'I can't write that, my mum's going to read this!'?? Just wrestling with some adult themes in my writing and I keep cringing when I picture her face when she reads it (if it gets published). :redface: anyone else?
Uh, yes. I fear my parents will disapprove of my writing. It's not that it contains sex scenes or gross other content, but I just don't know what they may think, when they read it. And that fear prevents me from sharing my work with them. Yes, they know I am currently working on a novel, but that is about it. I think I need to become more comfortable with writing, however. I have a much different attitude than I did a few months ago
Yep. Not because of content, just generally. I remember writing 'for myself' for years (from the age of 13-21 at least), and then something changed. I started to want to share more of my work, to get feedback, to make it more than just pieces of paper in the drawer, as it were. But yeah, the first time can be daunting. I guess it took some time to get that confidence, for me.
Yes, the thought has crossed my mind, both when I've been writing adult themes, and when I've been writing about bad parents.
Actually, no. I seem to be the exception in this, but I'm not overly bothered about how my parents will respond to my writing. This might be because the first story of mine they read was my first published story, containing one of the most uncomfortable scenes for me that I've written (a pseudo-rape scene), and they didn't seem to bat an eyelid. I hope my parents are keyed-in enough to realise that just because I write about dark things, doesn't mean that's any deeper of a reflection of me than that I have a somewhat morbid imagination (which, being my parents, I'd hope they already knew).
Nope I am way more of a prude than my parents lol Infact if I wrote about them that would be indecent. Actually I do wonder about my Dad with my gay characters but don't care with that personally think his views need challenging.
Heck yeah all the time! They may not be sexfests but they can be quite violent and there's nonsexual "nudity" at times(as "nude" as you can really have with just text). Not to mention the sad nature; I definitely am hesitant to ever let my mother see this stuff. xD
Not at all. I do not show it to them, and the do not ask to see it. Even if they suddenly want to read it, there is nothing to worry about. I do not let other people's reactions, including my family, hinder my writing. That being said, unless I am purposely trying to write something for adults, the content of my writing seems to naturally gravitate toward what teenagers should be able to handle. Some gore and violence where needed with a few suggestive moments here and there, but nothing inappropriate for most audiences.
Yes - I don't really write sex, and having my 'rents read my gratuitous gore wouldn't bother me, strangely enough it's the lovey dovey side of my stories I don't want them seeing. We keep to ourselves in my family, and my brother's the poking, mocking type. I am determined that my family will never read anything I write. Or at least, if they do, I request that I be far enough away and rich enough and too busy to get to know about it.
I feel exactly the same way, not just with my parents, but with everyone. I haven't let any read any of my more serious stuff yet. I can't really explain it, and I'm certain there are many aspiring writers who feel the same way.
My story revolves around teenagers, and although you'd think that'd be sex-filled, it's anything but. Stories like Gossip Girl and Twilight have made the teenage years seem sex crazed, but thankfully I've managed to get around that. There are things that I have written that I would rather kill myself than let my parents read (mainly because they think I'm an innocent little Sally). If I were to write something that was more for adults, it would be a different story. My guess would be that you just don't need to go really far into detail when it comes to those steamy scenes. I actually think that keeping your parents in mind would be a good way to help you censor sexy parts of the novel. Whenever things get a little too heated, just keep that image of what your parents would say in mind. It will help you keep the lovemaking to a minimum. Then again, if it's your prerogative to include the sex...that's a different story.
Not really. I have some gory scenes but it is something that I would not take out under any circumstances. I do not fear my parents to read them because they are just part of the novel, especially one of the supernatural horror kind. Anyway, my parents are reluctant to read my writing
Not really. I never thought about it until I showed my parents some poetry they had asked to see. It was pretty optimistic poetry, I remember, and some that I was kinda' proud of. Of course, them asking me, "Son, are you depressed? Are you feeling OK?" simply told me that they didn't understand that it was just work, so I haven't cared what they thought about it since.
Heh, I used to worry about that, but then I read my parent's writing... They understand, anyway. I gave my mum one of the best things I've written, but a few days later I was like, "Oh my god, all the swearing and fighting and gay sex!" and rushed off to tell her not to read, and she was like, "Chill, Melzaar. I know you're not a kid any more, it's good that you're writing with more adult themes." After she pointed out what *she* wrote, I felt a bit silly, really. Kinda goes without saying that she's more mature than me, and that the fact I was having trouble handling her reading it and she wasn't just proves that.
My parents, my girlfriend, anyone I've ever known... Let's not forget about reviewers who like to psycho-analyze authors through their writing. My stories often take the deepest dives into the twisted side of human nature, and some of the stuff that surfaces scares myself. My excuse will be: "Hey, I'm a writer -- I make stuff up that's nothing like myself." When you feel like censoring your own work, ask yourself this: Should my story be at 100% or just somewhere in the fifties? Do I aim to please prudes? Would I like people to easily forget the story after having read it?
The thing is, at some point someone who wants to be a 'serious', published writer needs to step out of their comfort zone, and share their work. Everyone and their dog will have an opinion on a book, and not always favourable. Most likely those who love/care for you will be the ones who will be supportive. Hopefully, at least.