I just found out the other day that the national guard base about twenty miles away from where I live is holding a free wilderness survival camp next weekend. I'm all signed up and everything now, and I can't wait.
That's gonna either be loads of a fun or a complete Major Benson Winifred Payne. Still, I'd totally of signed up too .
Dude. That sounds pretty sweet. I would totally do something like that. Unfortunately, there's not really any wilderness around here. I content myself with reading outdoor survival guides, and hoping for an extended power outage. Let me know when you're done with that, and I'll bug you for the details.
They gonna let you eat slugs and wear DDT directly on your skin to keep away the skeeters? If you're lucky, they'll fly a C-130 over and spray you down with Agent Orange. That's the fun stuff. I don't recommend the tree leeches that drop on you while you're crawling along the jungle floor. LOL