I have to admit when this concept first entered my radar screen I thought, "What a ridiclous notion!" Then I gave it a try. It is quite an enjoyable past time. As a result of my blog, I have met some pretty amazing people from every coner of the globe. My Blog It is a great way for my family to keep up with me as well, considering I live 2000 miles away from all of them.
I love the idea of blogging but i havent tried it yet! Im too busy posting here LOL Can u define blog for me?
BLOG Part of Speech: noun Definition: An online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; Also called Weblog, Web log Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. Etymology: shortened form of Weblog Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n Yes I cheated, thank you Dictionary.com lol For me, web logging, blogging, is my stage. Here I have a captive audience, or so I chose to believe , which will read my ranting and hopefully offer feedback from time to time. We all need “input!” It also serves as a portfolio for my very amateur attempts at graphic art. Another hobby of mine. Being a mother of five, and running my own business, working from home, there is very little time for a social life. Any attempt at dating was quickly shot down by my older sons. *Gasp* Date? Mom? NO freaking way! So my Web Log is my social window to the world which knows no true boundaries and where there are no hard fast rules of engagement. Another advantage is that it has inspired me to develop my skills in photography and writing. That is always a good thing. It is quite delightful actually. You should try it sometime. The Opera Community is a wonderful place to start. For one it is free, which is always a nice thing, and it is a very eclectic community of people. Very fascinating to me.
Yeah I love to blog...it is fun just to get your thoughts out there for anyone in the world to read. I keep a personal blog (friends and family) and a public blog (anyone), and I think the public blog is much more exciting because I can write about whatever I want with little fear of someone I know stumbling upon it. My Blog is HERE
hmm..im gonna have to blog then! I have all sorts of spewing I could do in a place like that! BLOG MEH
I use Livejournal, have been using it for past five years and absolutely love it. http://nosundays.livejournal.com
I keep a blog about my opinions and experiences as an actor. If anyone is interested in that (and I like to hope somebody might be) you can find it at www.offbook.blogspot.com. Blogs are great ways to keep one's writing sharp as well. (assuming you put care and thought into it.)
Oh, I love to blog...I spend a lot of time on line and this form of writing has become a part of my life.
I have a blog. Some of my stuff has been published previously but I put it on anyway. I'm not too sure how it would be welcomed on here though? It's typical of the place I live and the content uses all of the words in my posession. http://thethoughtsofadirrrrtyoldman.blogspot.com Don't be alarmed by the name, I post under a pseudonym call Dirrrrrty Old Man, again a typically British type name.
hmmm...blogging...I left last year...but I'd love to start again...haven't worked it up though....Lol...my life would be THE movie then.
Hi y'all As a variation on Uncle Albert (have you seen Mary Poppins?): I love to blog... loud and short and clear! Check it out, will ya?!
I used to journal frequently, and kind of blog now and then, but I guess what I post isn't interesting since I don't really get much reaction to anything. *shrug*