I'm sure most are familiar with the movie GATACA -- Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has always fantasized about traveling into outer space, but is grounded by his status as a genetically inferior "in-valid." He decides to fight his fate by purchasing the genes of Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), a laboratory-engineered "valid." He assumes Jerome's DNA identity and joins the Gattaca space program, where he falls in love with Irene (Uma Thurman). An investigation into the death of a Gattaca officer (Gore Vidal) complicates Vincent's plans. Does anyone know if an official book was written after the fact for this screenplay? Or have you read a good fan fiction writer's take? Thanks
Google reveals nothing to suggest any books exist. I thought the film was awful, personally. Jude Law's performances is laughable.
Are you trying to hurt me? My girlfriend hates it, my daughter hates it, my son hated me for making him watch 10 mins of it. And my cat, as always, was indifferent... I loved it...But I hated AI -- my daughter and son really liked AI. And my cat, as always, was indifferent... My searches didn't return any books related to GATACA either. I wanted to see the writing style, not so much the story. On a secondary topic: I wonder what the rules are for fan fiction? Can I write GATACA | The Unofficial Story?
Hey, if we all liked the same things, the world would be a pretty dull place... Mmm, another sci-fi idea.... everyone conditioned to have the same tastes.... I really don't know what the copyright laws say about fan fiction. It exists, so I'm guessing it's okay??
I loved Gattaca and thought it dealt with very compelling themes and allegories. I think it should have won best picture that year, but it wasn't even nominated. I do not understand all the hate.