Hello, one of my stories is in Medieval era and I'd like to know what the rules for a Knight are? As in regards to Princesses and Kings and Queens. But mainly around Princesses and noble women =)
I didn't really review it, but this link might help you: http://www.astro.umd.edu/~marshall/chivalry.html
Isn't part of the fun inventing your own code of chivalry? Although it seems your going for historical accuracy, in which case go for it, it's always good to have historically accurate fiction.
I read threw the link of the codes but there is nothing that specifically pertains to a Knight around a princess =(
True, but it's lots easier if you learn existing rules for similar societies before you go inventing your own.
I typed 'medieval codes of conduct' into google and found the following sites: Medieval Code of Chivalry Medieval Code of Chivalry (different site to the one above) Knight Medieval.com - Everything about Knights I also googled 'rules for medieval women'. Medieval Cult Hope something there proves helpful. If not, try googling similar phrases with key words (like queens, princesses etc).
The definitive code of chivalry is in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur. It does not specifically have rules for princesses. Here is one concise statement of the Code: http://everything2.com/e2node/The%2520Knights%2527%2520Code%2520Of%2520Chivalry, A princess would be protected as any other woman under the Code, but as a member of the royal family, might be further protected by the command to "flee treason."
Good one Cogito. I was about to say that a lady, not woman, would be treated the same as a princess. All pesants were equal in medival times so knights codes would not apply to them. A knight would not treat a commoner as a king, but he would show that respect to a lord.
I'm searching like crazy, cause I need to know or have an idea as to, in that time would it have been suspicious or 'wrong' for a Knight to speak to a Princess or be seen with her as if a commoner. Or was it against royalty standards? Would the Knight be reprimanded for speaking to her? Or being seen hanging around her?? That’s what I'm trying to have a somewhat accurate idea on. By the way thank you everyone for your help!