Hi - I'm trying to push forward toward my goal of writing a novel. I've found that if I think too much I get bogged down and so I try to just writewritewrite and tell myself that I can always go back later (maybe much later) and fiddle with the words and ideas. The story that I am working on at the moment happens in another (fantasy) universe. One of the things that I get stuck on is naming people/places/things. I've found it to be very difficult to move beyond a certain point without naming people, places, etc. I've taken to using internet dictionaries of various languages. While this is a slow process I generally feel OK about it. If anyone has any tips about this specific problem I'd appreciate any feedback. Otherwise, I hope to be around this neighborhood and making some small contributions where I am able. Thanks, K
Hello and welcome to our forum. Please visit Noobie Packets! - Writing Forums to get further acquainted with the rules and features of the site. Tightly woven community here. Come on in!
Hello Kizmet, Welcome to the Writing Forums. If you haven't explored the site yet, You should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Review Room, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. In regards to your question about names, keep in mind that the names you use when you are writing the story can be changed up until you offer it up to publication. Global search and replace can serve you well! Also, keep a document containing names and important facts about your characters. In addition to helping you keep track of all the details that accumulate, you can also see the names grouped together, so you can spot names that look silly or too similar together. Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
Welcome to the site! Cogito's advice should help you along, but if you have any other questions, you know where to find us. See you around the threads.
Welcome to the forums, Kizmet. Love your name Anyways, don't worry, a novel is something we'd all like to finish, so join in and we'll assist you as possible. Have fun
hello and welcome to the forum. I hope that you enjoy the insane offerrings that we have left around the place for you all. Anyways I look forward to seeing you around the board in the near future. Also you should try entering in the contests that are located in the weekly wiritng groups. There are two more coming up. Hope to see you enter. Torana
Hey there! Welcome to the forums, I hope you find what you're looking for and reach your goal of completing a novel Look forward to seeing you around.