It seems like it would be beneficial to just have a dedicated forum section for writers who need emotional support in relation to their writing. So many people seem to think that because their emotional breakdowns are related to their writing such posts belong in one of the 'real' writing issues forum sections. So why not give them one of their own? It would also clean up other forum sections, too, (and keep the lounge open for general non-writing discussion instead of just pushing all these types of posts there). And it would probably get a lot of use, as writing seems so personal to so many people that we frequently see 'writing issues' that are little more than posts by writers who are completely emotionally devastated by fairly routine writing experiences. Such topics could include: An agent sent a routine letter and I'm a) offended and devastated it wasn't personalized b) offended and devastated it was personalized c) offended and devastated people keep telling me to not take it personally, that it was just a routine letter. And have no motivation to write. When I read high-quality fiction I'm offended and devastated my work isn't as good and it makes me want to quit reading, and have no motivation to write. This one professor said something completely dumb and like totally doesn't know anything, I mean, omg, you can't teach talent and he didn't know a thing and how dare him not LIKE the story I wrote the day before which I think is a really great idea but he's obviously just stuck-up and old and I decided I shouldn't listen to anything he said because who the hell does he think he is he probably doesn't even know what paranormal YA urban-fantasy historical romance even is! OMG I was so offended... and now, of course, I'm devastated and have no motivation to write! A "professional" writer/editor/agent/publisher doesn't think my manuscript is ready to be the next great best-seller and/or Pulitzer winner. Despite being an amateur writer who is still learning and my manuscript being a very obvious working draft... Naturally, I now have no motivation to write as I'm just too offended and devastated. A few examples of the kinds of posts that could use routing to a very specialized section of the forums where people could get the personal support they need to help them keep writing. It would free up the other areas of the forums that seem like they should be for writing related issues, questions, and discussions, not personal ones loosely related to writing. To me people's personal problems, even if writing-related for them, isn't really an aspect of writing in general for others (or at least shouldn't be, but right now it feels that way, as the 'writing issue' forums get littered with such posts). And people looking for moral support know where to post to find it! Everyone wins!
Might make a good subforum. Only problem I see is that certain people can make ANYTHING an emotional issue or an issue that hinders them. I feel like what you're describing is more about the individuals' attitudes than about the topics at hand, you know?
I think that's kind of the point though. That somethings aren't really about writing, they're about melodrama and 'omg my heart is broken because this wasn't as easy as I thought it would be'. The point being that if there was a separate forum (or subforum) for these types of posts it would clean up the writing forums. Because here's the thing, it's either about writing or it's about your reaction to writing. Pretty simple guideline I would think.
Bet everyone would still dump those posts in "General Writing" anyways. Not saying it isn't worth a try, but who reads the descriptions of forums anyway? >_<
Well yeah, it would also serve as a place for the people who legitimately want to discuss how to make it as a writer, how hard it is, how to handle rejection. Which are all not really writing issues, but writer issues. Maybe that's the good distinction. There are writing issues, and currently a forum for that. But with it all comes a lot of writer issues, which get tossed in as writing issues, but I'm sure a lot of people would prefer to not have to wade through both just to get to the writing issues (no offense to anyone, but I know writing is tough and I don't want to read about how a brand new writer is quitting every other day because of it).
It's a nice thought, but I'm not entirely sure it's necessary. I think people offer support across the board already. Having a separate section (although perhaps entertaining), might encourage a 'woe-is-me, I'm a tortured writer' mentality, a bit too much.
i have to agree with the second part of vm's post... imo the lounge fills that need well enough and we don't need a dedicated section for pity-partying...
That's the problem, imo. The posts people are starting about 'writing issues' seem to often be more personal issues that are related to writing, but not really about writing. I don't think it will encourage something that is already strong and present, it will simply give such posts a proper place to reside instead of... umm, pretty much EVERYWHERE right now.
It's not about pity-partying. It's about the fact that writing is hard and discouraging, and a lot of writers want to express that and discuss that, but a lot of other writers don't want to hear it. Like I said, and will say again in case you missed it, there are writing issues and writer issues. Right now the writing issues forums are being filled by what seem to me writer issues by people who feel their personal writer issues are writing issues, when they're really not, but don't fit any other place. The lounge very clearly stating it's "for the discussion of anything that doesn't fit into the many aspects of writing." Writing being hard and discouraging and the kind of thing where writers need emotional support is seen as an aspect of writing to many, but again, isn't exactly a writing issue. So, what we get is just about every other forum filled at one point or another with posts that aren't really discussing writing at all, but simply writers looking for emotional support.