Hey Everyone, my name is nickie and i joined this site two days ago. so far this site gives wayyyy better imput and opinions then other sites i've been apart of. i have posted three poems so far: Daddy's Burning Out which is about a father's suicide through her daughter's eyes and how much she regrets certain memories where she didn't really pat too much attention to her father, then there's the untitled poem i have which i really don't like but needed imput on so for your own sake DON'T READ IT!! haha it'll only bring you massive torture. and the third one is Romance At Its Finest which is about a relationship that went bad, pretty much its all explained in the poem. anyway i'm just rambling. so i hope to read some good stuff and write some good stuff haha let me know what you think and umm i guess i'll talk to you all soon?? haha okay. well adios! ~Nickie.
Hi there I'm glad you like the forum, and are getting reviews. But make sure to review some others people work as well. See ya around Cheers
Hi Nickie, Welcome to the writing forum. I've already read the three poems you posted earlier; so I guess we've already met, in a way. Hold your head up high, and don't apologize for writing that isn't perfect. No one's is, and if anyone tells you their's is, run away! The works you've shown us have powerful emotions within them. Now that you've plunged in to the deep end, why not take a walk around the site, and get to know everyone. There's a lot that goes on here besides posting and reviewing stories and poems, and all of it helps in one way or another to improve writing. So feel free to tackle the weekly writing challenges, browse the General Writing threads, and let your imagination run free on the word games. In short, have fun!
Good to see you're enjoying yourself, and like Cogito we've already met on the boards - keep up the good work!
Hey Nickie! Welcome to the forums! I'm Tallie, and I'm pretty new here too. I don't usually read poetry, but the emotions sound strong in what you've written, and you should be proud of that. The fact that they aren't perfect is of no consequence. That's why we're all here, to help you polish your work! Revision is a critical part of writing that so many people just brush aside. Refining writing is just as much an art as creating the original work is. Just because something needs refining doesn't mean it isn't worth reading. Best wishes to you as you continue writing and getting to know others around the forum! =]
HELLO HELLO HELLO sorry just felt like being loud for a change lol Well hope you are enjoying your time here with all of us and remember us green people are here if there is anything you'd like us to review for ya, just send us a pm and we will be more than happy to help out Well enjoy enjoy enjoy and I shall see you around the board ~Torana
Hi there! I'm Giselle, I'm really new too. I love to write as well and I will definitely read your work, regardless of how crappy you might think it is Be seeing you around!
Welcome! I`m new here too! Hope we can all be good friends! I kinda suck at poetry so you`ve GOT to be a lot more talented than me at least! I look forward to reading some of your work! If you need anything let me know yeah? (^_~) -WF