I've almost finished the first book (so no spoilers!), and I'm really on the fence about it. I have a big stack of books waiting to be read, so I'm not sure if I want to continue the series. Does it get better? Any books in the series that are better or worse than others?
I've read several books in the series; once or twice a year I'm in the mood for one. I wouldn't say that it changes substantially as it goes along. I think they're in the guilty pleasure category--if you don't enjoy them, there's no reason to force yourself to keep going. I like Dresden and Bob and Karin a lot; I would like the series to be much more tightly focused on them, with a smaller cast of supporting characters (and fewer magical races, magical governments, etc.). But the books are popular, so the core fan base must like all that decoration.
I read one, but to be honest, it's not the best way to spend my time. Only my opinion, I'm sure others love them. I read one Janet Evano... can't remember the whole name now, and that is even a worse way to spend my time.
I would at least read up to the sixth book, Dead Beat, which I feel is the best of the series. I would not recommend anything after that, as the quality steadily deteriorates.
@spklvr It gets so much better In fact in my opinion is the second best modern urban fantasy fiction at least for me. I wouldn't say its a guilty pleasure or that it gets worse as it goes on. Its a long series and some books will be better then others but all in all as a whole its really a great series with great characters, character development ....at least out of the main cast and sharp world building. It has a few problems like it has quite a few cases of deus ex machina and like I said some books might not be as good as the last as you go on but as a whole its pretty grand. It is by far the best urban fantasy series out of contemporary stuff I've read most of all out of all those long coated shifty supernatural guy types XD But its good read to them all Its a better tale if read all together I think Plus Harry is just hilarious Only thing I would say better is Hellblazer cause ya know Its Hellblazer
@Caeben: I'd say the best ones are Dead Beat, White Night, Small Favor and Cold Days. I think there is kinda of a split when it comes to the earlier books and the direction they eventually go among people who've read them.
I've read the whole series and honestly the first book is the one you could reasonably skip. Butcher admits that it's his least favorite of his novels because he was still learning how to put a good story together. I disagree completely with Caeben. The quality of the stories continually improves through the series.
Haven't read the books but I have watched the series over and over, and if the storyline is the same then it gets deeper and darker. I have been very disappointed that the series was not continued, so thank you for reminding me that I can read the books now.
The TV series is generally regarded as a botched bastardization of the novels, something that really didn't work out. The plot does indeed get quite a bit more interesting and much darker, with more than its fair share of Star Wars jokes.
Huh, maybe I should give it another chance. I wanted to like it, I really did, 'cause I love these film noir-ish detective stories. Unfortunately, the first book got my eyes rolling in no time: the jokes weren't funny, the similes were awkward, the characters acted like stereotypes, imo (Just 'cause you shine a lantern on a stereotype doesn't mean it's interesting), and aikido -- because American detectives doing oriental martial arts that aren't all that useful in real life isn't stereotypical enough in fiction already. Why not choose judo? At least that's when you'd get nicely orientally exotic and functional. Also, Dresden seemed to have an obsession with cheerleader stereotypes, or maybe it's an American thing and the female detective Murphy just had to be one of those irrational rad femz, apparently, who get pissy when men open doors to them like a person who's made a career in a male-dominated field totally would, right? Plus, I dislike that kind of women as some women would dislike me for not giving a shit and, even more so, appreciating a man keeping the door open for me or pulling a chair for me. Argh. So yeah, right off the bat, I didn't like the characters. I mean, yeah, I know I got really nit-picky and these little details ticked me off more than they probably should've, but novels can also win me over with small details. With so much out there to read, it's not a huge problem for me to drop something that irked me. But I could, of course, give the series another try...
The series absolutely gets better as it goes on--Butcher grows as a writer along with his characters growing in interesting ways. I just started reading them for the first time a few months ago after hearing Patrick Rothfuss say it was literally his favorite book series--ever. I am on the twelfth one now: Ghost Story. I honestly can't remember the last time where I have liked so many of the characters in a series--good and bad alike. You really can't go wrong by reading the next few. They are short enough that you can breeze through them quickly to test the waters for yourself. P.S. Am I the only one who thinks a crossover comic staring Harry Dresden and John Constantine would be amazing?
Oh Dresden Files... I have decided not to read the other books. I guess, one was enough. I liked the Nightside series better when I was younger. Nowadays I don't enjoy any of these novels... They look all the same to me.