I have a love for reading and am looking on improving my writing, and have always thought the best way to improve something is by lots of practice so I joined this forum. Not much for me to tell about myself other then I'm a high school Jr. Anyways I just wanted to drop by and say hi! Also would someone be kind enough to link me the the rules for this forum? Thank you in advance.
Welcome, David. You're the first one to actually ask me for the link to the rules! Seriously. Here they are: Forum Rules. Wrey
Hello, David! Welcome to the Forums. We are glad to have you here. I wish you the best of luck in navigating the forums and using it's many resources AND CONTRIBUTING to the community You seem like a nice guy! Enjoy high school and best of luck in your junior year. It can be a real challenge, especially if you're in AP and Honors classes.