I'm having troubles defining my main character...again. The character Des (working name) has really changed the overall meaning of the story for me. I also want the reader to understand her story the way I do. Long story short, the main character is broken mentally. I have to convince the reader the character is stuck in past events. Not only is she scarred mentally and physically, she allows herself to be surround in the past. Taking lucrative, and downright dangerous, jobs and using the money to buy memorabilia from her ransacked homeland. That's the cycle for her in a nutshell. Another problem I'm facing is her falling in love. I wanted the emotional connection to another character to be her redemption from the dream of her homeland she is trapped in. My question to you is does this sound too sappy? While Des' change will not be in anyway sudden, I still want it to happen.
If you can pull it off gradually but effectively, that's A: all down to you how it ends up sounding, but B: doesn't sound too bad just as a concept. However, you could still make it direly cheesy depending on how you wrote it... 'Fraid that's all down to the squiggles your pen makes rather than what we tell you.
Well I like feedback on ideas, it gives me a feeling of encouragement. Also, you always seem to post when I'm about to go to bed. Curses!
Move to Europe! I don't really know how to feedback directly on your ideas without just telling you how I'd write it, and I'm trying to cut back on doing that, since I'm aware I can sound a bit pretentious sometimes.
It depends on how you write your story as to whether it will come across sappy or not. Without reading an excerpt of it I find it difficult to comment. Gradual or sudden 'change' is good in any story.
Of you have them as the two main things about the character it might soon become too sappy. If you have a well rounded character where the two aspects is just two of many you will have and easier time getting away with it, assuming that the other sides isn't as sappy.
I don't see this as being sappy - a romantic relationship saves her from an unhealthy obsession. That actually happens in real life. "Sappy" is if you write, say The plot's fine - now it's all down to how you write it. Good luck.