We reached 1337 members... which is gamer for 'elite'. Sorry, I just found it somewhat amusing. Carry on.
1337speek goes like this: 4 = A I3 = B < = C I) = D 3 = E I= = F (- = G I-I = H ! = I _I= J I< = K 1 = L I\/I = M I\I = N 0 = O 9 = P 0- = Q I2 = R 5 = S 7 = T I_I = U \/ = V \/\/ = W >< = X '/ = Y -/_ = Z 4 54I\/I913 \/\/0I_I1|) I_00I< I_!I 7I-I15. And that's 1337speek in a nutshell. Any questions, ask Sensei Ivan.
Leetspeak, awesome. I guess I'm not the only gamer on this forum? Didn't know it meant "elite" though. Well. I guess you learn new things everyday.
....I don't like 1337.....it takes more time to write in 1337 than it does to actually type the letters...
That's the problem with 1337 speak. It takes forever to type anything meaningful, and then to top it all, no one has a clue what you're on about. Although, I tend to face that particular problem even when typing normally...