Hey everyone, I'm Jonny. I'm 26, and live in Manchester, UK - when I'm not scribbling ideas down, I'm studying a PhD in Political Theory, and doing various silly things involving theatres and parades for alcohol-related reasons. I've been writing for years, though with the odd year or two here and there where I wrote next to nothing due to being insanely busy. I'm currently nearing the end of draft one of my first novel (not the first one I've started, you understand - just the first one that I've managed to persist with enough to get a full draft!), and realising exactly how much of it needs rewriting! I've also got a silly number of short stories dotted about my hard drive - though the only one anyone's ever actually agreed to publish was this: http://londonist.com/2014/06/london-short-fiction-the-wallbuilder.php Anyway, I'm here to chat about writing, and get to know some of the other scribbledy types here. Jonny.
Hey Jonny, welcome to the forums. I'm sure we'd all like to hear more about your short stories in the short story section. They seem interesting, i'll definitely check in on that one you just posted later!
Only in the sense that there are themes related to political theory - corporatism vs communalism, "micro" vs "macro" economics, etc. - but that's just ticking away in the background, since that tends to be how I see the world. In general, I find my studies quite useful for characterisation: you can get a lot of personality out of working out a person's political beliefs and the logic and justification they're basing them on.