Hello folks, I know this isn't exactly a grammatical question, but can anyone define this? I had a big discussion with my writing group and we came up with this : The natural style you possess is evident in the way you construct your sentences. The expression is evident in the words you have chosen to use. Or if anyone can give an example that might be easier to differentiate between them, it gets a little confusing! Thanks !
I wouldn't differentiate between them, to be honest. In this context, they're synonyms, although 'expression' is much more ambiguous than style. Style encompasses not only structural and technical elements, but things like diction/word choice, character design, plotting; basically any element of writing that marks it as individual is a stylistic element. Expression just seems to be a vague way of describing more or less the same thing.
Thank you arron89, that makes sense actually! I couldn't quite figure out if or what the difference was because as you say, they are similar, but then it gets confusing when you start to wonder whether a person could perhaps write something in a similar style, yet express their thoughts differently! Agh!! I can't go there
i haven't come across 'expression' used in re a writer's style/voice... the word doesn't seem to me to be at all relevant...
Hi Penpaws – interesting. How about this at differentiating between a writer’s Natural Style and Expression. Natural Style - that which comes easiest. A writer’s Natural Style is the ease in reading the words they have strung together. Expression - a state of feeling. A writer’s Expression is the depth of words chosen in describing a behavioural emotion or act.
There's only one rule in my book. Ask yourself this question: "What do you want, good grammar or good taste?" If you want the later, you're for expression. If you want the former, you're for style. If you achieve both, you're a Hemingway.
What, so expression is about vocabulary, while style is the ease in which you mash those words together?
I haven't heard "expression" used in this context. I'd say that word choice is just one of the many aspects of style, so if "expression" means word choice, then it's a subset of style.
Thir is my opinion of it. Think about you favorite artist. Lets say you like Picasso. Or Monet. Or you a favorite comic book artist: -Style is what make you see that a picture was made by the artist. -Expression is the overall emotional content of that single piece. It is the same thing with writing.
The words you choose stem from your natural style and the emotion/expression you want to convey... both influenced by your personal taste and educational background... Think I've covered all bases there!
Never heard of this, but could it be Style refers to the ratio (grammar, overall rhythm short vs long sentences for instance), Expression to the feeling (emotion), i.e., how yr text resonates. HTH