Hello! This site was recommended to me by a friend of mine at party, and I think I may post some of my work here, and spend idle moments reading the huge body of textual effort on offer. I'm currently writing a science fiction novel called Singularity, and I read the first draft of each chapter on youtube and on guydelore [dot] com as I finish it. So far it's been a personally interesting but not particularly social experience. I'm looking forward to diving into the site! Owen Britton
Actually, I joined to read and critique science fiction stories in my free time, and perhaps post my own short fiction, which I intend to do at some point, once I better understand the system in place here. Would not an introduction on a writing forum be incomplete if I failed to mention that I'm writing a book? It's not as though I gain anything other than the feedback this site is designed to provide by mentioning my project; since it isn't done, I have no cynical profit motive... In short, I resent your accusation, contradict it, and ask that you employ better sentence structure if you intend to continue your misguided assault on my character.