I am wondering if there is an active verb that defines someone looking someone in the eyes? Or is there another word that has a similar effect for someone looking at some really seriously? Usually I would go look around for a word, but I am really busy with my novel (I need the word for a short story) and I can't find time between writing, social time with friends, and sports. I appreciate any help anyone gives me -Kingzilla
Just off the top of my head I can't think of a word that's specifically for looking someone in the eyes, but obviously there are plenty that describe the way in which someone is looking at someone/something else (glower, leer, glare, stare etc.). To be honest I don't think you'll find one, but Google is always useful and might actually give you what you need. Plus, I'm sure you can find the time to do a quick search, it shouldn't take you too long. Best of luck.
I usually use the phrase "locked eyes". "Bob locked eyes with Joe." the phrase, to me, sounds intense.
Hi, How about something like - he fixed her with a stare, he stared straight at her, they exchanged glances, he caught her eye. Cheers, Greg.
stared, looked into, locked eyes, there are several more. Take the first word that comes to your mind and use it. I agree with Stephen King that the first word is the one you, deep down, want to use.
I don't think there is a singular word that sums this up - I think a phrase is needed. And it all depends on what you mean. Gazed intently. fixed me with a frightening stare fixed me with a penetrating look pierced me with a penetrating stare - like the others suggested - locked eyes. eyes bored/drilled into mine.
Between writing, social time with friends and lying on the sofa in front of Easties sports, I came up with Studied
On your first draft, that's fine. You can change it on your edit/rewrite time that follows. Otherwise, you can get yourself so bogged down, trying to find the exact word to sound different you lose your sense of flow in the story. If my first word doesn't sound right, I'll verify through an online dictionary, then decide on an alternative if I need it. However, the most important things are: keeping your rythm and choosing your words carefully. Now, that doesn't mean stopping constantly to make sure you're not repeating a word, because sometimes you're not..depends on the flow. I wouldn't worry about the word choices until editing revising at the earliest.
...why should other busy folk be expected to do your work for you?... if you really want to be a writer, you'll make time...
I don't expect in anyway that other busy folk will do my work for me. I am assuming the people that posted here had enough time to click on this thread and read the question and answer to the best of the ability. I have never asked a question involving grammar until now, but this was a special circumstance. If you knew my schedule, which for personal reasons I won't tell you, you would understand. This forum, as I have seen countless times, is made for helping people out. I searched a little for a word that I didn't know. I had zero time to bring out the dictionary and thesaurus (which people say not to do) and I definitely didn't have enough time to READ for the word. I understand what you mean, but, in all honesty, there are similar questions like mine that don't include the REASON why they are asking other instead of looking themselves, as I did. I assume that it is because they are, like me, to busy to look. Plus, I am fourteen, and I don't the experience with words like others. I could only go so far with a dictionary or thesaurus. So if you are going to attack me about a simple question, at least express your opinion to the other posters who ask questions about words.
I do express my opinion, a very similar one, in such cases. And I catch crap for it, because, in fact, people who ask these things are asking for others to think for them. Worse than that, they feel they are entitled to an answer. Maybe I will give an answer in some of these, especially a hunt for an elusive word, if I happen to have one that I feel works. To be honest, no such word leaped into my head. So I would instead settle for a phrase or a sentence. However, my primary point remains. Writers don't go running to others to solve these kinds of problems. They use the resources available to them, and they use their imagination to find some way to express themselves. Sometimes they fail, but they learn something in the process. Sometimes they succeed, and learning again ensues. It isn't the answer to the question that will make you a better writer. How you go about finding the answer makes you a better writer. And that truly is the point.
"Find the time!" His skull boring gaze piercing the soul of his young victim. That's my suggestion along with how I feel about this thread.
Cog's point is spot on. Writer's need to be resourceful, confident and FLEXIBLE in what they do. Even I, and it's been a TON of practice writing to get within the cusp of getting published. (Polishing of PR and I think it'll make, but that's my confidence showing ) and I keep google open always to run something through the dictionary. When I see the definition, then an alternative word, if necessary, will pop in my mind. However, my advice is still the same. Write the first word that comes to your mind..fix it, if you need to, on your editing phase. Otherwise....you paralyze yourself looking for a perfect word.
Here's the thing. Telling people that you don't have the time to do a 3 minute task, is telling people that you really don't care for your writing - that your sports or what not is more important. That's fine, matter of fact, if your a teenager, I applaud you for being involved in sports instead of being in front of the tv. However, I can, in forty-five seconds, have three different websites up that give me a plethora of words to choose from. When it's that easy, then it just doesn't come across right to say you don't have the time. I popped on here a couple weeks ago and asked for word. That was after I had exhausted my resources and still couldn't find it - yet it was on the tip of my tongue (still haven't found the stupid word, either!) Next time, if you've exhausted your resources and still can't find it, tell us what word it is, tell us what words you've seen that come close to what you're looking for but still doesn't quite do it for you, and I think you'll find a different reception. - at least, that's my take, and the way I reacted when I first read your question. EDIT: Time saving advice I meant to give... I have shortcuts right to synonym sites on my browser so if I can't find a word, I just open the browser, click once, then type in the word and click again. That'll really save you quite a bit of time. And there's nothing wrong with using a thesaurus. It becomes wrong, when you write: "The hypostasis of his argument was a circumlocution of the concept to be discussed" when what you're saying is, "He basically talked around the issue at hand."
I agree that the original post sounds rather like, "I have more important things to do than finding this word, so you folks, who have no life, run along and find it for me, OK?" That said, IMO the phrase wanted is "eyes met". Their eyes met, I met his eyes, I met his gaze, his eyes met mine, he couldn't meet my eyes, I refused to meet his eyes, and so on.
You guys win. Simple. I don't believe it was a three minute thing, but the only reason why I posted the question was because I viewed a similar question in another thread and I thought that people would know different words I wouldn't be able to find in a simple dictionary. And yes, I was extraordinary busy that day. I'm not going in details, but I was on the road most of the day. All I am going to say is that there a lot of threads like this and this is my only one. For some apparent reason, this one has been hammered.
as for my 'attack' which my post certainly wasn't [it was motherly advice], see cog's answer and others' opinion re your request that matched mine...
The only reason is because you made it sound like you were to busy to do it yourself and didn't really care. People would have been alot nicer if you had come across as genuinely searching for a word, not because you didn't want to do it, but because you were stuck. Just the way you worded the post made you seem like writing isn't a big deal to you, at least not enough to put any time into it. And on this forum, that's the 8th deadly sin.
Eighth?? 1. Plagiarism 2. Using text-speak. . . . you know, this may be a fun little thread on its own.
Lol you're right I didn't mean it that way, i meant like, gluttony, sloth, pride, wrath, lust, envy, greed, and being a lazy writer
Writing is a pretty big deal to me lol, or I wouldn't be posting on this site regularly. I think this thread got out of hand, which is mostly my fault because I posted the damn question in the first place. But if you noticed, no one noticed the 'offensive' bit until Mammamaia posted her bit. Which is why I considered it an attack. But I get it. And I'm not making the same mistake I made in this thread again. Sorry to anybody I offended, it wasn't intended. And thank you for the actual responses answering my question in the first place.
Hi Kingzilla, You may only be fourteen years old, but it takes a big person to say 'sorry' - your hearts in the right place. Good luck with the writing.