Just have a couple questions about the right format to write with when sending in your manuscript to publishers. I write with MS Word..... I'm using one inch margins all the way around, Courier New 12pnt, and double spaced. If I have a 500 page manuscript, am I going to end up with a 300 page novel after its published? Is there a better format? Any thoughts would be helpful.
http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=formatting+for+book+submissions&oq=Formatting+for+submissions+&gs_l=hp.1.2.0i22i30l7.4556.18365.1.25611.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.aGc&fp=3cdfc9e4d837d741&biw=875&bih=513 But you should be sending query letters out to agents instead.
Read this: http://www.shunn.net/format/story.html Then follow the agent's/publisher's specific guidelines after.
Some publishers (usually small ones) take submissions directly from writers. I have seen a few during my time searching out agents with Dr. Google.
William Shunn says to use Courier.... My processor only has Courier New.... Do you think that would be sufficient?
Courier or Courier new is fine for most publishers. Some will take Times New Roman, but it is not generally preferred, because TNR is a proportional font, and rather cramped besides. Proportional fonts allocate a smaller horizontal space for narrow letters like i or l than for wider characters like m and w. This makes it harder to spot typographical errors. Courier and Courier New are fixed pitch fonts, meaning characters are set with the same horizontal distance from centerline to centerline. Serif fonts are also generally preferred over sans serif fonts, also because typos are easier to spot.