Well, I basically joined this forum because I was finally able to write out an introduction to a novel I really wish I could start writing, maybe even publish, right..., but yea, never know. I write mainly in the romantic actioney, bloody gore fantasy type level. I like to write upon a level that is interesting and somewhat trys to grab attention, I used to love fantasy but after a while I grew tired of it, it seemed to be the basic old guys writing in huge words that noone knew the meaning of unless they looking in the dictionary, so I'm trying to get myself to write well and discriptive, but at enough of a level where it's understandable and enjoyable for many ages, primarly under 18, which I am. On to the boring info: I am 13 years young and hate it with a burning passion, I will warn that I get irritated easily, but I don't think I'll have a problem here, since it's mainly writing. I watch some anime and read a few manga and highly love the Asian culture. I play video games and write a lot, but I actually have lost my focus on reading, I also like cooking^^, I kinda just love to experiment. My real name is Alex, but most remember me only as Kiger. If you wish to know anything else ask.
Hello and welcome. You will find some like minded people here, friendly and helpful. Good luck with the novel.
Are you a guy or a girl? Gender is somewhat confused on this site. (or actually, just to me) Anyway, nice font, welcome to the forums.
welcome Kiger and I do hope you enjoy your time here at WF. everyone here is pretty easy going and yeah all friendly too. So have fun and see ya round the board sometime..... Sometimes it is the big words that actually makes the piece, I personally love the big words more than all the description, shows the writer knows what they are actually doing when they put pen to paper.... Anyways good luck with ya writing and look forward to reading it soon... Ari
welcome to wf. Hope you stick around. if you need any help please send myself or any of the Moderator team a pm we would be only too happy to help. ~Raven.