Hello, I've been given a task of writing a recount based on some form of loss. It also needs to incorporate with the theme of "With and Without" OR "Near and Far" Any plot ideas will be welcome! Thank you
It could be about a very close friend or family member that has either passed away and the protagonist is feeling strong feelings of sadness, or the protagonist could be on a long business trip or something like that. That's all that comes to mind, although it does sound clichè.
Could be a loss of job, fall into poverty and loss of possessions, home, etc. however far you want to go with it. A divorce, same again can go as far as you want. The protagonist could get shafted by their spouse and left with pretty much nothing. Or it could be a loss of mind/sanity. Maybe the protagonist witnessed something that they can't forget or is suffering PTSD. Not too sure how to incorporate With and Without or Near and Far into that, but it could open a few doors and be worth experimenting with.
Another trope, is someone running to the airport before their lover's plane leaves, only to watch it fly away. In that moment of deep loss they turn to find that their lover is standing behind them, they never boarded the plane. You could subvert this trope a little by having the lover disembark only to find there's no-one waiting for them and they have to go and buy another ticket.
My advice would be to think about loss you've experienced. Any form of loss really. The loss of a family member, pet, favorite childhood toy. The loss of a friendship that fell apart, or a relationship. As for the theme I'd try to keep it subtle, and intertwined throughout the story.