Time to use our imaginations I have a character, Tonya, who has the supernatural ability to control and channel vibrations through physical touch. The strength of her ability ranges from being able to cause artificial bodily shivers to being able to shatter molecular bonds (Turning a table to sawdust at one point) She is also able to defy the laws of inertia and absorb shock, significantly decreasing the effect of even devastating impacts such as getting hit by cars. Also due to her ability her muscles are always innately in a minute state of vibration which permanently prevents muscle loss from disuse as well as being able to temporarily increase her strength by expanding her tissues (which can cause permanent damage if overused I imagine). On top of her already reduced aging, all of her cells being in constant motion cause them to remain tightly packed, leading to her retained youthful appearance. Also, through touching a person, she's able to remove their ability to hear and speak by absorbing any vibration emitted, as well as mimicking their voices by simulating their vocal vibration. But I was doing research for an attack that she uses (through a devastating punch) trying to find the effect of intense vibration on humans and I'm coming up empty. More specifically I was trying to find the effect of shaking of the brain to adults, but that only led me back over and over to shaken baby syndrome. So I'm gonna grab some community imagination on this one: Theoretically, what do you think are the short/long term effects of vibration ranging from minute to intense, on the human body? ^ Tonya Harding (Because I love giving visual representation)
Your power is fictional. People don't generally shake apart. So the effect would be totally up to your imagination. However..... the following might help: Glass shatters with pitches that make the molecules vibrate harmonically. Galloping Gerdie explains the phenomena quite nicely. Also the Mythbusters did an episode on it.
I have read/watched some articles/videos a very long time ago about what sound waves frequencies do to objects around us. I don't remember where I read/watched this but I can look it up for you if you want. I remember though what the video showed was that the change in the frequencies forced a pile of sand to change its pattern accordingly. From what I read of your description, her cells/muscles and probably blood and whole existence is in unceasing vibration, this sounds a bit odd to imagine, because if her cells are always vibrating wouldn't that make her tremble all the time?
In a way yes but not enough that's noticeable unless you touch her, something you probably wouldn't want to do.
Well, it's your story you know what to do. I found the video, maybe it will give you some ideas. http://youtu.be/VSx74QDbj9g Vibration is a very fascinating subject and I think you have something interesting going on, you probably just need to polish it a bit.
Well when you get right down to it, everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. The more energy you add to the object, the more it's atoms will vibrate, and the friction from the vibration will generate heat. Which is why you cannot go below -273.15 degrees celcius (no vibration in the atoms) At least that is how I think it works.
Did you see my edit abut Galloping Gertie, DeathandGrim? I also thought MRIs might have something to offer. Fascinating video, BTW, Phoenix.
i'm sure you can make the bodily vibrations bit work, but i have to wonder how a table could be turned to sawdust simply by vibrations... if the cell structure is compromised, how can that result in sawdust, which is obtained by 'grinding' the wood, not changing its cellular makeup?... sawdust is still wood, still has intact wood cells, doesn't it?...
Breaking it basically. My theory was the same as using force to say smash the table with something heavy, just substitute the heavy object with strong enough vibrational force on each molecular bond causing every single one of the bonds to break, turning it sawdust. Just a theory
It still wouldn't be turned to sawdust but rather plain dust. To the topic of a punch with that vibrator power now. You can search martial arts threads for more extensive info, but when the brain shakes in any human, that human will most of the time lose control of his limbs for a short while or even black out because the brain bumps around inside the skull. A punch vibrating in high frequencies could cause the internal organs to rupture or bones to turn to dust (following the table example). Furthermore, have you thought the extent to which your character's powers reach? Can she create vibrations of any kind? Meaning soundwaves, electric currents, light, heat etc? Does she have complete control over it? If so she could interact with electronics from a distance or even use oth sniping attacks depending on her power limit. Can she converge the waves?
Dust! That's what I meant Dust, yes. To the extent of her power that she has control of. She knows she has the ability to shut down body functions with enough vibration sent through the body and she knows she can basically disintegrate solid structures (a la table theory) if she channels enough of her power. With the help of theory crafting from one of her friends she learned of her ability to absorb vocal vibration and vibration of the bones in the ears from physical touch, which he teaches her how to translate that ability through objects like rope or iron wire. But otherwise she doesn't have a lot of practice with her abilities and she lacks imagination. The type of vibration I mainly originally leaned toward was simply motion but then I started to theory craft with other types of vibration and I thought about the possibility of a banshee shriek or hypersonic hearing, full body sonar, phasing. I'm trying to find out how to keep her from becoming too imbalanced because she's only human, very limited in power when put in perspective. But vibration as I've been learning has a LARGE RANGE of possibilities than I originally expected. Vibration is quite an interesting phenomena
Frequencies Might not be to the point entirely, but low frequency vibrations, emitted by the ocean used to drive sailors crazy. No one really knows why. Human brain is very sensitive to vibrations, frequencies, that is. I'd imagine some mega-herts sound all the way to the right of the scale might hurt my brain allright, or what is left of it... But for that impact something or someone must emit those vibrations, like bats have a generator, that emits ultrasound. Fascinating subject, as a matter of fact. My character can do something similar, and as i was researching the issue (before the creation of this high-pitched noise called internet) i had to talk to a number of RF Engineers to explain to me how the radio works, for example, and what kind of noise a piece of quarts emits, and why.
Adult human brain fits more snuggly into the skull so shaken brain in adults isn't common. However, with a strong enough vibration you could cause all kinds of micro injuries, bruising, concussions and even internal bleeding. Typically, people who carry out roadworks, and use pneumatic drills or those working on farms with old equipment, will have vibration injuries to their limbs, pain, numbness, early arthritis but also, tinnitus in their ears, blurred vision sometimes, headaches, and it might be permanent or it can resolve. Certain vibrations are actually promoting healing, such as gentle sounds of meditative singing bowls, or petting a cat whilst they are purring. Cat's purr has been shown to promote healing in cats, but they aren't yet sure that's the sole purpose of the purr.
I have a question, feel free to ignore it though if you find that it is not relevant. If her muscles are always in a state of permanent vibration (as you stated so they do not waste through inaction) surely that would be like permanetly exercising and therefore would she need to eat a vast amount of food to provide the energy to maintain such an output? Not a criticism just interested and curious as this could also be used as a kind of weakness she has.
There is an interesting article on popsci.com about infra-sound and its effects on the human body: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2012-11/acoustic-weapons-book-excerpt It's titled Could a Sonic Weapon Make Your Head Explode?