I'm Swiper, I write a wide variety of fiction, ranging from sci-fi, to dark modern political parody, to witty obervations on everyday life. I also consider myself to be a rather good standup comedian on my topic of 'The Welsh Expedition'. I'm 1/2 welsh, mostly English standard Londoner, I speak my mind - however through writing I attempt to create my own style, occasionally totally discarding accepted protocals in writing... I also wrote Biohazard... but I doubt no one has heard of my minor net hit...
I'm glad to see you joined Swiper. I know swiper from the Black Library Forums and another forum called 40k Online. I promised him three Cookies if he joined. lol The Biohazard story he wrote is very good. ~Raven.
Biohazard is a story he wrote about a year ago. Its not linked to resident Evil. But I loved it. Swiper got a good amount of Praise for that story on the 40k forums. Trust me If you read it you'll love it. So come on Swiper let these readers read the story. lol ~Raven.
Biohazard has gone through many forms... hell a version of it is being used as a template for a surreal thriller/action/adventure - involving an ordinary student in a series of terrifying adventures. Bloody, brutal, crude. Like a hammer. But effective... I may post some of my continually editied and comic blog - working up towards hopeful publishing in my WiP 'An Idiots Guide to Life as an Ethnic Minority in a Serf Nation' http://www.40konline.com/mos/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=861&topic=101558.msg1206810 Hopefully that should be the link? As the site is not responding on my pc atm...
1/2 Welsh eh? That means you're only half the man I am. Welcome to the forum. I'm really impressed with the 40k site. Looks real good. I loved your story. Implausible (not that it matters), bold, and awesome.