Just thought I'd post a quick hello! Hello! So a little about me ... Well, I've been writing for about six years now. I've done a lot for other people in that time behind the scenes with helping them publish and designing covers etc, I have come close to publishing myself twice but talked myself out of it both times. My last attempt was April 2015. I recently lost my Dad almost 2 weeks ago and decided that I would actually go through with it this time, so I decided to start fresh under a pen name, shelve any old projects for the time being and really just try and find my self as a writer so I thought I'd Google "Writing Forums" and well here I am Anything else just ask, I know my introduction sucks, it's been a long time since I had to write one haha x
Hiya You will certainly fit right in here, welcome! I know I say that a lot but stay around, make friends, keep us posted on updates or when you just need to rant. We all know how that one works.. But whyever did you decide not to go through with publishing? There is nothing bad in it (have to tell myself that on and off too)
Sorry to hear about your loss. I wish you luck with going through publishing. With your previous attempts, did you go the self-publishing or traditional route?
Thanks for the welcome guys, Lifeline, Thank you I most certainly will, with regards of backing out of publishing I think just because I felt like I wasn't good enough, scared of failure and all of that. King Arthur, self publishing route, I have a lot of back ground in self publishing so for me that route felt most comfortable as I have a lot of friends who have gone down that route as well that's not to say I wouldn't submit my work to a traditional publisher I just think now you don't need to trad pub, so many indie/self published authors have done incredibly well for themselves with self publishing and plus I like having full creative control over everything