i love that film, i always always always cry at the end when the sad music plays. and yeaa, Tim burton films are amazing, especially The Nightmare Before Christmas. for all you who have never seen or heard of it, here is a link to a song on it. a song that always used to scare me to death. :| lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUvJ_mGJnRw
I remember watching it when I was younger and wanted to own the dvd but I could never find one until last year. So now I own it and it's still sad, yet beautiful.
lol. I hgad to watch it twice when i first bought it. I watched it then the wife came home and insisted watching it Arrgh I thought. But it was her movie. Still it did make for good viewing.
lol, i do like tim Burton movies. the next one i want to see of his is the Corpse Bride, also with Johny Depp in it, another animated one like The Nightmare Before Christmas.