Does anybody living in the UK know of anywhere to donate a desktop Apple computer which is still in great working order, but is pretty much obsolete as far as connecting to the internet? It would make great wordprocessor for a writer, and it's such a shame to just dump it in the bin, monitor and all. (Which is what our local council told us to do—what a total waste of materials!) I'm talking specifically of a G3 desktop with working monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.
They have an equivalent of freecycle there? There are probably enthusiasts who would LOVE a working computer. Try seeking them out too.
Your best bet, I think, is to put it up on ebay. It'll probably be used for spare parts of what have you, or maybe someone will get it as a word processor, who knows Just make sure you wipe the hard drive before you give it away.
I had actually thought of eBay, but I don't have a seller's account there, and am not keen to establish one for an item I don't really want to sell, but just give away! However, I'll keep it in mind. If I established a seller's account, I might be able to get rid of lots of other stuff I've got hanging around. I usually just give up and take the stuff to a charity shop. A win/win. You're right about wiping the hard disk first, no matter what. Freecycle? Hmm. I'll look into that.
Try donating to charity first, or via freecycle. If after those you're still not happy, then I have a motley collection of old PCs currently grazing their last days out in the pasture of my 'computer' room that would be happy to have it as company