My first post was in a thread about "strong female characters". Normally I don't bother introducing myself on forums but I'm feeling bored and self centered. So this is my second post. Whenever there is a thread about female characters, you bet I will be all over it like a fly on some very seductive manure. I just can't shut up when it comes to that. I'm happy to tell everybody what to think (which is the same as I think, of course). Anyway, I searched for a writing forum, this was the first that came up. I really like the look of it. What else... Ok, so my writing then. I wish I could say I have written all my life but I haven't. Well, a bit to and fro, mostly in school, but drawing has been the main hobby for me. I did enjoy the writing I did as a child, but for some reason I didn't practice it very much. And then as I got older I thought, I should write more. I like the idea of being a writer, a super productive Stephen King type of writer God I hate humbly respect him and don't at all envy what are you implying? (Curse him and his "notebooks is a great way to immortalize bad ideas" and anti-plotting attitude! I wish I worked like that, I truly do, but nope) And I used to be quite naive, thinking that writing was effortless. And I'm sure it is, if you wrote a lot when you were young and open and less critical and didn't start when you were older and more self conscious like I did. But I'm confusing terms now. Writing may well be effortless, but PLOTTING, I've learned, is SO NOT! And now, a few Nano drafts later and wiser, you'd think I ought to have given this up. I now know, it is not easy and requires quite a lot of effort! So why do I stick with it? I have no idea! It's against all reason! The drafts suck, they can't be rescued because the plots are just horrible and have more holes than doilies! For years I've planted the seeds of characters in my mind, hoping some would grow and stick with me because that's how I do things: obsessively. Being attached to characters is important to me, I need them to call me! And now, a couple of characters that have so far starred in 3 drafts have begun to sprout in the brain soil and I find myself wanting to come up with another story for them. So I can't quit now.
Welcome to the forum! This a good place to get inspired and learn more about the craft of writing (in addition to debating feminism...). If you're yet to check it out, here's our Newbie Guide to get you started well and proper. Have fun and see you on the boards! -Kat
More like, "this is a good place to debate feminism (in addition to getting inspiration and learning more about the craft of writing). "
Oh, hey, check out the writing contest threads. The newest short story contest involves using the Bechdel Test. Maybe you'd be into that.
Can we please lay off the word "feminazi"? It's kind of offensive and brings to mind such muddy-brained bullhorns as Rush Limbaugh. We went through this issue a short while ago in another thread. So, ixnay on the eminazifay. Thanks.
Or perhaps feminists have stripped "nazi" of its original meaning and given it another meaning, thus empowering the word in a new way.
Empowering the word "feminist" is dandy, and I completely approve of that goal. A positive connotation to the word "nazi" is not, IMO, OK. The Nazis were the Nazis, and what they did is far too recent and far too evil to be overwritten by any new term. In a couple of thousand, I still don't think I'd be willing to consider it.
Cool, maybe you can help me with my protagonist who is a hetaira in ancient Athens. Something tells me the joke went over at least one head. =p