Two 6 month old babies were talking........Actually one's talking and the other is listening...... "I'm telling you man it was really really weird. No way to explain it." "Just sitting there ya know....just looking around and there's nothing. Don't see a thing. Then I hear it.... Peek-a-Boo!" Holy Crap! He came outa nowhere!!
If it's a one-on-one communication, as the topic implies, why not send a PM (private message) instead?
I don't know. He was having a bad day losing his M/S. Maybe a few other new moms and dads would also enjoy it. I'll pay attn to that next time. HEY! While you're here. Can't post a short story in the gen fic room? Get kicked out to a google page telling me it won't load.
Two six-month old babies are talking......One is trying to understand just where in the world the person has gone. Guess they don't know the face is behind the hands. Tried to imagine how one might describe it. They get hysterical playing peek-a-boo. Better?
I got it first time MickO - actually thought it was hilarious. And BOOM, Didn't see a freakin' thing man!