Hi guys I am writing a (very detailed) plan for a novel, but I have reached a writer's block. I need to figure out how to get my main character from one thing to another. At the moment, she is almost engaged to one of the most eligible men in the city, but I need him to (wrongly) think she is with someone else. How am I able to get him to think that without her really being with the other man? THanks in advance !!!
You'll need to get there on your own. No one here knows the setting, the other characters, or the other threads in the plot.
A good character arc will help that movement also. I suggest doing a google search on them, and see if that helps get ideas moving. Since characters drive all books/shows/movies, it's always good to have one.
Maybe she uses the phone and he happens to hear part of the conversation and things are said in such a way that makes him believe she is going to be seeing someone else when she's not with him. And maybe it turns out that it's her father or a good male childhood friend or something completely innocent... I dont know, it's your story. Or he sees her calendar, sees a name he's not familiar with... or maybe it's a name he IS familiar with but it turns out the meeting in question in something completely innocent and she's just meeting another "Steve" for some completely innocent reason. Or it could even be more direct than that, maybe a friend of the guy sees this persons girlfriend at a nice restaurant or coming out of a movie theater alone with another person. Maybe it turns out to be her brother or cousin visiting from another town.
Read What is Plot Creation and Development? for an explanation of what a plot really is, and how plots drive a story line. (Plots and story lines are not the same thing.)