Can someone help me improve my writing? I've always loved to write and the I only ever think about getting my ideas done the minute I think of them but... My writing isn't good enough. There are so many things I could do better. Help?
Even professional published writers can still have a lot to improve on - if you waited til you're perfect, you'd just never write. Don't be afraid, write for yourself. As long as you enjoy it, who cares whether it's good or bad? Don't think about publishing or letting friends read it just yet - for now, write only for yourself. Write it, enjoy the process, and know that it is good work. It is good to be realistic about your skills, of course, but sometimes we also just need a heavy dose of self-indulgence when we just believe our work is the best thing in the world and bask in our own awesomeness. That's ok, you need it, we all do There's a time for being grounded to the earth and a time for just letting your soul soar and believe that you can reach for the stars, 'cause you can. Anyone who ever became anything had to believe that they can reach the stars at some point.
i mentor aspiring writers, so if it's a mentor/tutor you want, i'm only a mouse click away... however, people here are very friendly and helpful, so you can ask questions and eventually post excerpts of your work for review [see site rules to learn what you must do first]... meanwhile, welcome aboard! love and hugs, maia