I am currently not a published writer but, I am working on my first novel. In my writings i find some of the elements of my favorite authors. Is this normal and how can i avoid this when trying to write content for my novel.
Nope. All writers are influenced by the writers that come before them. Also, don't worry too much about your style being similar to another writer's. With more experience, you will find your own distinct style (although this isn't necessary to become a great writer).
Dose anyone have a style that is thoroughly original? I think not. Our writing is inevitably shaped by the style of the authors whose writing we read. Write like you want, but as in everything, use your discretion.
Seconded, although if I were to follow the flow of the conversation: We first learn through copying/emulating that which we want to achieve. We then go through a stage of improving upon what copying has taught us. Finally we reach a stage where we have improved enough that someone starts to copy us in order to learn. I wouldn't worry about it. Look at the myriad books that emulate 'Lord of the Rings'. They don't copy it though.
My one-and-only rule when it comes to style: Go with what works well. Don't worry about who else writes that way or if your style resembles someone else's. (It'll eventually evolve into something distinctly your own anyway.) Just write the best damn manuscript you can at the time. Nobody is going to blame you for being good.
I agree. Style is something you get from all the reading you've done and should come naturally. Trying too hard to sound like somebody else will inhibit your ability to write, although you should always experiment with language in your writing development. It's only stealing from other authors if you are plagiarising them.