Hi, everyone. Newbie here. I write fantasy/sci-fi novels, mostly. The borderline gets blurry at times, partly because they're futuristic, set in an alternate universe, and involve space-faring civilizations. I'm hoping if I can finish one, I could submit it for publication. Finishing gets tricky for me, though, despite the fact I've been writing since elementary school. I've finished a few things, mostly short stories, and two novels early in life. For some reason, I lost the discipline as I aged. Actually, my ideas expanded and entangled, so that it got harder and harder to do them justice in writing. I had the vague idea that a writing forum might help. : ) Hoping I can get past the initial fright of exposing them to other eyes, anyway. Um, more about me: literature major, lifelong student, possible INFJ/INTP but not sure I believe in MBTI, cat-lover, closet romantic, recovering cynic. I also love philosophy, psychology, travel, and almost anything to do with space. Looking forward to the adventure, and to getting to know some of you and work. Best of luck with all this!
Hi Starfire Fly! Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you'll fit right in! Here's our New Member Quick Start to get you started. Make sure to check out the bit about our workshop if you're planning to post your own writing for feedback. Have fun! -Kat
Hey! That is so cool! I'm into MBTI as well, i sometimes even base my fictional characters on The types. I'm an INFJ and writing really is the Best way of healing any emotional issue for me. Plus it's super fun! I'm a dog Person but I own cats as well and sci fi is not so much my genre but i think that's exactly the point! Getting into a conversation with people that are different in order to get inspired. Don't be afraid to share your stories. As for me, I won't tear anything apart in a mean way and I'm assuming that is most people here. It would be awesome if you could tell me more about what exactly high sci fi is. It's an area that I'm not familiar with at all. What is it you love about it? Greetings from M
Hi, M, thanks! Yes, there's definitely a fear associated with sharing stories, isn't there? It's like putting a piece of your soul out there and hoping to God no one does "tear it apart," as you so aptly put it. If they do, it's like your infant has been exposed to an arctic blizzard. It's good to hear that this site is "safe" in that sense, lol. What do you write? Is "high sci-fi" a term you came up with yourself to denote high fantasy/sci-fi hybrid, or is it an "official" category? My stuff is a combination of future fantasy, soft sci-fi, and space opera. Lots of high adventure, drama, Romance. It's much more about people than things, and the laws of nature...are expressed differently. More poetically, I guess, to show higher laws behind those laws. Hard to explain but really wonderful to write (and hopefully, read). It challenges me to express my own beliefs about ultimate reality. ButI'm less concerned with how the laws work than with the characters, their relationships, and their life journeys. I write to process emotional issues, too. Actually, that's a primary motivation and inspiration. I guess that's my INFJ showing. Somebody told me I could be an INTP, but I think INFJ or INFP suit me much better. I've been studying it more, and I'd be shocked if I weren't an NF. Have you looked into Keirsey's system? I think his ideas seem more solid, since he goes back to the temperaments. I've gotten story inspiration from the Types, too! Not so much basing characters on them, but getting inspired from the longer profiles. Really helps round out or understand minor characters sometimes. They're really fun to play with, too, especially if you remember it's all on a spectrum. You can have funny, extreme characters and far more interesting, muddled characters.
I can most definitely identify with the convoluted angle of developing a more complicated rapport with your thought processes which thus encroaches and muddies the waters of your various imagining projects! I suppose you are still you and you will reflect your current baseline if you continue to put the same amount of effort and passion into your work, you will level off because you are still you... and if you are persisting in pursuing the fantastical, then it is because you are attempting to find an outlet and a landscape to correspond with your thoughts.. it's complicated but I hope that makes sense!
I like to write short stories but I am also constantly working on "bigger Projects" (None of which are even Close to being finished yet though...). Genre-wise they would mostly fit into mystery/Fantasy but often going into a very psychological direction and having a Horror/Thriller Kind of taste to them. When I say fiction I don't mean that I invent whole new worlds and magical creatures but sometimes things happen in my stories that are not quite... natural. When writing short stories however, I normally stick to real life happenings. High Sci Fi is a made up hybrid term I came up with I use it because I find, so often the lines between two Genres blur making it difficult to match them 100% correctly. "It's much more about people than things, and the laws of nature...are expressed differently. More poetically, I guess, to show higher laws behind those laws. Hard to explain but really wonderful to write (and hopefully, read). It challenges me to express my own beliefs about ultimate reality. ButI'm less concerned with how the laws work than with the characters, their relationships, and their life journeys. I write to process emotional issues, too. Actually, that's a primary motivation and inspiration." What you just said there, I feel like it came straight out of my mind, only I've never expressed it before! That's EXACTLY how I feel, that's exactly why I write and what I write. I am, for instance very interested in concepts such as guilt and forgiveness or how the universe operates using fate & destiny. What interests me most though, is the theory of Yin and Yang and that's what my ultimate goal in writing is. Showing the Balance and how opposites interact, sometimes being opponents but being one at the same time. This is quite complex and I could go on for days about this Topic but I'm just so glad I've found someone who thinks similar thoughts. I've always felt so ... alien. I have looked into the Kiersey's System indeed and I've found that it ties in with the MB-System perfectly. It's funny how all four member os my Family are a different Temperament If you are unsure however, whether you are an INFJ or an INFP I'd suggest you look into the 8 cognitive functions. For INFJ that'd be (in the following order): Ni, Fe, Ti, Se. For INFP: Fi, Ne, Si, Te You see, they don't have a single function in common, so it should be pretty easy for you to determine which one you are once you've conducted some thorough reasearch So where are you from?