Five Lives, Five Souls

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cyan, Jul 4, 2011.

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  1. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    A puzzle look came upon Drakes ash covered face. It seemed strange that Ezric would ignore the threat outside to talk about his new innovation. The Dragon-man then remembered the bi-polar nature of this noble. Insulting a man in one instance and then saving his life, it was possible Ezrics wealth had made him a bit of an eccentric, it was also very likely that the man was delusional or just obsessive.

    Drake shook his head, attempting to steal the attention of his acquaintance "Hold up now...hold that thought for just a moment." He breathed deeply, collecting his thoughts, uncertain about the potential answers to his concerns "This black power stuff, it sounds...sounds fantastic actually" Drake said, eyes widening as he imagined what he could do with such a substance packed away in his personal arsenal "I'm sure that you'd have no problem finding investors...I'd happily become an investor! " He said. "But this meeting was supposed to be about finding a solution...some kinda peaceful protest or bureaucratic non-sense...Why would you bring a devilish device like that to such an event!?"

    A loud crack rang from the outside, Drake turned and saw a large building crumble to the ground, a grim expression upon his face "course looks like we could use a weapon like that right about now..."
  2. mugen shiyo

    mugen shiyo New Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    New York, NY
    Is it too late to join. If not...

    Name - Aiden Barr
    Age - 17
    Species - Human/Demon
    Personality - stoic
    Appearance - 5'9 boy with slightly tanned skin and dark hair
    Bio - He's one of thousands of orphans that find their way down into the catacombs without knowing what their past is. He simply lives.
    Powers/Abilities - he knows he is part demon. He can release his soul form his body and invade another for a set period of time, controlling those not strong enough to resist. He can sense negative emotions clearly and he can influence them strongly. Has the power to move through nearby shadows, control shadows, and strike things by striking their shadows. His power is associated with shadows- the limits of which he does not know yet.

    Extra -
  3. mugen shiyo

    mugen shiyo New Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    New York, NY
    He felt them coming. He could feel emotions- though for him the darker ones stood out more than the lighter. It was the opposite for Angels, but the ones riding below seemed ignorant of their ability, or else, had he not suppressed his presence as a precaution, they might have noticed him already. Him and the five dark things that trailed them somewhere in the distance. He shivered in spite of himself. He could feel madness rolling across those creatures. They felt like hounds. Things that would claw through mountains of lives to get to them.

    Sitting up in the trees in the darkness, Aiden could soon hear the carriages rumble across the rocky path, moving through the forest. Easing his long spear onto his back he began in a lurch toward their direction, slipping from bough to bough through trees high over the forest floor. He was sure those were the carriages of the person he was looking for. An Elzric Storm. Distinctly, he could feel his presence along with two others. Angel blood. It couldn't be helped. Some Angels and Demons leaped at each others throats on sight- instincts instilled in the blood from a feud ongoing since the time of Creation. However one of those Angels had Demon blood in him also. That one was powerful. Even more so then Lord Elzric. Perhaps even more powerful than he, himself, knew. He could feel the runes intensity from here. It was a wonder the Angel below didn't kill him outright. Fusions between Devils and Angels produced very powerful, but unstable beings. Couldn't be helped at all...yet.

    Falling down through the trees to the forest floor, he landed with a running step, sprinting silently across the ground as the carriages lurched through the night- whips snapping and cracking from side to side. Sighting the shadow of a thick oak up ahead and looking at the shadow beneath the carriages, he swallowed hard and leaped up into the air, gravity carrying him down into the trees' shadow with his body facing flat towards the earth. Moving shadows were always...difficult.

    He popped out the shadow under the carriage as he had leaped into the shadow of the oak, grasping wildly for the bottom and felt the brutal jerk of the structure as he was yanked bodily across the rocky ground with such a jolt his arm would have popped out had he been merely human. He pulled himself up under the carriage, holding to the axles. This close, he could feel the Demon-Angels energy much clearer. Oh yeah, definitely strong. His lip also curled in revulsion. He could almost taste the metallic tang of silver above him and a descent amount to. It was no more lethal to him than any other metal, but there was an aversion to it he could not get around.

    All hybrids were different. No two would possess the same talents if they had one and Shadow-walking was his. But who knows what talents the son of Uriel possessed. For that matter, the Elzric boy or any other of them. All that could wait till later, though. He would meet them up at-

    Suddenly, with a loud crash, it sounded as if something huge up ahead had just caved in on itself. Unable to see much more than road, hooves, and horses balls, he couldn't tell what it was. But he hoped it wasn't this nobles mansion.

    Still, two silver swords and blonde hair. It reminded him of the stories he used to hear of Raihman the Silver Lion. The one who came near to conquering all Five Nations. But that was a legend long ago from a race long dead- Elves long vanished from the world. Most believed them killed by Vampires. Others believe that the Elves became Vampires. What was once known as the Night Elves.
  4. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Miria lay in the middle of a grassy field. A cold gust of wind caressed the nakedness of her back and thighs, she shivered. A myriad of stars twinkled brightly in the night sky as a colorless moon began to rise high above the surrounding treeline. The bitter breeze came again, pulling her from the grip of black sleep. She awoke with a start the feeling of cold, which not unlike fear, threatened to over take her.

    Her mind reeled as brief and fleeting images of the seraphim assailed her. She could remember almost everything. She knew they had cast her down. She knew there was trouble abound and yet... Danil, she must find him and bring him home. The thought of reuniting with her brother gave her the strength to move. Her arms and legs, both bare against the long dry grass, barely budged as she commanded her body to. She was numb all over and could feel nothing but the icy fingers of the wind upon her skin. She groaned in her effort to move, a strange sound in her ears. She could not recall the sound of her own voice but knew by the sound of her groan that something was different about her.

    Miria mustered her willpower and summoned the strength to move her limps to no avail. The mechanics of a mortal body were different than that of an angel. Again she groaned, her nose against the dirt, smelling the padded dirt and crushed grass beneath her. Suddenly she remembered her fall, that descent into blackness, the fear that clawed at her soul. In the blackness... the darkness that became apart of her, showing her lost things and stealing old knowledge from her. She remembered now.
  5. MaggieStone

    MaggieStone New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
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    "Watch out crazy lady" I jumped out of the way of the sickenly fast on-coming carriage. Air whispered soft kisses as it pushed past me after being evicted by the now in place carriage.
    "Need to open your eyes lady" The guy chewed on his words like a cow with cud, and I was certainly not in the mood to be insulted by what smelled like a human. His large muddy hand reached out to shake me to attention- and that was his mistake. Before he even knew it a crisom tear slid down his face as I held the tip of my blade to his eye that was now bleeding.
    "DON'T touch the cape, it's Angelus vitae garb from Raphael himself" Soon as the blade was away from his eye he scampered away clutching at the blood tears. My rosy lips pulled into a smile, and since I spent at least an hour a day aplying crushed rose petals to them I figured I could boast. I had Long black slightly curled hair, with Silver storm eyes and a button nose. Unfortunately my body was slight as feather from the years of active training I was mad enough to endure in. However, I preferred my draggon form - all silver with wisps of inky black that cover the tips of my large fluffy wings. You'd figure since I was part Angel I'd used violence when needed but after the night I had it was surely needed. I camped in some field, thats only other occupier was a distraught Angel - one that had spent the night gasping in tears. Some of needed sleep, and I could be a beast with no sleep. I glanced around the smelling streets that were cluttered with varying creatures and tried to catch the attention of someone.
    "Hey - you" I didn't really know who I was singling out but I figured someone would look if I shouted. My luck was in then she turned around it was that damn Angel that had ruined my sleep.
    "Do you know the Lord Elzrick is, I need to find him?" Probably a bit rude but sleep is important.
  6. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Presently Miria stood in a field of tall grass upon two unfamiliar legs, and at an unfamiliar height. She found it curious that her transformed body supplied an ample amount of curves and contours. She mused on this quietly as she caressed with slender fingers her very feminine form. She found that her dusky brown locks had paled and become as the morning spring sky. Now they were tangle with twigs and the debris of the earth from hours of drowning in unconsciousness. The blackness had taught the girl as much as it had taken from her. She had not an inkling of what was lost, but felt that what she had gained was somehow both superior and inferior to what she had been before. She vowed silently to herself that she would return to Haeruk, her brother in tow and reclaim their positions in service to the Father.

    The heavens above Miria tore the indigo shroud of night with a sword of orange and crimson as dawn came. Her fingers moved to the smooth, roundness of her face, she felt her lips which had grown more full, and her cheeks were firm yet soft. A quiet smile formed across her lips at the pleasure physical sensation gave her. Never before had she ever felt such stimulus as this, physically at least and all memory of her experiences in Haeruk had been swallowed by her fear. She lift her voice in song from he pleasure of it. Life burned within her, coupled with the great joy all of the pleasure in her newness she was experiencing. Her song carried over the grass and through the trees and beyond them. The pre morning chatter of fowl came to a hush as all life came to peice upon hearing her melody. The pureness of the song was untainted by any harsh or complicated word written by the hand of man. Every syllable sculpted in the memory of the Fathers love, the one thing Miria could not forget. This song was the first symphony of the divine.
    She moved her body now, dancing with a divine grace that was a part of her being, and as she did the wind began to pick up. This was not the bitter gust of the night, but an gentle gust that played around her as if the Divine Father dance with her. Miria felt it envelope her, celebrating with her, cleansing her of the dirt that matted her soft flesh. Within herself she had found the strength to stand and now she danced. The whole world a sanctuary for praise. For hours she went on with this song of creation, every utterance new and bold. Her dancing ceaseless, giving herself entirely to the melody, learning her new form and scrying within herself further. The was potential for much power, having shed the form of cherubim she would find herself free to do as she pleased.
    Thats when it happened. Bone shattering pain shot through her ankle and she collapsed in shock. Pain was new as well though she knew discomfort. Biting her lower lip, her facing forming a heartbreaking grimace she silenced a scream. As if they knew her pain as well the birds who had been silent suddenly took flight, screeching murderously into the noontime sun.

    Miria examined her ankle and was horrified to see the flesh rot away from the bone before her eyes. Now she screamed, the cold hand of fear gripping her and squeezing. As she screamed the rot slowly ate the soft flesh of her leg, fear and anguish being its energy. Her heart jumped violently in her chest as she watched her self slowly rotting. Her flesh literal pulling away from bone and falling off in putrid clumps.
    Miria could not comprehend how this was happening nor why it had come to pass. And answers were the last thig she wanted. She wanted the nightmare to end. Dipite herself she called upon the name of the Divine Father. His true name which could not be spoken by mortal tongue. The earth began to shake, parting itsself from the grass and rock and a rose up to tower abover her. She watched as flesh and meat of her thighs began putrifying, the pain so extreme she couldnt feel it no longer. The churning earth took shape before her, causing her breath to catch sharply...
  7. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    After hours of uncertainty, the carriage arrived at the iron gates of Ezrics estate. The passengers of the metal cart quickly made there way out, eager to be in a safe place. Ezric bid the driver farewell and hastily escorted his guests to the mansion. Within the manor walls, the group of fatigued half breeds found themselves thrilled to be away from the fires and chaos they had witness occurring, only a few miles away. Here the walls stood firm and secure, allowing the troupe to put their minds at easy momentarily.

    Ezric led Blueberry and the others toward a large empty room "the lounging area" he called it. The man then pardoned himself to the kitchen in order to prepare refreshments for his guests.

    The remaining group sat in silence. The terrible event still fresh in their minds. Drake twitched as he sat, swept over with uneasiness, he looks around him for something to talk about that was unrelated to death and conspiracy. He noticed the walls of the room they sat in were decorated with large portraits of famous figures and members of the noble family, all bearing a striking resemblance to one another. Drake fought off the urge to make a joke about inbreeding, knowing such talk would be greatly distasteful. He sighed, clasping his head in his hands. "This is something grim we've gotten ourselves into..." he muttered to himself.
  8. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Elsewhere in in Kaizo;
    Red clay and black dirty swelled in a swirling mound, towering above Miria. She looked out on helplessly as her lower body rotted away beneath her. The earth began to take shape, forming into the shape of a head, its jawline broad a small yet dignified nose, a brow that was heavy with concern and thick lips which protruded past its nose. Its eyes were not present as if it had forgotten the need for sight.
    Miria lay there in the dry grass, an expression of utter defeat cutting hard lines into her soft face. She waited for death in that instant.
  9. MaggieStone

    MaggieStone New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
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    Finally I sat in his Lord's mansion, sighing with the pleasure that only a cup of steamy tea can bring, I huffed in silent at the stupidity of city creatures. I asked several people for the direction to this very large and distinct mansion and not one would point it out leaving it up to me to find it. My eyebrows furrowed once more and my lips puckered around the warm china, awkward silence hovered in parlour room. I looked over to my dear friend, Blue and she looked radiant but that was not a surprise in fact it was getting to the point where I didn't even bother to her how beautiful she looked. Which seemed to please her - how boring it much be to hear the same compliments over and over. She caught my gaze and smiled warmly while stroking chu who sat on top of her head as if it was a small hat. I looked over to the person sat next to her, everything about him screamed rakish apart from the way he looked at her. The next thought popped into my head as quick as the last, when would I get paid and how much? the notion did intrigue as I'd heard through the whispers of gossip that his lord was extremely rich- and so I said so.
    "When shall you pay me and how much will it be your Lord?"
  10. AveryWhite

    AveryWhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    Blueberry was glad Hunter had finally arrived. She had been quick to respond to her letter as she had thought she would be. They had met on several occasions over the long years, and Blueberry had grown rather fond of this hot headed young woman with a quick temper, sharp mind and analytical eye - which she used with great effect when tracking. She would be of great value to them and her help would be invaluable.
    Sitting in one of the leather-bound chairs, her wings constricted and sinking into its rounded back and spilling out the sides in feathery abandon; she faced the others around her. The chairs were arranged in an odd, almost circular positon so that each person could see the other directly. It was out of proportion with the room however; the wide walls and high ceilings making them seem small in comparison. She found it uncomfortable to sit in such a fine room; herself used to simplistic surroundings with not half so many possetions.
    Chu chu sat on her head, her favorite perch; and Blueberry stroked her soft white dovehead rhythmically, allowing them both to relax. Her own hair glowing just as white as chu chu's own complexion.
    Soon the group started to chat amongst themselves and she watched with interest, sipping her hot tea delicately and feeling its warmth flood her bones and tight muscles; as the conversation unfolded around her.
  11. PastPresentNFuture

    PastPresentNFuture New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    "Is 1000 gold pentagons sufficient" asked Ezric "It will be more if you so wish it" Ezric then saw one of his butlers
    "Alvin, bring me the Arquebus!" he said in a rather loud voice
    Five minutes later Alvin approached with his lovely weapon. The death machine seemed to be a smooth, curved stick with metal inlaid. There was a trigger which would fire a deadly metal orb.
    "Alvin, bring me the plate" he commanded
    It was one of Ezric's older suits, dark grey from considerable use, but still strong. As Alving hung it up, Ezric waited excitedly
    "All done Master" said Alvin "You may shoot now"
    Excellent, most excellent he though, he aimed, and clicked the trigger
    The mighty blast punched a good sized hole into the plate armour, completely ripping a small hole in it. Any person wearing it, would have at the very least sustain a brutal injury and most likely bleed to death. And this was with plate armour.
    "So everyone, what do you think?
  12. Mr Mr

    Mr Mr Active Member

    May 28, 2011
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    London, UK

    Atel watched as Ezrics boom stick tore a hole in a set of plate armour. It was impressive, but the only races that used plate armour were the Humans and Angels. Dragons had their tough hides, Vampires would just heal and some of the demons didn't even have solid bodies. He walked over to Ezric to take a closer look at the boom stick.

    "So it can damage plate amour, but what about dragon hide or an ethereal deamon?"
  13. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    The rain had stop pouring long ago. Esuna's armor was dry and flexible against his skin as he bounded in long strides across the sparsely forested landscape. The carriage train had led him to a stately manor. Large it was, in size almost opulent in its design, and definitely housed a man whos tastes were above luxurious.
    He stood at the edge of the woodline breathing his fatigue away and remembering why he was chosen for this assignment. The dense foliage around him hid his physical presence from wandering eyes, but his energetic bodies were concealed within his armor. Esuna marveled at the ingenuity.
    Looking through a window a shade drawn window he spied several figures whos shadows danced against what ever source of light was in the room. He counted five but sure there was more inside and they seemed to be sitting in a circle. Hear heard a shout then moments later an unnatural sound like thunder. Alarmed he rushed the short distance across the yard and jumped through the window...
  14. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    "Well that's...chaotic!" Drake said , taken aback by the smoldering pieces of metal and smoke that had jettisoned from the armor. He turned toward Ezric , who beamed with contentment as he held the strange and deadly device. "You've got a mighty handy piece of magic right there Mr...." Drake rose from his chair and crept toward the still smoking armor plating, inspecting it for any signs of trickery. He slid his hand against the metal surface and felt the jagged edge of the piercing. Remembering he was in the presence of others he turned quickly and addressed the group, still sitting in there chairs "I hope you don't mind folks, I'm just going to ensure the device is hmmm....legitimate!" He shifted back toward the plate armor and eyed it again, determined to find any form of trickery left on it. He eyed the piercing once more and stuck a scaly finger through it. "no signs of another device" he whispered to himself. Turning back and eying Lord Ezric, bewildered by the mechanics behind this new weapon.
  15. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    There was nothing left of the city once called Tandor save burning ruins and dark blood smears on the shattered roadways. The Majit had made a banquet of its citizens, now lumbering back to sloppily devour those unlucky enough to be only wounded in their first assault. High above the flames their master, the Majit sneered menacingly knowing that his hounds would soon swallow the countryside in search of their prey. It was a small matter for them to find the scent- they didnt use their nostrils, they sought souls and each victim had a distinctive signature. It was just a matter of time. The Maj howled and whinned telling their master there was not even a morsel of flesh left. Pleased with his hounds, Majit signaled for them to go but split up, two to the south and two to the east. Their bellies would burst inside a month.
  16. MaggieStone

    MaggieStone New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
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    "A thousand, well for once I am happy to say the rumours are true! You know my usual rate is something a little lower but since you offered I feel rude not taking it" His face burned with pride, I wasn't sure if it was his amazing new technology or the fact that he'd surprised me with the amount he could offer. For what I'd actually heard on the wind of whispers was that the new technology was sorely costing him, I smiled with the rest, all hoping that this new power was the thing that would win this war. I looked down to my nails and for once they weren't bathed in mud or blood just tingling warm from my now gone cup of tea. I could get used to this, the life, luxury and the cleanliness.
    'You could quit you know' he uttered as he wrapped another line of bandaging around another knife wound.
    "She expects me to though, she thinks I'm weak" His stormy grey eyes creased in pain of the truth, he knew I was right but his eyes burned with need to deny it. The rest of his features glowed just as brightly, Angels did that- souls so bright. His matching silver eyebrows furrowed, he was thinking of what to say- something that wouldn't be a lie.
    "She loves you, she's your mother"
    "She's more dragon than mother though Dad" He smiled, soft and serene. I knew why mother had fallen in love with him, didn't change that it condemned me to half breeding.
    "Your Mother is Kasmisa Ignis, it means beautiful flame- she's from a family of dragon warriors. She pushes you so you can be accepted" I knew he was right, but it had never stopped the scorn that followed me like clouds or the times that the other children had beat me until I couldn't stand. I didn't need to change those time if only she would show me a little love or that she was proud of me.

    "Hunter? Was that all?" I looked up to Ezric only but two inches away from my face and the others staring at me, a slow burning blush crept over my features. What should I say? Sorry just had a flashback of the night I vowed never to be discriminated against because I was half-breed. Or sorry just remembering why I was really here.
  17. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    After having burst through a window into the room where those he had followed gathered, Esuna was surprised at the lack of reaction the group portrayed almost as if he was more part of the spiritual realm than the physical one. But there was shattered glass on cold marble floor, some shards speckled with his blood from cuts he'd received from crashing through. And there had been the unmistakable sound of glass breaking surely his presence among them was real.
    He looked around seeing five men and two women sitting in expensive chairs that were all encircled so that each one sitting could see his opposite. Save the odd chair which was pulled slightly back from the group. One man was standing, a pleased expression lit his has as if he had eaten his favorite pudding. His clothes were fine silk, with twin shortwords at his waist and some foreign armor upon his chest. In hand he held an oversized flute with a wooden handle and some sort of trigger where the flutes metal ended and te wood began. Quite it odd Esuna thought to himself, to entertain guests with such a strange instrument.
    Content now to watch the bizarre display Esuna notice another man, or scaled complexion stand to observe a set of plate armor which seemed to have been peirced by a deadly bolt of energy. The man looked awed yet suspicious, but turned to the one dressed in finery and congratulated him. Then a woman spoke up, this one smaller in comparison to the other present. She mentioned some sort of transaction but soon fell silent as her gave dropped to her hand. Apparently she had lost her train of thought and the man with the flute made his way over to her in cautious strides. He called her Hunter and her spell was broken, she returned his gaze with a sheepish smile, apologizing for her lapse and saying she remembered now why she had come to him.
    This remark puzzled Esuna even further. Who where these strange people? What caused the sound of thunder to roar from this place? And why hadnt they taken notice to a man that had just come through the their window?
    Casually placing his hand on the hilt of Alabastor, Esuna walked slowly to the center of the group trying his best not to alarm any of them. He looked from face to face a sighed, hoping no trouble would start between them.
    "I come in peace" he offered
  18. PastPresentNFuture

    PastPresentNFuture New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Ezric calmly adressed this new person "Do not do that again, discuss will my guards if you want to go in. But do join" he said "I assume you already saw what the arquebus can do, so I will not bother explaining to you." He then adressed his new lieutenants "Now that I have showed you this 400 year old creation of alchemists, you are all to strategize among yourselves, how we will win this war."
  19. Mr Mr

    Mr Mr Active Member

    May 28, 2011
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    London, UK
    "Now that I have showed you this 400 year old creation of alchemists, you are all to strategize among yourselves, how we will win this war."

    "I think I may have the answer for our strategy" Atel said. He'd been thinking for a while on how they would unite the realms.

    "I acctualy have to Ideas but ones quite a bit easier than the other." Once he had their full attention he continued.

    "The first idea is simple. We take out the heads of each race and remove the walls seperating the nations." Atel waited for them to take this plan in before explaining the alternative plan.

    "Alternatively we could find something so evil and powerful that the races have no choice but to unite against it." This plan would be harder and more dangerous to execute but would be more effective in the long term.

    "Oh, one other thing Ezric. That weapon would be useless against a demon, even a vampire could just heal from it so how do you intend to deal with them?"
  20. MaggieStone

    MaggieStone New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
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    "Not necessarily" Everyone looked at me sharply, obviously they didn't expect me to know the answer to the puzzle that had confounded them all. However, anyone part Angel knew the answer deep down - the knowledge was always handed down to each generation. Though since I was only half Angel I knew much less than the other true breeds, though if this worked out the way I hoped, that wouldn't be an issue any longer. "Well, everyone knows that when a true breed Angel is in close proximity to a Demon, the Demon becomes corporeal and and is weakened slightly. Problem is we need a true breed Angel before we can even think about doing some damage" I sighed hoping that my input had helped. I didn't know what to do about dragons or vampires. The new one's quizzical look turned into outright bafflement, I felt his confusion. No-one had battered an eyelid when he'd crashed through the window, though every nerve in my body was on edge and I had moved slightly in front of Blue. She could handle herself but I felt a deep need to protect the first and only friend I had ever had.
  21. AveryWhite

    AveryWhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    Blueberry was the first to speak concerning which plan to take and she spoke up, addressing them all on a subject which would be the most important if they were going to succeed. She set down her china-cup of tea on the quite high, polished-mahogany, side table beside her and moved forward a little in her chair. Leaning her elbows on either arm rest.
    "On which of Atel's plans I think my conscience must go with the first, I would never agree to something evil." She expressed quietly. She was half angel after all.
    “Hunter, what a positively ingenious idea. Of course, how could I have forgotten!” she smiled, mostly at the folly of herself for forgetting such a detail. “And of course because of the weakening - they’re bodies loose the ability of being like smoke and become more solid. Solid enough for their bodies to receive the bullet! This of course may be tricky to achieve and will need much planning…”
    Blueberry though for a few moments; the others still and quite as she spoke and thought.
    “Unless…if we can succeed in freeing the angel race first and somehow make them allies, then maybe they will assist us in fighting the demons. In battle they would be close and would transform the demons into they’re more susceptible solid shapes and then we may use these weapons to great effect.”
    “Not that I am fond of this new weapon however Ezric.” She turned to him. “But I will not condemn it; I can see the usefulness of this weapon even if I do prefer a more honourable and skilled form of combat.”
    “As for dragons however…I think I may be of use there. For those of you dragons who have never heard of this, it is because this knowledge has been taken from you, from the dragon race.” Blueberry settled herself down, ready to tell the others around her a tale and chuchu, upon feeling the shift in her master, flew down onto her lap and nestled herself down for the night. Blueberry began in her soft tones…
    “You see this knowledge only resided with the ‘Moonbeam Clan’. For it comes from our elders over the many generations and was gifted to us all by the moon for us to wield; and only we have the connection to it and the power it gives us.
    Legend says that on the night of the full moon, many centuries ago, when dragon and angel came together for the first time it created a great surge of power from the moon and it was gifted to them and their clan – then called the Surgefootbill Clan, but on receiving this gift they changed their clan name to the Moonbeam Clan. It was said that the eldest women of the tribe received this name that night in her dreams, as she transformed into a wise mystic women on receiving her new power, and so the clan was born.
    But after many centuries the high dragons wished to have this knowledge for themselves or at least stop us from having it, as they thought it dangerous for only one clan to have such power. We might rise against them and take over leadership as the high clan of the dragonlands. But it was a needless worry, for we have always been a peaceful clan, the blessed moon sheltering us in her gleaming, calming glow-rays.
    Ever since, for near on a hundred years our clan has been banished from the dragonlands and so we dwell here in Trandor ‘City of the Outcasts’; having no home to return too. But we suffer, the elderly are week, being so far from they’re true homes have taken a terrible blow to their health and energy. But we still keep our ability to commune with the moon and the mystic forces she gifts us.
    One such knowledge she gifted us, was the forming of metals; and this is what I wish to tell you about. I suppose it is a form of alchemy except it is different to any form that is known of.
    Dragon hide is impenetrable; it is the toughest thing in the world. Nothing can penetrate it fully except for another dragon and…the metals we can create. If possible, for we have not made these metals in almost 100 years we may be-able to make special bullets that this new weapon can use against the dragons.
    Bullets only however, for the making of these metals take much energy, and my tribe is now very small; there is only a few of us left. When we were many and strong we could craft many large weapons and objects with these metals, but now it is too much. The metals are created and gifted by the moon through some form of ceremony, and can only be made on the full moon once a month, and the colours must match the hide of the dragon it is to pierce. I have gold hide that means only gold crafted by the magic of the moon could penetrate my hide.”
    She finished and the others around her were silent, staring at her as if they had all fallen into a dream, under the spell of her soft whimsical tones as she told them the story of her clan and from whence she came; and no doubt under the spell of the moon which was so ripe within her.
    "As for vampire i do not have a solution...perhaps Ezric you do?"
  22. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Esuna took a few breaths in attempt to regain his composure. The lack of reaction from the group had unnerved him, but the shortsightedness in their ideals disturbed him even further. He sensed the tension eminating from all present this was a war gathering, but if there was to be war where was their army?
    Esunas' intelligence reports told him that the armies from the demon nation where campaigning against the humans and predicted that they would target Trandor as resupply and operations post. The city had been razed yet there was no evidence of demonic occupation. And these people had escaped, knowing little to nothing about who pulled their strings. He saw the threads of a trap beginning to form around this predicament.
    "I know we have tresspassed into your circle, but please forgive us. We have been sent by Lord Drajon of Derrig to ensure the formation of a resistance against the radical factions of this war." He spoke in a low thickly accented voice reminiscent of the western jungle tribes
    "We followed you in while you rode in wheeled coffins and then we watched far. We are not yet familiar with the customs of your land. It seems that deferential attitude makes you either foolish or very strong." His hand fell from the hilt of Alabastor as he allowed himself to smile good naturedly. Already attendents were cleaning the shattered glass from the floor with military efficiency. Esuna allowed his gaze to rest upon the small female who had been refered to as 'Hunter', "When I heard thunder rumble in this room we assumed the worst and came to assist any survivors. We suppose there is no danger however what was that sound? Our superiors suspect there is new technology preparing to circulate. This would tip the balance of power into the wielders favor. However in order to stop the hands from moving their peices we must sever the fingers."
    Now he turned to the man who suggested taking on each nation one by one. "We have reason to believe that even though each nation is indifferent to the existence of one another, their heads of stated are being controlled by a group of three malicious. Individuals. Their identities are unknown to us but it is my mission to find out before the Kaizo decends into chaos as it has before."
    "How do you know this! Who exactly are you?" Somebody demanded from behind him. Esuna turned to look but couldn't decide who it was. He shrugged, "We are Esuna of Saint Balogs' Order"
  23. Clumsywordsmith

    Clumsywordsmith Active Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    All the while Geoffrey has, for the most part, brooded quietly in a further corner of the room; really, to a casual observer he might not even appear to have been paying attention, posture slumped into a look of abject carelessness, half-lidded eyes cast in a pointed gaze upon a single spot of tile beneath his feet. It is not until Esuna finishes speaking that he finally shifts, straightens his posture a little and ventures to talk.

    “Hmm... a breath of fresh air, and suddenly the scent of common sense slips in through the window; I do wonder, why is that we forgot to invite him from the start?” He pauses here for a moment, head tilting back and nose wrinkling a bit as though he were smelling the air -- all in the same instant his lips part slightly, tongue appearing and vanishing just as swiftly. The entire motion is very reptilian in character, and one might be inclined to wonder whether the wrinkling of his nose was nothing more than mere show, the tongue rather doing the actual smelling. Whatever the case, he gives a brief grimace -- perhaps of distaste -- before his words continue once again, directed now toward Ezric as he slowly untangles his slouched form from its long held embrace of the chair, pushes to his feet and pads a little ways toward the centre of the room.

    “Lord Ezric, I must admit, you do put on a truly splendid show; my ears are rather ringing still, more so than they do at even the worst of times, and for that I feel compelled to congratulate you. But still I must ask: what of it? We have a weapon and no army. We have ideas and no plan. We have an entire city on the verge of open chaos all about us (chaos, I might add, that will soon be directed on our most holy, once untouchable and otherwise sacred hides...)” With this he comes to another pause, caught a moment as he allows his eyes to slide over Blueberry at which point he remarks: “Yet even as there is more than just one way to kill a dragon -- or a half a dragon, for that matter -- than by simply stabbing it, there are more effective ways to bring ancient civilisations to their knees than through simple regicide.” At this his gaze settles for a moment now upon Atel, as silently moving from one person to the next as he goes about slowly addressing a few of the given points. Eventually his gaze comes to settle once more upon Ezric.

    “I shall not belabour point any more than is necessary; you ask us to plan, and so in response I give you this: there can be no real plan, not so long as we are casting about in the dark for answers, not so long as it is the few of us working alone against the many. Your “gunpowder”, while no doubt useful, might only serve us so far... and now I will stress once more: we do not yet know -who-, exactly, ordered the attacks upon what was to be a peaceful gathering. We do not yet know who wanted to leave you and those with you in such an awkward kind of predicament. Nor, for that matter, do we know why... And still, the only lead which we presently have is one wounded half-dragon commandant, somewhere not too terribly far distant, and someone from whom we might be able to... extract... something -- anything -- from which to move forward. Look to the matter this way, if you will: it is obvious that they know something of import which we do not, and more plainly still something that must be quite disturbing to them, if they were willing to risk so much all for the sake of silencing an innocuous and peaceful gathering of which there are dozens yearly and of which nothing has ever come for all the untold centuries that the races have lived in isolation.”
  24. MaggieStone

    MaggieStone New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
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    "Like that means something- you forget we half breeds are held prisoner in this city. You've told us who you obey to now tell us who you are?" I pushed my hand into my ebony hair, to most it would look like a silly little girl playing stupidly with her hair. I slid the small hair slide out of the tangling mass of my hair and held it loosely, for it was glazed in a poison. All I'd have to do was to push it into his skin and he'd be dead.
    "Esuna? last or first name" His large frame tumbled into a small shrug, it was never easy getting anything out of men whether they were spies or not. I made an effort to widen my eyes so they would look opulent and innocent, organising my posture into something like a side look that a child would give to their parents after they had been naughty.
    "Please sit! I imagine we all are dying to hear your story - right up to crashing through his lord very expensive window" Esuna downright shuffled apologetically at this point, while Drake harumphed a little too loudly for my liking, I wanted to know what type of attention we were attracting. Ezric smiled the what a snake would to a mouse- very much like he's want to kill him. Blue was the only one who looked intrigued to hear what the stranger was doing here in his lords house and even hers was mild. I smiled making sure it was pearly brightnes that shone through.
    "Sit - I'm sure some tea will be afforded to you"
  25. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Esuna ran his thick fingers through his unruly silvered hair, a sheepish gesture. He had taken note of Geoffrey when he first entered, but the mans' laxidaisical nature caused Esuna to soon forgot about him. He was greatful for Geoffrey's sanction of his actions, the man seemed to understand the true urgency of their situation. Though something in his tone seemed condencending as he addressed various members of this group. Esunas polished bronze gaze never left the man as the small female spoke to him. Not out of disrespect to her but a sudden sense of anxiety that coursed through him when first heard the man speak. And now the girl was patronizing him.

    To himself, Esuna smiled showing of rows of dazzling and carnivorous teeth. "We haven't tracked you all these miles to have tea and dicuss the weather, little one"
    He knew his comment would cause this one to boil with rage, though he hoped she wasn't foolish enough to act against him with violence. Time was of the essence now. This small group must carry there knowledge elsewhere to better arm and prepare other groups of halflings.
    "Nobleman!" He turned to address the man in finery. "Surely you recognize that if we, who are complete strangers to your land, have tracked you to your mansion, then a knowledgeable foe will have an easier finding you and your comrades."
    As if on queue a gutteral howl resound loud some where off in the distance. Esuna unconsciously returned his hand to Alabastors' hilt. A round the room there was an obvious reaction of anxiety in varying degrees.
    "It wont be long before the beast behind that howl arrives here to claim your hides. We suggest you head to your Trandor and gather more information."
    Esuna looked to the shattered window and out into the night sky. "We will go in advance to dipatch what pursuers there maybe. If you and your party decide to go back to Trandor you will find me there. Until then"
    With that Esuna left the same way he came.
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