Hello all. I was looking for a place to actually receive feedback on the (primarily) short stories that I've been writing and posting at a Warhammer 40K forums- where I moderate- down the web a bit and to the left. Alas, they don't get quite enough action in their "Stories" section, so I don't get very much criticism. So I used my Google-fu, and found this place. You guys seem to run quite a nice, friendly show around here. I write mostly fantasy stories of my own devising (ie: not associated with any existing setting) and the occasional Sci-fi story. I am currently a cook (Food Service Specialist) in the United States Coast Guard. Besides writing I also enjoy reading, digital photography, and other geeky stuff that I won't go into here. I didn't see any forum rules, but I'll just assume that swearing, flaming (obviously) and other such behavior is off-limits. See you around.
Welcome aboard! (I don't know if you'd classify that as a pun?) You pretty much listed the main rules. Here's the rest. Post your stories up, I can guarantee members will read them and give you helpful feedback. We have a pretty sound review system in place as well. Well it's nice to have you here, and I think you may be one of the only people from Alaska, which is always good. I might be going there when I travel around Canada and the US next year.
Welcome to our site! I guess you're a fun personality, and I'm sure you'll get a steady feedback on your stories. You can also PM the reviewers (in light green) if you want a private review. Here's a basic welcome from all of us. It should be obvious, but in case it isn't, let me explain. The Writing Problems Area is exclusively where opinions on different ways to write, blockages in writing styles and similar problems can be discussed. In the Review Room, you can get critical appreciation and/or analysis of your written material. Behold, you must first review two pieces of writing before posting your own. This is ensure the pieces are evaluated to the most. Other than this, we have Writing Cotnests, weekly and monthly, where you can submit your writing. We also have Word games, Book Discussion and so on, classified under Community interaction. It may interest you if you're just hanging around. adamant has been kind enough to put many of the things I have mentioned or missed out on in one comprehensive place. If you want to check it out, see the Newbie Packets: Noobie Packets! - Writing Forums Enjoy it here, and don't feel shy to ask for help. We are all here to teach and learn in a mutual environment. And we hope you can do the same. Regards and Best Wishes!
Hehe, Google-fu! I do martial arts too! I'm really happy that you joined, Odin! Smile Smile and Enjoy your day! And if you need anything, just pm me! ~ Xai Xai Xi
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'd be happy to review other people's writing, to the best of my meager abilities.
Hello Odin's Child (Brother of Thor?), Welcome to the Writing Forums. There is a link to the Forum Rules in the Important Links box on the right hand side of the forum home page, if you still haven't found it. But nothing there should be very surprising. If you haven't explored the site yet, you should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Review Room, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. Remember to check out our FAQ as well! As for the Review Room, new joiners often wonder why we do things a bit differently on this site than on other writing sites. We emphasize reviewing as a critical writing skill. Training your eye by reviewing other people's work helps you improve your own writing even before you present it for others to see. Therefore, we ask members to review other people's writing before posting work of their own. The Review Room Forums on this site, therefore, are true workshops, not just bulletin boards for displaying your work. See this post, Why Write Reviews Before Posting My Work? for more information. Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
Thanks again for the warm welcome. I've read the rules and they're pretty much what I expected them to be. I didn't see anything about advertising though? I've got a Science Fiction forums that I would like to see more action, what would be the correct way to go about getting the word out around these parts?
Hello Odinschild, and a big warm welcome to WF.org, the friendliest and craziest forum on the world wide web. It is wonderful that you have come here to join us and share your writing and opinions with all of us. If you would ever like a review simply PM myself or one of the other Reviewers and we will be more than happy to help out. You can find the list of reviewers by clicking on the Forum Leaders button at the bottom of the forum. I do hope that your stay with us is long and prosperous. Welcome aboard and I look forward to seeing you around the boards in the very near future. Thank you kindly Torana EDIT: If you would like to advertise your forum here my best suggestion would be to PM Lpspider, the forum Admistrator and ask him for permission. I think that would be the most respectful thing to do.