mention of the name “Captain Lin” is enough to strike fear in the hearts of those who have it coming, and hope in those whose times are bare. He is known to look out for the weak and prey on the strong, pissing off most of the governments he’s come across and ranking high on the Guardian Core’s hit list. He’s the bully that’ll protect you from the other bullies.

    Brief Personality Description: Captain Lin is a space pirate and a strong leader with has a very strong sense of justice. Although he decided to live away from his people, he does care about their fate. All round he is a good man, prepared to do what must be done. He does not talk much, but makes sure that his intentions are always clear.

    Special Technology:
    The most remarkable tool at his disposal is a small device worked into the fabric of his clothes that projects a forcefield perfectly enveloping its user. It is specifically designed to counter kinetic energy, so although it will be completely ineffective against most laser or plasma weapons it will stop any projectile dead cold, make most people regret punching him and allow him to survive any fall short of a drop from orbit. The kinetic energy it blocks is also what powers the device, so it doesn’t require a big power source. Lin can activate the device by contracting specific muscles in his chest around it.

    In case of a fight, he usually prefers unarmed combat. Because of his species’ strength most blows will fulfil their purpose without the supplement of a weapon that’ll only slow him down more. He does carry a laser rifle in his belt that is light enough for him that he hardly notices its weight, but for human standards quite powerful.

    The only other technology he has on him is his communicator to get in contact with his crew.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
    JessWrite and Love to Write like this.
  4. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    So excited to join in! :D

    Liberty Clair (Over the years she's had many nicknames, from Libby to Berty to Clair The Blare. Typically she goes by anything you choose to call her, unless it's offensive--then you're in trouble.)

    Age: 34

    Gender: Female

    Species: Human

    Appearance: Liberty's dark brown hair is styled in a half shaved long pixie cut. Her green eyes sparkle beneath her eye gear. She wears the clothing of a pilot; a uniform suit, sleek brown leather jacket, fingerless gloves, and long boots. Colorful tattoos wind around both of her slender arms in an array of whimsical swirls and patterns, if you're lucky enough to see them. (Similar to her appearance: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/541698661407603228/)

    Position at the Council Meeting: Pilot for the Anti-Alien Task Force.

    Brief History: Liberty was destined to be a pilot, even if her protective mother denied it. Their relationship was strained since her father died in a ship explosion fighting for the AATF when she 13. She had admired her father greatly and wished to be just like him someday.

    But in her mother's eyes, women did not become pilots. Instead she would get married and live a quiet life, not have the same cruel fate as her father. With a burning desire to prove her wrong, Liberty secretly researched all skills required to become a pilot, studying the anatomy of ships and beyond. When she was old enough to join the AATF training, she went without her mother's knowledge and left behind a bitter message that perhaps someday she would return.

    For years, Liberty went through the strenuous exercises to become one of the best female pilots in the force.

    Brief Personality Description: Her name suits her well, for Liberty is a determined free-spirit. She holds herself with a certain confidence that some may call arrogance, but she loves what she does and knows how to do it well. She respects those who respect her, and hates those who hate her. She tends to go through "moods" and rages if things don't go her way...but still keeps a professionalism when among most in the force.

    Special Technology: Her eye gear technology gives her access to maps and coordinates, can magnify the area around her, give night vision, detect life forms, and can read human/alien species, revealing heart rate and vitals. Along with this, it can be used for better target range, aiding in fighting when need be. Each of these show as holographic information only she can see. An energy gun is holstered around her waist and she carries a small pocketknife that she has the habit of playing with and tossing around.
    Love to Write and obi-sem kenobi like this.
  5. Arvak

    Arvak Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Name: Inspector General Alfred Reed

    Age: 53

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human


    Position at the Council Meeting: Overseeing AATF security forces.

    Brief History: Alfred joined the military at a young age, carrying on as a soldier and eventually going to officer school. It was there that he excelled, showing a tactical brilliance and passing at the top of his class. He was a Vice Admiral in the Navy for 22 years before becoming an Inspector General.

    Brief Personality Description: Alfred is a calm and collected man, and appears to be almost unfazable, retaining an air of confidence in nearly any situation. He is a human supremacist and looks down on the other species that inhabit the galaxy, he even holds a personal grudge against the Egrinots.

    Special Technology: Alfred carries a powerful revolver with him, to call it a hand cannon would be an understatement as it's capable of piercing almost any sort of infantry armor. He also carries a sabre but it's more for show, a throwback to old times.

    His other piece of equipment is a DBG-09 "Palisade" Personal Shield System. The small, discrete shield generator projects an invisible field of energy capable of stopping most small arms fire but will need to recharge itself after a few hits. it can be overcharged and projected directionally to stop anything short of anti-armor weaponry. It is capable of stopping laser-based energy weapon without drain but plasma-based weapons will only have a reduced impact.

    Nano-Guardian IFF/Control Module: A small device used to control a Nano-Guardian, a swarm of nano-machines that fly in a formation to resemble a Guardian APU. It's composition of nano-machines make physical attacks ineffective. by projecting energy between them they can utilize weapons similar to a light plasma cannon or an arc caster, as well as a short range concussion cannon.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
  6. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Name: Abathur“Greyquill” Slazzar

    Age: 280

    Gender: Male

    Species: Gillick

    Appearance: Grey is small for a “true” Gillick, as he calls himself. Being only around six and a half foot tall, nature has made up for this by making him particularly stocky. His form is slightly hunched, and it is likely that if he stood up he’d be around regular height. As he has grown older, his quills, and to a certain extent, his fur, has become more of a greyish hue, something that he thinks makes him look distinguished. His quills have been carved into a jagged design, apart from on the shoulders when have been removed entirely. Covering his crest is a bone helmet, carved from the great creature that attacked his world.

    Position at the Council Meeting: Serving as a “cultural assistant” for the humans.

    Brief History: Born to a minor clan of a name he no longer remembers, Abathur always held a certain wit about him that set him apart from his peers. Yet that didn’t matter when The Blessed People, another minor clan, destroyed his family and forced what was left into slavery. A particularly religious group, his masters were led by a set of Puns, their rule maintain by larger enforcers who rarely questioned them.

    His captors would hold great gladiatorial games, ritualistic feast and brutal sacrifices, the former of which being where Abathur ended up for some time. Fortunately for him, in his thirtieth year, their was a large uprising that in which one of the enforcers took hold of the clan, and many slaves managed to escape.

    After several months of surviving on his own in the wilder parts of the world, Abathur began to hear strange voices coming from above. The pun lie! You are the true herald. It is rather hard to determine how many years he spent alone with the voices, however, he took up a ritualistic act he called “The True Hunt”. A strange procedure that involved killing a Pun and giving the meat to the animals of the world, while unsuccessful at first, he became proficient after many years.

    After a while, he was picked up by a wealthy human that had come to his world for to hunt, and found the Gillick “charmingly quaint”. For some time Abathur served as a mixture of bodyguard, pet and companion, slowly developing an understanding for life off of his world and receiving his equipment that he still uses today.

    When his employer died, he became bountyhunter of minor fame, before returning to his home planet and forming his own mercenary clan, The Jagged Scars, more or less a cover for him to spread “The True Hunt”. Eventually it fell apart due to Abathur’s poor leadership skills and lack of motivation to do so, and he returned to his formed profession, however, he left several followers and heirs behind to continue his ritual. Most of these have been killed since he left however, slain by the majority.

    Brief Personality Description: While Abathur does hold the same “might makes right” belief of his people, his time away from them has tempered it slightly, and he has often pondered the philosophy of it and found himself agreeing. However, he understands there is more than just physical strength, granting great value to cunning and technological expertise and individualism. Due to this, he can be slightly egotistical, seeing himself as more intelligent than the others of his kind, and physically stronger than the other species.

    He, while not particularly charming, is rather eloquent in his dialect, having spoken often with humans, and creating a presentable persona for himself as a bounty hunter. He gave little value to the money he gave, instead enjoying the hunt, particularly that of slavers.

    He has a great hatred of Puns, both due to his history and the voices inside his head. Otherwise, he considers his kind the chosen people, they just needed to be unshackled from the deceivers.

    Special Technology: Abathur’s main weapon is an Arc Trident he calls Nhana. A six foot long three pronged device, between each of the blades, an electrical field of variable strength is generated. With this he can either stun, incapacitate, or outright kill his target. However, it is an antique and holds great sentimental value, and keeping it from him will drive him to a berserker rage.

    On his left wrist is a deployable shield. When stowed, it appears as an armoured bracer with an archaic design on it. In its active form a transparent circular field is formed. With a four foot diameter and being damn near impenetrable, he is able to survive nearly anything from the front, so long as has time to activate it, and it has enough energy. It is generally charged by movement and things that impact it, helping to sustain it. However, the centre of the shield is weak to corrosive substances such as acid.

    On his right shoulder is a Net Launcher and winch. Highly inefficient at short ranges due to the net’s barbed mesh needing time to spread, it is purely used capture targets and drag them to him. Alternatively, the jagged mesh can latch onto objects and aid in climbing
    JessWrite and Love to Write like this.
  7. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    Waiting on a couple more people then we'll get this game going!!
    Arvak, obi-sem kenobi and JessWrite like this.
  8. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    Name: Henry Turnabolt

    Age: 37

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Appearance: Brown hair neatly combed, faded green eyes, slightly unshaven and a little over average height. His clothing varies but he is currently sporting a dark navy blue work man's jump suit and and a matching blue trucker's cap.

    Position at the Council Meeting: - Janitorial duties.

    Brief History: Henry is a disgraced Jumper and infamous various parts of the galaxy for his involvement in the Omega Pass incident five years prior. An event which resulted not only in the deaths of not only his squad but several alien species as well (mostly Bastotians and A-quads). His actions during that day were considered both horrific and cowardly but he strangely was not sent to prison. He was demoted and exile to working hard labor jobs for the military.

    Henry is mostly disliked by the public and his fellow soldiers be it AAT and most of all Jumpers but has received some support for racist groups for his known brutality against aliens and his impressive skill in combat when he was on the field.

    Brief Personality Description: Nobody really knows what the man in person is like.

    Special Technology: Standard issue military laser pistol and a computer controlled mops he operates via remote control. He surprisingly doesn't have any body alterations but his serving record would imply otherwise. But what he didn't have tech he made up for in simply being ruthless.

    Some of these rumors include shooting foes in the back when an advantage presented itself, making sure to shoot or cut out the eyes of any A-Quads he ever faced in combat, scalping at least one live Gillick and of course leaving his team to die to save himself at Omega Pass.
  9. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Senior Member

    May 24, 2013
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    Any info on the two Earth colonies? I wanted to make a human colonist that just wants to live his own life away from the conflicts of Earth and other planets but gets caught up in the drama anyway.
  10. Fan7asticMrFox

    Fan7asticMrFox Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Hampshire, UK
    Hi all, I'm planning to join this game and can't wait to start. Just deciding between which two characters to write :)
    Love to Write likes this.
  11. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    Colonists aren't available for play, I just listed them as a description of the parts of UNSP. Sorry, Apprentice. There are plenty of other types of characters to choose from. For example, I don't think we have a personal servant/slave to any of the races yet.
  12. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    Let me know if you need help deciding Fox.
  13. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    If you want App

    I could make a new character instead of Henry and be your slave master?



    *Cracks a whip*

    I won't bite.
  14. AnonyMouse

    AnonyMouse Contributor Contributor

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Atlanta, GA
    The Inari, or “fox people,” are a race shrouded in mystery. They stand about six feet tall, with long, slender limbs, and move with grace and fluidity, which gives them a frail or ethereal appearance. Their faces bear a striking resemblance to Earth foxes, including a pair of pointed ears perched atop their head. Unlike foxes, they can have anywhere from zero to nine bushy tails --the number of tails is important to their placement in society, with nine being akin to royalty-- and have six digits (four fingers and two thumbs) on each hand, but only five toes.

    Their silky fur can come in many light shades; most often white, but silver, gray, and light brown are common as well, sometimes with stripes or colored patches, and is highly coveted on the black market. The Inari have underdeveloped vocal chords, allowing them to only whimper, bark, or howl, but use voice synthesizers and text communicators to speak to one another. This is fine because they are extremely shy and rarely have much to say.

    The Inari’s most notable trait is their near-immortality. Some have been known to live for nearly a thousand cycles. They possess an incredibly complex immune system, which requires conscious thought to activate. Everything from healing a cut to fighting off a cold requires mental effort. Once an Inari learns to master this ability, they become capable of adapting to nearly anything. Adult Inari are known to shrug off toxins, poisons, and tranquilizers that would drop creatures ten times their size, and even negate the effects of aging. Unfortunately, newborn Inari struggle with this ability, leading to extremely high infant mortality rates; just carrying a child to term can be a monumental struggle.

    Khaliya: The Inari homeworld is almost completely covered in urban sprawl, littered with arcology skyscrapers and hanging gardens. The planet’s original geology is unknown; they have layered cities on top of cities. One can find old metropolises from tens of thousands of years ago, buried miles underground. Some social outcasts make these buried cities their home. Terraforming towers equally-spaced around the Equator keep the atmosphere a constant, comfortable, 65 degrees Fahrenheit and it only rains when they want it to.

    The planet’s most notable feature is the VANGuard System, (Vector Altering Network Guard System,) a collection of 2,000+ orbiting satellites which project a spacetime fluctuation around the planet. Unauthorized vessels attempting to enter Khaliya’s atmosphere will find themselves on the other side of the planet, sort of like entering the front door of a house and finding oneself in the backyard. Repeated attempts will activate the system’s weapons, though only the occasional Gillick pirate has been foolish enough to take matters that far.

    The Inari enjoy a true, pure democracy. Because technology is so prevalent, every Inari child is given a communicator and unique personal identifier at birth, similar to an IP address. At ten cycles, they are permitted to vote. Inari elections are ongoing; a citizen can change his or her vote at any time, like an ongoing poll. If an elected official loses enough votes, s/he is removed from office and immediately replaced with whomever has superseded him/her.

    Inari generally do not seek power. When a political official is voted out, s/he is glad to step down, as it means someone better has arrived. They place the good of all above personal pursuits and wish only to see their society move forward. Often, the runner-up or former office-holder serves as an advisor anyway, so being “voted out” isn’t the end. (And the polls could just as easily vote them right back into office someday.)

    Nearly all Inari are scientists of some form or another, each pursuing a school of thought that interests them. As such, being elected to office often sets the local, national, or global research policy. The current president, who has been in power for twenty-five years, is a renowned researcher in the field of space travel, suggesting this isolationist race may be ready to open its borders and emerge onto the intergalactic stage soon.

    - Long life and immunity to most toxins, poisons, and diseases.
    - Extremely intelligent, especially regarding mathematics, computers, and robotics.
    - Lithe build makes them quick and agile, though most aren’t physically active.


    - Isolation has made them socially aloof and naïve; painfully shy and easily deceived
    - Lack of speech; must rely on voice synthesizers or text
    - Reliance on robot labor had made them physically frail, not suited for combat
    - Their rarity makes them a target for poachers, who seek their fur and blood

    Most other races do not trust the Inari. This isn’t because they believe the Inari have ill-intentions, but because the Inari are just too weird to work with. Some think them arrogant, but they are anything but. The Inari generally fear other races, but, deep down, possess a desire to step out into the world and uplift the rest of the galaxy, much like the Egrinots did.

    A great deal of this animosity stems from the human takeover 3,000 years ago. While the humans swept across the galaxy, conquering world after world, the Inari chose not to involve themselves. Their weapons and technology could have made a huge impact, yet they hid behind their planet’s defenses, did nothing, and were spared. This is a large reason why they are so technology advanced compared to the other races.

    Lastly, their tenacious pursuit of scientific advancement makes some races uneasy. The Inari are careful and anything but reckless, (i.e. they’re not ‘mad scientists,’) but they have dabbled in things that others feel are better off left alone, such as sentient AI, antimatter and transdimensional travel. Unlike wormholes, which merely compress spacetime, the Inari have been researching instantaneous travel using holes burrowed through other dimensions. Some say they’re even looking into time travel though this is only rumor. In general, people feel the Inari are a well-intentioned, kind-hearted race that might just kill us all by accident someday.

    Name: N’Rhyssa Vitalia de Honavar
    (translates as Vitalia of Clan/House Rhyssa of the province of Honavar)

    Age: 65 Cycles (just over 300 Earth years)
    Gender: female
    Species: Inari

    Appearance: Vitalia stands about six feet tall, with a slender, willowy build. She is very thin, but with broad hips, long legs, and sinewy muscle. Her silky fur is snow white, with a pale silver stripe down her snout, ending in a pink nose. The tips of her nine bushy tails and pointed fox-ears are also dipped in silver. Her big blue eyes give her a startled ‘deer-in-the-headlights’ look. She ties her nine tails into bundles of three, using blue ribbon, and wears a silver choker, which serves as a voice synthesizer; her mouth does not move when she ‘speaks.’

    Her clothing is the standard attire of Inari dignitaries: a plain, form-fitting, knee-length white dress with an offset pale blue stripe down the left side, an official badge on the right breast, and a white waistcoat with a high collar. Beneath it is a silvery gray underlay with a carbon-fiber-esque pattern. (The underlay is actually a thermal lining, to resist laser burns, sort of like Kevlar for energy weapons. It also provides some minor protection against knife attacks.)

    Position at the Council Meeting: Inari Representative

    Brief History: Vitalia has lived a long and varied life. She was born on the Inari colony of Honavar. The Inari are a very isolationist culture; very few of them leave their homeworld and even fewer choose to settle. Most of their colonies are populated by worker robots. Offworlders are typically frowned upon, but Vitalia had the great fortune of being born with nine tails, which is considered a sign of great things to come. Her birth cast a positive light on House Rhyssa and opened many doors for them.

    When she came of age, she returned to Khaliya, the Inari homeworld, but has always supported increased travel and feels the Inari should venture out more. She chose to study space travel and spent nearly the first century of her life working on improving astronavigation software, thruster efficiency, and space-folding technology. She remained fearful of other races, but feels the Inari must overcome this fear if they are to progress.

    The biggest turn in her life was when her ship was attacked by Gillick pirates on a test run. The crew and passengers were killed. Vitalia was shot three times and presumed dead, but stabilized her wounds and forced herself into a hibernative state, spending nearly a month adrift in the dead ship until she was found by a patrol of what would later become the Guardian Corps. This was just over a hundred years ago.

    She was ransomed back to the Inari and changed her field of study to quantum mechanics. Despite her near-death experience, she still believed in space travel, but wanted to take the ‘travel’ out of it. Vitalia became the head of research and development on what she calls ‘gate technology,’ a form of dimensional tunneling, permitting instantaneous travel between two points. An archaic form of this had been protecting Khaliya for millennia.

    When talk of assembling an inter-species council began to spring up, the Inari people voted in overwhelming favor of sending a representative. The president was the obvious choice, but fear got the better of them; less than ten percent of the population felt it would be wise to send their supreme leader, in case of assassination. Other names were floated and the polls fluctuated for weeks. Vitalia was quite shocked when her name drifted to the top, through no effort of her own.

    Brief Personality Description: Shy. Timid. Soft-spoken. She is not at all like a world leader, but the hopes of her people rest squarely upon her narrow shoulders. Vitalia seems every bit like someone who is in over her head. Fortunately, she’s not here to negotiate contracts or brush shoulders with the elite; she is a scientist, here to pitch a world-changing idea. The Inari have sent her to pay reparations for their inaction during the human conquest over three thousand years ago, an event they refer to as “The Century of Shame.”

    Special Technology: She is accompanied by an OmniSphere personal assistant droid, a hovering metal orb about the size of a baseball. OmniSpheres are one of the most common appliances on the Inari homeworld. Vitalia’s has been specially modified by the Inari Defense Department to serve as her bodyguard and personal helper. It is equipped with a communicator, cutting laser, hard-light holo projector, Taser, small-caliber railgun (fires tiny shards of metal at absurdly high velocities), and micro-fabrication suite (allowing it to break down and reconstitute materials, like a tiny 3D printer). It possesses AI, but is only about as smart as a well-trained dog; a neural interface in her vocal collar tells it what to do.
  15. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    Oh geez... lol.
  16. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!

    I remember.

    I remember that THING.

    This is a different THING but perhaps a cousin to that other THING but I respected the other THING. They are a creation worthy of honor. But not to be taken lightly not after all.

    Barely got out alive when you spanked the big bad.
    Love to Write likes this.
  17. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    Almost ready for Launch! Just waiting on @TheApprentice, @Ishnorb , @lixAxil and @Fan7asticMrFox. Wow, I honestly wasn't expecting this many players... *Runs back to google drive to double-check the quality of the story.
  18. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    Yes they are like a mix of those two things and then turned into something bigger and more unique.

    Ah, the fun of writing with the same people for over 5 years. You begin to notice all the little quirks and familiar faces (only in a different form), references to games years past and stuff no newb would understand. :D love it. No offense to you newbs of course. We always welcome new writers. (King welcomes them so he can torture them...have fun.)
  19. obi-sem kenobi

    obi-sem kenobi Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    The Netherlands
    I'm scared already.
  20. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    Oh yes.

    New people.


    Always so cool to see what they come up with and make new friends! :D

    Though I've got to say I'm pretty offended that I'm suddenly the executioner around these parts. So whaaaaaat? I capped and tortured a 'few' folks in the Minds games BUT there was a time where I played a very good man.
  21. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!

    Also need I remind.

    That Jess was the one that played Trisha!! I was an innocent victim of circumstance.

  22. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    I get the feeling I'm going to like this group.
  23. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    Trisha? Who's Trisha?

    I've never heard of her before.


    Anyway, excited to get writing with all of you guys again!!! :D
    Kingtype likes this.
  24. obi-sem kenobi

    obi-sem kenobi Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    The Netherlands
    Ok, now I really want to read that RP :D
  25. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    No you don't!!!! You'll be scared away from theses forum's forever. My poor charcters, Thomas and Abby....especially Abby. *glares at King. Payback time.

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