Hello, fellow users. I am not sure if this is the right place to post, but how do I make more people read my story. There are few people who like to read my story at my high school. Right now, this friend of mine is reading my current Ace Attorney fan-fic story although.
You could start a blog? That doesn't guarantee that people will come flocking to read, but it would make it easily available, and you could link back and forth with other blogging friends. This would, of course, count as publication, so you wouldn't want to post anything that you want to get traditionally published, but it doesn't sound like that's the goal yet. ChickenFreak
Invitation's another way to go about it. Through word of mouth, just ask a couple of friends and acquaintances if they'd like to read your work. It's kinda' a strange question, but it's much like building any other kind of readership. Also, if you write a lot of fan-fiction, there's sites that specialize in that sort of thing. Just Google a fan-fiction site, and you're bound to find one or two communities of fan-fiction writers that'd be eager to read your work. Either way, just keep putting yourself out there, and you'll get a readership going.
I did joined fanfiction.net, but when I tried to post a fanfic story, I got infected by a virus. So, I am really cautious about it.
I guess it depends on why you've written your story. If you just want people to enjoy it, I guess you could put it online or just ask friends if they're interested. Asking random people probably won't get you the response you'd like, and in high school, being in a class with someone doesn't really mean much. It's not the same as being friends; you don't really have an obligation to one another just because you're in the same classroom. If you want people to comment on your work, so that you can make it better, you should ask friends of yours who read a lot. Alternately, WritingForums has a Review Room section where you can post your work (after writing two reviews yourself) and get feedback. Remember, not everyone's going to want to read your stuff, and that's okay. Some people just don't like reading. Others won't know about the world your fanfic is set in. And still others are reluctant to read work by beginning writers, because they think most starting writers write poorly. (And they're right; every writer goes through a time period of writing dreck. You just have to keep writing, and eventually your work gets better.) Good luck.
That's pretty strange, considering the number of people that use the site. I'd ask around fanfiction.net about it, someone else may have gotten hit like you did, and may know something about it.
lol... I am sorry about your plight, though. I think this can be easily solved by keeping your computer's security higher and by installing better anti-virus software. Such software will warn you when you try to do something in infected websites.
Hi, yes maybe start some kind of a blog if you haven't already done that yet ? I started one a while ago and really need to update it. You could link to it from Facebook etc. Maybe also get involved in your school or college magazine or paper if they have one ? Or start your own. maybe get your own web site thing. These are all things I am hoping to do, except for the school thing. I am way too old for that and I don't think the local church magazine would be interested in my horror stories ; )
Sharing them and allowing other people to share them with people can work. My stories have a reasonable following just by sending out short stories - started out with two teenagers who shared them with their friends.
I wanted critique as well as somebody to read my work so I picked three friends taht I trusted to be honest without being nasty and asked them to become my 'reading panel'. They don't always comment as they have those horrid things called lives that get in the way, but it's definitely helped me.