Hello there! I'm a nineteen-year-old girl living in the San Francisco Bay Area here in California. I've loved writing since I was a kid. I'd get inspired by mysteries (Agatha Christie, Judy Bolton, The Hardy Boys...) and write my own. I wrote my first novel-length work when I was fifteen using the NaNoWriMo method. Right now I'm working on revising my latest novel - a murder mystery set in the 1930s. I hope to connect with other writers and learn a lot through this forum!
Nice, I look forward to hearing much about the 1930's as I have never researched it myself, hope your scrawling is going smoothly
Hello! I'm glad you're here! I'm not the only new member! I joined Wednesday. I think you'll really enjoy yourself here. There are many inspiring and encouraging people.
Thanks! My scrawling is coming along slowly but surely. The 1920-30s are pretty interesting to study, especially the Prohibition aspect.
Glad to hear! Give me an interesting fact on prohibition I demand thee! It is something I have never delved into exploring despite enjoying cheap booze.
Hmmm...let's see. In one town, bootleggers pretended to be milkmen and drove milk carts around the neighborhood delivering booze in milk bottles to their customers.
That's a great detail! Did the legitimate milkmen ever cotton onto them or anything? Would have been a fun confrontation to watch.
I believe Prohibition agents caught on to them eventually. I learned this in Ken Burns "Prohibition" documentary, but it's been a while since I watched it so I don't remember how the situation unfolded. Banning alcohol sure did spur a lot a creativity in "criminals".
That's a good point, restriction certainly does inspire creativity in those wishing to elevate or dig underneath the box they're put inside! I've researched the various drug cartels a little before and their border expeditions. I am also a sucker for airport shows and they often show examples of attempted drug smuggling, so intriguing how they conceal it!
Hello! I'm new here as well and from California too. I'm really liking what I'm seeing in this forum, and I'm excited to get into it!
Hi, welcome to the forum. The short story contest needs more votes and I'm trying to help it grow. Want to immerse yourself in this forum? Don't be shy. Become a voter in the short story contest. Get started on the right foot. Make someone's day and vote for their story. The link is in my sig.