1. Androxine Vortex

    Androxine Vortex Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Hello Everyone

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Androxine Vortex, Oct 18, 2011.

    Greetings! I joined this forum to get some information on any writting careers, some feedback on my works, and learn a few things. But first let me tell you a bit about myself:

    I just graduated high school last year. I have been writting stories ever since I was a child. I have always liked writng in fantasy genres because when I was a kid my favorite thing to do was play video games (who didn't like that as a kid?) so when I first learned how to write I began writing my own stories from the games. So growing up, my interests grew in literature that wasn't real, that would let me explore wild imagination.

    A few years a go I got into Warhammer 40K. For those of you who do not know what that is, it is one of those tabletop, build and paint your own models, and fight with your friends game. After a year or two of playing it I realized, "Hey! This is expensive!" I realized that I was only into it for the lore so I decided to sell my armies and then I began just collecting the books. The Horus Heresy is by far the best and I would have to say The First Heretic or A Thousand Sons are my favorite.

    I began writing my own short WH40K stories but then began running into problems. You see, when I write, I ALWAYS try and make it as intereting and engaging for the reader but I was constantly having to edit my work because it just didn't seem "probable" in the 40K universe. Recently I decided that it would be easier to write in my own universe that I could create. If I wrote in an already pre-set universe, I would have to abide by all of it's rules, but if I create my own, I have much more imagination to work with you know?

    So I am in the process of aking all my 40K ideas and stories and converting them into my own, seperate series. Of course since they weer originally made for a 40K story, they will share lots of similar characteristics but I am also trying to keep in original. I incorporate a lot of mythology into my stories (original mythology that I make) and am constantly making what I call "overlapping details" Basically it's where I take an idea and in order to get to that idea in the script, a series of events must be made to reach that idea. Usually they are subtle events that begin to snowball and lead to that final idea.

    Lets say for example I wanted my character to become corrupt with dark powers. I wouldnt just say, "He unsheated the cursed sword and felt the power coursing through him. He then began to dominate the land." It would be more like Maybe something tragic happened to the character and out of anger he seeks powers to exact his revenge. He stumbles across a scroll of dark magic in a ancient ruin of a library. He decided to use these powers for good but the more corrupt his powers become, so too does his mind and soul. See? Isn't that a lot beter? i made the character "fall from grace" yet in his mindset he is the hero. It's kind of hard to explain but you get the idea that I like to use a lot of detail.

    Ok, phew, *takes deep breath, thanks for hanging in there and reading this for me! I'm not a big forum user (i only use a warhammer forum heresy-online) and I made an account at Absolute Write Water Cooler but I'm waiting for it to activate, so I'll be sure to read the stickies and hopefully I wont get lost XD If you have any tips or anything you think I should know (like abbreviations for commonly used phrases on this forum) please tell me. I have no idea what I plan on doing for my future career (way to wait all this time huh?) but I have always liked writing so hopefully I can find something here and if you have any career ideas I would like to get some info.

    Other from writing i love music (I play guitar and was in many bands) I listen to a lot Metal (bands like Devin Townsend, Dimmu Borgir, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Nile, I could go on forever) and I also make my own Hardstyle and Dubstep beats/songs on Fruity Loops Studio :D
    Oh and for some reason I tend to always misspell "the" and "just" (teh jsut) so I appologize in advance. And since I write like the authors do in WH40K novels, expect to see lots of betrayals, dark secrets, grim battles, and hopeless struggles in my works.
  2. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI
  3. Backbiter

    Backbiter Member

    Apr 6, 2011
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    Welcome to the forums!
  4. Androxine Vortex

    Androxine Vortex Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    lol thanks

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