Hello. Thanks for allowing me to register here. I've been looking for a place like this for a long time. I'm working on a novel for my daughter. She just turned one, so I have a while left to finish it. I don't consider myself an aspiring writer, not exactly. I guess it would be nice to be published, but as long as I can finish the book and she reads it, I'll be happy with that. I give critiques that are both constructive and honest. This has gotten me into trouble in the past, but I hope people here have thicker skin than that. I give feedback the way I expect to get it: tell me what you like and why, tell me what sounds bad and what I can fix. Looking forward to reading and critiquing here. WARANGEL
Hey Warangle and welcome to the site. I am Heather and can be found lurking around here most of the time (parent permitting) and I look forward to reading some of your work and seeing you around more. I would love to read the story you are writing for you child and if you ever need any help with it send a PM my way and I'll take a look. Hope you enjoy it here Heather
Hello War Angel, Welcome to the Writing Forums. That sounds like an amazing gift! If you haven't explored the site yet, you should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Writing Workshops, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. Remember to check out our FAQ as well! As for the Writing Workshops, new joiners often wonder why we do things a bit differently on this site than on other writing sites. We emphasize reviewing as a critical writing skill. Training your eye by reviewing other people's work helps you improve your own writing even before you present it for others to see. Therefore, we ask members to review other people's writing before posting work of their own. The Writing Workshops on this site, therefore, are true workshops, not just bulletin boards for displaying your work. See this post, Why Write Reviews Before Posting My Work? for more information. Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
Hey there, warangel. Welcome to the site; hope you learn to love it here. I'm Beverly, and I can also be found here spouting what ever comes to mind. Good luck with your new story (any hints on the plot?), and congrats on being a new mother!
Thanks for the warm welcomes. Actually I'm a male, but everyone makes that mistake when they see my username. It's all good. The plot, in a nutshell: A young girl named Aris (my daughter but older and in a future time) lives in a valley called Valley of the Stars. In the valley these flowers grow. They bloom only by starlight and and only survive in this valley. They're used to cure illness and sickness of all kinds. One night the sky has a big blank spot... a huge section of stars has been stolen! So the flowers are wilting and not blooming. Aris finds out her mother is sick (cancer but she doesn't know it) and depending on the flowers. There are rumors that a king from many centuries ago has come back to life to steal the stars to help him live forever. Aris doesn't know what else to do to help her mother, so she sets out to find the king and ask him to put the stars back. However, the king lives across the ocean. Aris and her friend Titan, a huge old grizzley bear, have to journey to the ocean and then across it to find this king and do something about him. There's going to be a surprise ending when you find out who the king is (hint: he's alive today in real life, but in the story today is the past). If you read it, I hope you enjoy it. It's in first draft right now. I want to read it to my daughter as a bedtime story until she's old enough to read it on her own. Thanks, WARANGEL
Oh my goodness, use the spoiler tags! The story sounds cute, similar to a Mario story which is always a good thing. Anyway, welcome to the site. Glad to hear you like giving feedback on others' work. Be harsh if you must, it's only fair, but also remember to be nice as well. I look forward to seeing you around. Edit: I don't even know if we have spoiler tags. Edit2: Spoiler Just figured out the spoiler tags!
Thanks again for the warm welcomes. I'd like to try to knock out one good review every day but I won't always be able to. I'm just getting in from a 15 hour day today... so maybe tomorrow. If anyone wants me to look at something they've written, please IM me okay? Looking forward to reading. WARANGEL
Dear Writer, Welcome to one of the fastest growing writers forums on the web. I’m sure if you hang around long enough you’ll begin to make new friends and enjoy becoming a participating member of the writersforum.org. I am sure each new member will bring something new and valuable to the forum as well as find it an interesting and wonderful place to explore and learn more about the wonderful world of writing. I have been away for awhile myself, and unfortunately have not been able to keep up with greeting the large influx of new members personally. Please forgive, but except my sincerest and belated welcome to the forum. Cordially yours, Trailer Trash
I would just like to welcome you to the insanities of WF.org. A place where you can unleash both the writer and the inner child inside that is waiting patiently to escape. lol I do hope that you have a most wonderful time here with all of us. There are a lot of things for you to get involved in and a heck of a lot of wonderful and helpful information on all aspects of writing lurking around the different forums within this board. So sit down and get comfy with a nice hot or cold drink and probably a few snacks as well and enjoy reading everything that we have all got to say and do feel free to join in wherever you feel that you can. Ok so now that I have rambled away to you I will let you go and enjoy your time here with all of us. See you around the boards. Torana