Greetings to everyone! I'm Peter. I'm kind of like a wannabe writer. Writing as a thing became a part of my life about three years ago when I lost a job and a strange form of depression hung over my head. It started out as a "quick-way-to-get-money" thing, but I soon realized that won't be happening. However, even after that realization -thankfully- the desire to create something remarkable remained and grew into a need to express my thoughts and ideas about life, humanity in general. The desire to write was me with the past three years at a level that I thought was manageable alone, but in the past weeks it begun consuming me. I realized I need people who share the same thirst to create whom with I can...I don't know, can talk about it. This is one of the reasons I decided to join the forums. One thing. Aside from the one actually finished novel (but one might oppose to it being called one) from my early months of writing, I've finished nothing in the past years, but I'm trying hard. Harder than ever actually. My ideas generally revolve around the polarizing/isolating effects today's society has on personalities. The inherent need to be adequate, to meet the needs and rules of our world.
Hi Peter, If you are searching for people to talk with about the joy of writing you have come to the right place certainly Hope to see you around on and off, so just enjoy and make friend! Happy writing
Welcome, Peter! Your writing plans sound exciting. We're here to help in any way we can. It's difficult to write a novel as you suggest (first person?) and there's lots of information here and members to share with. Take some time to go through the forums and how they're structured so that you can ask for help, and/or give help to other writers, in that area. Would love to read some of your story once you're ready to post.
And there's lots can be said about that, definitely. Blake Snyder's Save the Cat! series (it's for movies, but the ideas are applicable to novels as well) Dwight V. Swain's Techniques of the Selling Writer In fact, read everything you can get your hands on about writing. Not everyone connects with Swain or Snyder, but it's a great place to start the journey, if nothing else. Sooner or later, you'll find bits and pieces that will fit into your writing process.
Thank you all for your tips and welcoming attitude. I'm barely scratching the surface of this forum but I already have a feeling that it's going to be my second home.