Plot The first alien to arrive on Earth was exactly seventy three years ago at in Roswell New Mexico in 1947. The saucer that crashed contained an alien infant whom was quickly taken into government custody and brought up as an American citizen. The man code named Magnificent Man debuted on the world in 1967 as an enforcer for the government during the radical period and as a message to any enemies the USA had. Despite being a tool for the government he was also was a force for general good such as stopping plane crashes in midair, stopping major robberies, shootouts and various other crimes. Of course with the emergence of this caped god among men who strong armed for the man in the white house it was only a matter of time before more of his kind began to come. And come they did. Not his kind in species but more men and women in costumes began to pop up all over the world, some of them random human vigilantes and others even more foreign to the world then Magnificent Man himself. As the years went on more and more of the costumed types emerged.....some of then not even bothering to where any sort of spandex or take on a code name. The public of course referred to them as heroes but for all the good they did stopping random thugs, the world soon gave rise to meta humans that were just glorified criminals. A man who robbed banks using the weather, alien doppelgangers who needed to feed on human flesh to survive, women part of a secret cult of so called magi and many more twisted figures and started to become a huge domestic threat. And it’s been that way ever since. Heroes and villains battling it out on the streets. --- Now Meta humans have not become a common place in society in the year 2020 and the public knowledge of being not alone in the universe has been devastating and helpful to humanity. Alien technology from various species both friend and foe have been able accessed to advance industry and medicine like never before. Of course this has advanced weaponry for hero, villain and the military. In recent months the conflicts between the superheroes and criminals (both super and other wise) has grown much more intense, ever since the superhero Bolt executed a serial offender on live television. This has finally resulted in the tipping scale in a long standing debate about the effectiveness of meta humans for enforcing the law thus a new policy has been passed. Only meta humans who are registered heroes with the government can act in lawful manner, vigilantes and super villains will be hunted down and imprisoned in Alcatraz or of course killed if their threat level is high enough. Tensions are high as a meta human war brews among government heroes, non sanctioned heroes and villains. Of course there is far more than meets the eye then a simple super powered civil war underneath the surface. Factions There are many superhero and villain factions in the world but the most known is no doubt the Golden Alliance. The Golden Alliance is the collected form of heroes whom are currently working for various governments and independent agencies all over the world to assist in the containment and capture of other meta humans. Golden Alliance is made of very prominent members of the hero community including being headed by none other then Magnificent Man, you the player can create your own super hero or villain groups for your hero and of course let one develop naturally but you can also be a member of the Golden Alliance depending which road you go down. Classes Class E: It is generally believed that all class E heroes and criminals are 90 percent of the time humans with incredible athletic ability and fighting technique. If they have powers it certainly wouldn't be anything that gave them a boost into anything that would give them The street leveler normally employs things such as detective skills, gadgets, custom cars, weaponry, smart tactics, martial arts and things such as that. But of course none of this is set in stone and you can make your street level superhero/villain however you like. Class: D: Class D is considered the lowest level of meta human. In terms of physical powers they are at least in the 2-5 ton range with endurance and reflexes surpassing Olympic athletes. Their destruction power to demolish a car or minivan and a reaction time to the point they can dodge bullets after they've left the chamber Class C: The class D meta humans are more or less considered to have the destructive capacity a military company.Normally at 15-30 ton strength levels but also various other powers and or abilities could put them into this level. Their durability range varies slightly above that of an average human (for example a slow healing factor or maybe an immunity to bullets but not explosives.) They are going either be much faster and stronger then Class E or have some sort of other powers or gadget that put them on this level. Note: Most superheroes and villains in the world are class E, D or C Class B aka Class 100: Heroes and villains on this scale in terms of strength normally range from 50-100 tons (though maybe a little higher in some instances) In destructive capacity they could probably rival that of a fleet of fighter jet or even a fleet of them and move speeds on par or just above them. Durability varies once again from that of reinforced tank to skyscarper level. Class A aka Magnificent Class: (LOCKED from Player usage at start) This class is of course recovered for meta humans whom can match or rival Magnificent Man in combat or destructive capability. There are only a handful of people and beings on Earth with this level of power would. They are very easily at mountain busters with durability on city scale. It would take multiple heroes of lower classes to take down one class meta human. Final Note on Classes: Don't worry even if you pick a lower class you can still fight against higher classes if you play it smart with tech or exploit the environment or weaknesses. It should also be noted that there is no rule or anything when it comes to the powers and the class you pick. The classes are pretty much to get an estimation on the level of your skills and or powers. Powers Types I’m going allow you all to be very free with these options, any powers or anything like that you want you can use as long as it’s not game breaking or anything of the sort. So of course things like telepathy, super strength, super speed, master of various martial arts, pyro manipulation or just ANYTHING! Anything you've seen in the comics or movies or in your head is free for you to explore Of course there are many types of way of executing these skills or well more example how you use your powers. Science: Are you able to harness the powers of an ant because of a freak lab accident or perhaps you're a genius inventor who's made a power suit. This type is a true and blue science hero who uses advancements tech or the gifts they were given in a weird turn of events and things of that nature or maybe you were experimented on. Birth: This is pretty self-explanatory. It means your meta human gifts come from birth as opposed to any accident or training. Is it possible you come from a family who are secretly the descants of a race long forgotten or perhaps you can control ice due to a genetic mutation? It is up to you how you want your character to have been born with his/her abilities. Magic: For all those fantasy and magical buffs out there of course is the mystical power set. Maybe you were taught spells and combat magic as you are part of a secret order of mages or perhaps you discovered an ancient artifact that gifted you your abilities. This is a class for the player whom loves using fantasy wizards, cackling witches, magical superheroes and hardboiled occultists. Alien: Do you come from an alien species and get your host of powers from your out of this world origin and gain your abilities from there. Note: Some of these power type classes can be used together and that will be further explained in the CS's Alcatraz Alcatraz in this world has been redesigned and greatly expanded into a meta human prison for the worst and most dangerous super human offenders with various cells and pods dedicated to keeping single prisoners on maximum lockdown. The prison guards are all humanoid drones all nearing Class B in terms of power. No meta human is yet to escape the compound which Characters You'll be allowed to play as a superhero or a super villain. Basically there are three categories. Golden Alliance/Registered Hero: This is a superhero who has registered with the law and abides by the strict government policy to capture and contain super villains and vigilantes. You will also be a member of the Golden Alliance which is the strongest superhero force on the planet. If you play in the class you will be allowed to attempted to arrest other heroes or may get ordered to so but you will also have much more resources. The Golden Alliance tries to keep eyes on the street with various heroes doing legwork (or flight work) and drones that monitor criminals of all kinds and the streets. Vigilante Heroes: Superheroes who refuse to work within the law or side with government such as a hero who doesn't mind killing if he makes a bust (even if the enemy has given up) or meta human who isn't to keen on handing over his life to the Golden Alliance and the government. With this you'll be your own man but hunted down by both police and the GA plus likely hated by the public due to negative media. Super villains: Or do you wanna just play as a good old fashion super crook who is in it to win it! The mad doctors, the super bank robbers, the greedy fellows rich businessmen, meta thugs for hire or any kinda bad guy you want to tell a story with. Starting The game will begin in Alamance City a city in the Northeast which was help constructed with the meta human in mind. It is a utopia rivaling that of New York in terms of skyscraper size and due to it being home to many of the heroes (Alamance, New York, LA and other major cities are where they tend to be stationed). As this city was designed with the super humans in mind the city is the most advanced city in the US currently. But as it is a hot zone for meta humans it of course attracts the more nasty types.....which will bring us to our intro, which for a supehero game is probably the most cliche start but a classic way nonetheless. You can be either visiting or live in Alamance But as you go about your daily business of either super heroics or being normal out of costume you will be faced with a very rude morning surprise. CS's and Character Real Name: (PM it to me but keep it blank if you want to keep identity from players as well but if not feel free to post it) Age: (If ya want) Code-name: (Your superhero or super villain name) Costume appearance: BIO: (Up to you how deep you want to go into it) Class: Power Type: (What is your main power type) Secondary Power type: (This is optional but for example if you wanted to have an alien who had a combo of the powers from his homeworld and from a science accident or someone born with a genetic mutation of mystical powers.) Powers: (Simply give a detailed a run down of the powers your character has be it spells they can use or the super strength they have or the ice they can control. I'm alright with your character having a combination of powers just as long as you don't do anything insanely overpowered) Skills: (Things such as martial arts, detective skills, cooking, great at math etc) Specific weaknesses: (You're allowed to keep this part secret at the start but pm it to me if you have one besides the obvious ones such as family and loved ones or just being beaten to death) Vigilante hero, Golden Alliance or super villain: (Which are you?) RULES Same ones as always No God mods or insanely over powered powers but still be creative and if you have a power youre unsure we can make it work! No auto hitting No controlling others characters without permission Be respectful on the OC (Feel free be wild in character of course) You're allowed to have Class B heroes and or villains but your CS will be more heavily reviewed (for obvious.....heavy duty stuff) You can play villains but know that the primary focus will be on the heroes starting out so I'd suggest having a hero as well PM me the character sheets. I love when players have subplots and I encourage you to do as many as you like, we can even find a way to work it into the overall plots if you like! Wait for till for post is up to to post!
Felix “I still say this sounds like insanity.” Felix Frost said struggling to position his mask on his face. “Alamance isn't exactly a city I’d want to start beef with.” He snorted. “I mean there is a reason why guys like me started trying to pull heists in smaller towns.” Frost’s employer whom sat opposite of him regarded the costumed man cold eyes in silence. That was never a good sign. Frost hadn't done too much work for him but the last guy who got that look hadn’t been seen since. That was the problem with doing the damn grunt work. The ol goon and thug mortality rate they called it. “Boy.” The boss huffed taking his gaze off the worried henchman. “I’m well aware of the risk and possible casualties of performing a criminal action their but it will be well worth it in the long run.” “Worth what?” Felix asked looking around. “Me in jail?” “Perhaps.” He replied clasping his hand. “You should not question me so much Frost, for it is I whom is considered a genius among the primitive apes that fly around in their capes, fighting amongst themselves and generally being unpleasant.” Frost blinked. “My genius will see that the world is rid of at least some of their wretched kind.” There was a smirk in his voice. “But for now comes the testing period and you Felix Frost shall be as big a part of my experiment as any of the other players in this game.” "Hey dude." Felix said fiddling with the back of his blue tights which were currently riding up into the back of ass. "If you want to spend your time being all ominous and talking like a mad professor I'm cool with that but at least pay me extra if you want me to do this. Shit, what if the GA shows up?" “Curb the foul mouth boy.” “Oh sorry.” Frost replied. “The Golden Alliance is of no threat to me.” He chuckled pulling his hood of his head. “Just more challenges for my impressive intellect to overcome.” Frost wanted so badly to roll his eyes out of their sockets, sure he was a forty five year old man dressed in blue and white spandex with a ski mask of matching colors covering his face but even C listers needed their dignity. He’d even heard that Captain Dog and Orange Woman got jobs working for Van Borg, but here was stuck listening to this little fruit babble on and on about being a genius, should freeze his little piss ant head off is what he should do instead of going on a suicide mission. Though lord knows he had some weird ray gun or trap door somewhere. "You better get me out of this man." Frost said. "When the shit goes down." "I do not take orders from the likes of you but I can assure I shall make good on my word." He stood only reaching to Felix's chest. "Make an impact and let my name be spoken from your lips once the fun has ceased." "Whatever you say." Felix sighed. "Let's just get this over with." --- Arc 1: The Gauntlet Ms. Tomorrow enjoyed the concrete jungles that industry could provide. It reminded her of the world she came from, seeing the advancements the meta humans had already made was icing cake for the beautiful future she knew awaited in the future. Ms. Tomorrow enjoyed the concrete jungles that industry could provide, it reminded her of the world she came from seeing the advancements the meta humans had already made was icing cake for the beautiful future she knew awaited in the future. The slick and vibrant buildings of Alamance were only the first step into the world she’d come to know. If only those Golden Alliance members would actually believe her then maybe she wouldn't be stuck having fly camouflaged through the city. The pleasure of having fly was surprisingly diminished if none of the people below could shout and wave as they saw a superhuman speeding through the air. Oh well. Being on patrol sure as hell was way more entertaining than hiding out all day, If any action happened she should have enough power supply to take on any crook or god forbid Golden Alliance member that came her way, besides always was a slim chance she could find the man she was looking for with enough leg work. It might have sounded clichéd but days when the sun beamed down on the just waking world couldn't be beat. Not now and not then. Her eyes scanned the streets. Mornings were active here, more precisely the activity rarely ceased, hen the civilians weren't rushing to work or rushing to get out, they were screaming shouts of joy or rage at meta humans and when it wasn't that it was- Multiple screams cut through the fresh air like a samurai’s blade went through the random bad guys in that anime stuff. Yep. When it wasn't that other choice stuff, it was the sound of them running for their lives. It didn't take long for Ms. Tomorrow to zero in on the source of the disturbance. Her censor had picked up on it as soon it started firing off rounds, she quickly nosed dived to ground level landing in between crowds of sprinting people. Her eyes widened through her visors. It wasn't exactly a new level of carnage but seeing corpses filled with holes made by high powered rifles but any bile that was attempting to force its way from her stomach would have to wait. A machine in human shape was slowly advancing towards her. She didn't have time to gasp in shock once she heard the ‘click’ of a gun and automatic fire erupted from the bot’s wrist; Tomorrow’s automatic shield lit up bright blue at the impact. “Damn.” She cursed dodging to the side once her shield deactivated. Not letting the sound of bullets exploding where she'd once stood. Ms. Tomorrow bit her lip, raising her left hand to prepare a counter that would hopefully send this thing out of commission. Before her charged rings impacted the ground she paused. The shadow that suddenly loomed over pulled her attention upward to meet the inhuman gaze of another droid. Its slick silvery design gleamed in the sun as it circled her like a hungry vulture. “HAULT!” Its voice was cold and metallic. “Prisoner escapee.” "What!?' She snapped but the drone in the sky's right arm was raised and before Tomorrow could mount another oh so brilliant response she found a sailing straight towards her. The explosion rocked the entire block with a thunderous roar sending black smoke clouds into the sky and cries of pain from any civilian that was unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast zone.
Nick Kelvin, CEO of Hero Insurances, was working in his brand-new office when he got a call from one of his agents, and then another, and soon every phone in his office was ringing loudly. He didn't need to pick up, he could guess what they wanted to say based on the view out of his window. Drones where everywhere, blowing stuff up and menacing the population. Nick sighed, yet another villain attack, which did not bother him per sé, but the sheer inefficiency of killer robots gnawed at him. If they'd just come to him, he could have provided alternative means of creating chaos with less structual damage to the city. These bloody animatrons were blowing up buildings left and right, and that was unacceptable. Nick's company ensured some of those buildings, if these robots weren't stopped soon, the payoff could ruin him. He pressed a button on his desk, and got into contact with his secretary. "Agnes, I'm going out for a bit. Please reschedule my 5 o'clock meeting, I don't think they'll mind, the weather is just dreadfull today." As he walked out, he phoned for some back-up: "Hey Jenny, how do you feel about destroying an army of flying robots today?"
“Hey, you can’t go in there!” someone said. Jimmy ignored the voices behind him and pressed on, deeper into the sterile, white halls of the Alamance Police Headquarters. Years of bumbling in and out of their affairs had given him a very thorough understanding of where to find whomever and whatever he needed. He knew his way around this place better than he knew his own home. Without pausing to knock, Jimmy snatched open the door of Briefing Room #3 and charged inside. The lights were dimmed and about a dozen uniformed officers were seated around a long table, discussing what seemed to be an upcoming raid. “These walls are twenty feet high and solid concrete and every man inside is gonna be armed to the teeth,” Chief Thompson calmly explained, using a laser pointer to highlight some blueprints projected on the wall, “so you and your guys are gonna drop in by helicopter and GODAMMIT, JIMMY, HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET IN HERE!?” he said, throwing down a manila folder. Papers went flying everywhere. “Well, nice to see you too, Chief,” Jimmy said with a bright smile as he crossed the room. “Hey, ya got a minute?” Half the people in the room buried their faces in their hands. “Here we go again…” someone murmured. “Sonovabitch, I could’ve sworn that door was locked,” Officer Carson, the SWAT team commander, grumbled under his breath. “Actually, it’s Lucky Bastard,” Jimmy corrected. “Son of a Bitch is my cousin. Common mistake, though.” “What the hell do you want?” Chief Thompson said. “You’re like a shit that won’t flush. What next? Am I gonna have to start having my mission briefings in the basement?” “You know what I want,” Jimmy said, now wearing his most charming grin. “I got a solid lead on the Blaze Brothers, I just need some backup. I already showed you the evidence. C’mon, man, I can take these guys down if you’d just-” “For the thousandth time, Jimmy, I don’t care about a couple of petty thieves. We got bigger fish to fry. We’re the police, dammit, not the Neighborhood Watch.” “They stole a minivan from a pregnant lady in front of a school. Seriously, these guys are grade-A puppy-kickers,” Jimmy said. “Today, it’s petty theft. Tomorrow, they could be supervillains. This is how it starts, man. And word on the street is that they’ve got powers. Guys like this just need to be led down the right path, before they wander too far down the wrong one. If you ignore this-” “I don’t care if they can shoot fire outta their asses. It ain’t my problem! Call one of your superfriends, but I swear if you barge in here again…” the chief paused and took a deep breath. He was red-faced and sweating. “Officer Carson, could you please escort Mr. Buckworth outta here before I shoot him in the fucking face?” “Fine, fine… but I’ll be back,” Jimmy said as he began backing away toward the door. “I’m lookin’ forward to it,” Chief Thompson said, thumbing the holster on his hip. “I love you too, Tom,” Jimmy snickered as he backed away toward the exit. “You haven’t seen the last of Lucky Bast-” he was barely out the door before it was slammed in his face. The lock clicked. He stood in the hall for a moment, listening to the muffled voices on the other side as the chief continued his briefing, as if the interruption had never happened. “…Anyway, like I was saying. Carson, you and your guys are gonna drop in by helicopter. Underwood will provide air support and clear the LZ.” “Again?” Officer Carson said. “After that screw-up last time, I thought we were done with her. I swear, if she gets one of my men killed.” “Can’t be helped,” the chief said. “Folks way above my paygrade want her involved in every major operation we carry out. They say it’s good for morale, having a super around. So, this is how it’s gonna be. Suck it up and deal with it.” “Fine,” Carson said. He murmured something else under his breath, inaudible through the thick steel door. In any case, Jimmy had heard enough. He buried his hands in his pockets and turned to walk away. Only then did he notice he wasn’t alone. There was a chair beside the door and a blond woman was sitting there, as if waiting to be invited in. The moment he saw her, she shyly averted her gaze and stared at the opposite wall. That brief glance was all it took. He knew who she was. And he could tell she knew he knew. He should’ve walked away. He should’ve gone home, found something else to do today, saved a cat from a tree or helped an old lady cross the street, and forgot all about everything that had just happened. But there was a funny thing about luck that Jimmy had learned a long time ago: opportunity doesn’t strike twice. When lady luck knocks, you had better open the damn door and invite her in for tea. And not the cheap shit. Good tea, on fine China, drank with your pinkies sky high. “Miss Underwood?” he said and she slowly looked up, peering at him with those same piercing blue eyes that had stared down some of the most powerful heroes in the world. “Yes?” she said, in a tiny voice. Jimmy cleared his throat. “Lucky Bastard, at your service. I’m your new partner.” Her brows rose slightly. Shit, she’s not buying it, Jimmy thought and began rummaging through his pockets. “I have this warrant from the higher-ups, which says you’re supposed to work with me on a special assignment today.” He whipped out a crumpled slip of paper and flashed it at her, before quickly stuffing it back into his pocket. “This comes from waaaay up high,” Jimmy said quickly. “Higher than the chief. And he’s not happy about it, so how ‘bout we get outta here before he blows up again, okay. C’mon, let’s go. I’ll explain on the way.” There was no hesitation, no second-guessing him or questioning anything he’d just said. To his surprise, she immediately obeyed and stood up from her seat. Waaaay up. Holy shit, she’s a freakin’ giant, Jimmy thought when he found himself standing eye-to-boob with this former supervillain… and he really hoped there was an emphasis on the word ‘former.’ He took a step back as she calmly knelt to pick up a small silver briefcase he hadn’t noticed until now. “Should I put on my costume?” she asked with a nod to the case. “N-Nah, just bring it. We gotta go,” Jimmy said. He didn’t often get nervous, but he could feel a bead of sweat building under the brim of his cap. Was this kidnapping or theft or lying to an officer of the law? Probably all three. This could totally land him behind bars. Well, he’d taken the first step down this path, might as well boldly sprint on and see how far he could take it. Imagine all the good I can do if I could get just a few hours with a real superhero by my side… “The chief’s really bent outta shape. He was totally looking forward to working with you today,” Jimmy said as he led her toward the parking deck. “Hanging around here will just rub it in his face. He’s a really sensitive guy, ya know.” “Right,” she said with a smile. As they passed through the front offices, they found the police station was in utter chaos. The phones were ringing off the hooks and policemen were rushing out the front door. Over all the noise, Jimmy thought he heard something about robots, but he didn’t stop to ask. He urged Shoshanna to keep moving. Every minute they were still in this building was another moment Chief Thompson could come storming up behind him and slap handcuffs on Jimmy’s wrists. Outside, they were greeted by the sound of sirens. Two police cars zoomed past, with a firetruck and ambulance close behind. A thunderous boom sounded in the distance, like a thunderclap, but the sky was clear. “Does this have something to do with our special assignment?” Shoshanna asked. “Ummm… yeah, maybe, I dunno,” Jimmy said. “C’mon, my car’s this way.”
Rhyss a normal student was quietly walking to school innocently unbeknowing of the incident that is befalling the city he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt as he was walking towards his school happily however when he was walking an explosion rocked the area near him. "What in all the world was that?!" He says suprised getting into cover shocked trying to avoid any rubble that was getting close. "... Something isn't right at all... " A dark aura was starting to surround him. "... I'm in danger... help me someone..." Rhyss blacked out quietly as a dark aura surrounded him quickly as a small blast happened around him barely anything knocking a bit of rubble away as a dark man in a mask stood there quietly looking around drawing a scythe. "... sinners destroying their own people... how despicable... whoever these people are... i will destroy them." he twirled his scythe ready. "They shall Repent... or they will die..." he spread his wings quickly and flew into the air.
"One... two... one two three..." The sound of guitars and drums filled the small interior, though no instruments were present. Inside, a young blonde man stood, a microphone near his mouth and a headset on. "You... look good in latex," he sang, his voice perfect for the cover he was going for. "Get off... having rough sex." He bobbed his head to the beat, counting out notes, when a loud screech erupted from the headset. A low swear came from his throat. "Now what's going on?" he asked, taking the set off. This was the third time today recording had gone south. "If I don't record here..." "Don't look at me," the guy behind the glass wall said. Before Zack could say another word, the door behind the other man opened and in stepped a good looking redhead, a guitar strapped to his back. "Zack, we're needed." Several minutes later, Zack and his boyfriend, Kyle, were standing on a building, gazing out to the street. "Killer robots?" Zack said, shaking his head. "Do these guys have a lack of imagination or something?" Killer robots were nothing new, they showed up practically every other week. Hell, just last week Ms. Tomorrow, Scorpius, and one of the new breed of Magical Girls had stopped a giant one that was battling a giant lizard. Nothing new. Kyle was silent, thinking. "There seems to be a large wave of them in the middle of the city," he said. "You ready to go?" Zack nodded, sighing, zipped off and back, now wearing a tunic, sandals, and bracelets. "I'm still wondering why I didn't get boots," he said. "Or, you know, a better costume. You've got a cool costume." Kyle didn't answer as his clothes shifted into what would normally be a weird functioning loincloth with guantlets and little else. Kyle had taken the opportunity to wear a black leotard under his clothes, leaving only his legs bare. A black bandanna was now over the bottom half of his face. "Ready?" Scorpius asked. Zack nodded. "Let's go."
Milly & PoPo "Ahhh!" Milly sighed loudly as she tilted her head to look back at the sky above the tall skyscrapers of the city. "Its so good to be outside! Honestly I'm practically a prisoner in that place." She sat on her faithful guardian's shoulders holding onto special crevices in his head as he walked. Her short brown hair flew about in the wind behind her as did her bright yellow dress. Her feet were bare as they rarely needed to touch the ground when she was with Popo. Which was all the time. "Correction." Popo replied, his robotic voice buzzing. "Golden Alliance prisoners go to Alcatraz. You are an employee...not a prisoner." "Employees don't have to live where they work. AND they have a choice about it." She protested. "And I'm a kid. I don't want to work or do school...I want to play. And I want to help the heroes fight!" Milly bounced excitedly on Popo's shoulders at the thought. The robot took hold of her ankles to ensure she didn't fall off. "Error: Participating in an altercation between..." "Ugh...could you please just talk normally." Milly interrupted dropping her head onto his head. Popo stopped at a cross walk, waiting for the light to change. "Revisement: It is unsafe for you to help the heroes fight against the villains and vigilantes. In addition, your abilities do not consist of offensive capabilities." "So!? Gah!!! Its so unfair! If they would just give me a machine gun or something..." She let go of Popo's head to imitate firing a machine gun at an imaginary villain. "Just finding people is boring. That and the G.A. seem to forget I'm not a robot. Its' always, 'Here Milly, locate this person. Quick Milly, what is this super-villians' capabilities, Milly, I know its 1:00 in the morning but its is absolutely pertinent we find this vigilante RIGHT NOW!' Hmmph!" Milly grumbled, banging her small fists on Popo's head. "You enjoy the attention." The Robot replied knowingly. "Maybe. But not after I've gone to bed. Anyway, I want Icecream. Take me to..." Milly's demand was interrupted by loud hum as a silver drone dropped to hover in front of them. It lifted it's gun. “HALT! Prisoner escapee.” "What!?" Milly demanded angerily. "Listen here, you stupid robot..." Popo grabbed Milly off his shoulders and turned his wide-armored back to the drone which began to fire, its bullets ricocheting off his military grade armor. The metal plating over Popo's stomach slide open and he pushed Milly inside. With his ward now safe he turned back around and began to fire back at the Robot. Milly yelped as Popo fought against the drone. "Is this because I left the building without permission. See Popo! I told you! They consider me prisoner!" She yelped as Popo lept into the air, taking flight only to get blown to the side throwing her against the metal of his stomach. Milly covered her ears trying to dull the deafening noise. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She cried loudly. "I promise not to leave without permission, ever, ever again!"
“Trouble arise, what a splendorous morning!” “A troublesome morning I see, where is the splendor?” Two figures, a man and a woman exactly of the same height, crossed down the street, unlike the rest of the people who screamed and run wildly, these two advanced toward the source of distress without even an inch of fear reflected on their face, instead a glint of excitement reflected on the man’s eyes. “How blind you are my little sister, can’t you see the magic on this?” “I may be blind but not forgetful for I’m the older one, don’t you recall?” “I only recall my dear little sister’s complains” “Let’s drop this useless discussion my little brother, I still want to understand this magic you speak of!” “Is pretty simple my dear sister, fate had just sent us a message here. A nice day for a shopping it was, and a necessity was too, hence it was fated for us to be here in the moment that trouble arose. That’s the magic sister, this is when we enter into the play!” “Oh, that’s simply incredible! How blind was I, and do tell me dear brother, is this the first act or the second one?” “Is an act for sure, but I didn’t receive any script, it’s upon us to decide!!!” “Then let’s go, I can see the metallic beasts close to us!!” “Stop, don’t rush my tasteless sister!” exclaimed the man while grabbing the girl’s neck. “Tasteless is now? How many insults will I have to take from you?” “Forgive but I just can’t oversee this, how do you pretend for us to start with this new play without doing it in the correct way?” “There exist a correct path my offensive brother? Do tell me for I can’t see such way” “Simple my sister. A dramatic entrance of course!!! This is a theater play and we are the actors, we can’t rush into the scene, this is our first chance to play the role of heroes and thus we must make sure for people to remember it!!!” “That we should do? Even when the danger moves quickly and people’s lives may be put under the grim reaper’s scythe?” “They are born and death is their fate, if the sisters decide to cut the trend there is nothing we can do, besides, since when is my astonished sister worried about other’s lives?” “It is not, yet if as heroes we want to play a good job we must perform, don’t you think?” “I do agree, but is also important for our images to be carved within their retinas, within the deep part of their brains, this way, they’ll know who to ask when trouble decides to show its face again!” “Oh! You’re right, I was blind and tasteless, I ask your pardon my brother. Now let me ask, how do you pretend our great entrance into the play be like?” “That I can’t decide, several ways there are, I’ll let you decide my imaginative sister!” “A classic one then it should be, this is the move that we’ll play with!” ……………………………………………………. A couple of wasted minutes later, the same two figures, now dressed in wild colors were standing at the top of a tall light post, both in one feet and crossing their arms. “Hehehe, look at these poor non-living beasts, they still seek wildly for the flesh to carve yet people quickly left the scene!” “They left it for us, the actors to play our role” “Do these citizens need us? Regardless this is the moment wheeeee…. Wiooah… wooaaaah!!!” Exclaimed the female voice. “Don’t be klutz my sister, you’ll ruin our entrance!” “Apologizes, but is hard for me to maintain balance…. Woaaaah…. I just looked below! I just looked below!!! This is way too tall!!!” “Don’t exclaim my sister, they’ll notice our presence. How is that you can’t stand easily? Had you forget our training? Look at me, my feet aren’t really touching the solid post’s top instead they’re slightly floating in the air” “I do know my boring brother, but the right way I wanted to play it, thus my sense I decided not to use” “And by that you ruined our entrance my spoiling sister.” “I am sorry my brother, I am levitating now, see?” “I do see, and now let’s resume our entrance” “All right, ehem…… Do these citizens need us? Regardless this is the moment when heroes show up” “To protect the weak here we are!” “The moment you decided that the lives of our fellows were to be slain is it the moment you condemned yourself!!!” “Introducing!!!!” “Artemis Rose, The Mozart of this play!!!” “Apollo Thorn, The Salieri within this play!!!” “Entangled by a thorny rose your fate will be, say your prayers if you machines have a god to pray to!” Exclaimed both at unison. And then the two figures jumped from the light post and landed in front of the machines. The metallic beings were alerted and aimed their weapons, yet the two were not paying attention to them. “It was magnificient my sister!!! Oh this is now a new page within my memories that I won’t forget!!” “I can’t agree with you my brother, for little people could see our performance, besides…” She pointed across the street and above a building at what seemed to be a very flourish group. “They had played the same stage as us!!!” “Oh! My sister!!!, I’m not the Salieri within this play!!! That group had stolen our melodies!!!” “So unfair my brother…. Woaaahaaha!!!” Exclaimed the sister at the same time the bots fired their weapons against her. Yet the bullets did not reach them, they stopped midair. “Good riddance my brother, if it weren’t by that wall you had created I would be now all but a living being!” The woman raised her finger and pointed at one of the machines, with a flourished move she pointed at a different machine and at the same moment the first machine was raised in the air and smashed against the second one. “That’s what you get for messing with me!!” “I want action too my sister!” exclaimed the man as he was being targeted by a different machine. The metallic beast fired its weapon however it did not damaged the man, instead, what was now being pierced by bullets was another machine. In just a span of second, Apollo exchanged places with one of the machines, thus making one of them to attack its own ally. “This is truly art, I had no intention of causing harm to the metallic beasts and yet they still beat between themselves!!!” “A real performance my clever brother!!!” exclaimed Athena. And this is how the two siblings begun with their heroics acts, they seek to carve their names, not allied with any group but only themselves.
"Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five...." Blitz zipped between the robots, distracting them momentarily from the civilians, then carting said civilians somewhere safer, counting off each person as he went. City has somewhere between 2 and 3 thousand people... Can't be everywhere at once, having a hard time dodging the censors as it is... Elsewhere, Scorpius shredded through a robot with ease, the gauntlets forged by Hephaestus more than capable of withstanding the robots bodies. I think these guys are prison bots... why are they attacking innocents...? Distracted, he got smacked away from one robot. Tumbling across the ground, he managed to catch a claw into the ground and make a landing.
Santiago had just set up residence in a swanky penthouse overlooking the disgustingly modern Alamance City, with its shiny metal skyscrapers that stabbed at the heavens. Oh, how the ancient vampire missed the times of old: a time of adventure, unexplored wilderness, and a sense that the world would never stop unfolding and the horizon was limitless. Sure, they also had rampant diseases, and 100% Egyptian cotton sheets were harder to come by, but Santiago did not enjoy this gleaming new age. He couldn't wait to tear it down and rebuild it in his image. The handsome concierge, in his blood-red uniform with shiny gold buttons, dragged the last of Santiago's vintage suitcases into the room. Santiago gave him a crooked smile and fished around inside his wallet for a tip, wondering if he should bite the concierge and drink his blood or not, but was interrupted by the sounds of a skirmish in the streets below. Santiago glided to the wide, heavy-curtain window and peaked out at robots and superheroes fighting in the streets. "Sir...?" the concierge asked, fidgeting impatiently. Santiago glowered at the young male. "I was going to give you a hundred dollar bill, but your impatience has put me off," he practically growled. He let his eyes flash bright crimson and the concierge jumped back. "Leave, before I eat you," Santiago said calmly. The concierge wisely scrambled for the door, but he fumbled with the handle so much that Santiago decided to eat him, anyway. Fifteen minutes later, Santiago stepped out of the foyer of his apartment building wearing a dark purple cloak, long leather gloves, and knee-high leather boots with silver spurs. His handsome, chiseled brown face peered out from under his dark hood and he gripped the hilt of his rapier. "I don't care what's happening, as long as I get to kill someone," Santiago said with a devilish grin, flashing his fangs.
Repentance was flying into the air to see a group of robots pointing guns at him and firing and he dodged quickly by straffing to the right. "So by the sins of whatever created you beings I will destroy you" He swooped down quickly cutting one robot with his speed swooping higher and shot a dark cut at another quickly cutting it down with it to. "what's with these abonimable machinations? I'll cut them all down..." He says angrily. "They're going to hurt people and me... I will destroy them."
Leon and I were on our way to school. We were riding on Leon's motorcycle, him at the front, and me riding behind him, holding onto his shoulders. But then a flying killer robot flew over our heads causing havoc. Leon braked rapidly, nearly sending us flipping forward at the sudden brake. "Well, I thought that this morning would be quite dull, but I'm glad to be proven wrong." I said smiling. "Only you would think that killer flying robots would be something that would be exciting..." Leon said chuckling. "So do not! Everyone would think that this is exciting!" I said chuckling, I was digging through my bag, pulling out a long black trenchcoat, a fedora, and a contact case, putting them on, taking my glasses off, and putting the contacts in, while shoving my glasses into their case and into my bag, I would have done it without the get up, but it was an agreement that I had with my step father, anything that could constitute acting as a hero, I would have to wear a disguise, though hardly much of a disguise... people just didn't really pay attention or were just too dull to connect the dots. "So, is it ready? 'Cuz I need it like, right now." I said. Leon sighed and shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was going to surprise you after school, but seeing as this is the case..." He said, hefting out a black metallic case from his bag, it was rectangular and it had several slits in it. "I am the best, you cannot deny." He said smirking. I grinned. "Good! Onward to victory!" I said, then Leon began to drive forward towards one of the robots, I was holding onto the top of my fedora as I crouched on the back of the motorcycle. As soon as we got close enough, I hopped high up into the air, Leon threw the black metallic case to me to me. I caught it with both hands, my fedora flying off and into the waiting hand of Leon as he began to make his way to school, trusting me to deal with this. The case began to unfold in my hands... soon I was holding onto a large black scythe with a long gleaming blade, it was easily larger than I was, I pulled the large scythe back as I was nearing a robot that had taken notice of me, as it was about to fire, I swung the scythe quickly and cut it clean in two and landed on the ground as the pieces fell behind me, I hefted the scythe over my shoulder. "So, who's next?" I asked grinning.
Nick had left the building and had almost reached the employee parking lot when one of the drones landed near him. "HALT" it said with a robotic voice, "prisoner escape". Nick wasted no time dropped his phone while putting his hands up, "I surrender, I'm unarmed, please don't hurt me," he said calmy. "Prisoner is armed." The tension rose. "Taking immediate action." It raised its hand at Nick. "Well that is just rude," Nick said to no one in particular. He didn't try to dodge, instead he kept looking at the machine. Before the robot could fire, it was hit from the side and hurled to the far wall. "What took you so long?" Nick asked. "A moment longer and that thing would have killed me." "Aaawh, sorry Nicky, was the little human scared of the big bad metal man?" the one known as Bint al-Jinni teasingly answered. "I couldn't have been any faster, I had all the trafic lights against me." "Nonsense, I know where you live, you could've been here ages ago, you just wanted to finish your silly tv-show first, didn't you?" "It is not silly! Who Want To Marry a Superhero is the shining beacon of the otherwise bleak human culture!" "You know it's not real, the guy doesn't even has a real superpower." "That counts for a lot coming from the guy who is trying to be a supervillain without any powers." "I'm not a supervillain, I'm a legal businessman who's clients happen to consist of mostly supervillains." Bint al-Jinni, snorted, then glanced at the robot she tackled. "You know that thing isn't dead yet, right?" The drone pulled itself out of the wall and took off at high speed, flying at Bint al-Jinni bullets erupting from its wrist gun and locked on to Nick with his other hand in an attempt to keep him in his place. The Prince did dodge that one, he smoothly veered to the side, narrowly missing the large hand that grabbed for him. In contrast, jinn hadn't moved, she just laughed as the bullets passed through her like she was made of smoke. "Hahaha, I love the faces they make whenever that happens, humans are so dumb," she cackled. "That thing isn't human!" Nick screamed "And it can't change it's facial expression, it's a machine!" "Is that like a golem?" Jenny asked. "Does that mean it's face always looks like that? Poor thing, let me release you of the suffering of having such a goofy face." And with that, a ball of fire appeared in her hand, which she threw towards the droid. The flames exploded on the metallic man but alas it only slowed it down and it continued its flight towards Bint, the weapon on its wrist now shooting off sparks as the drone smashed its own body into his adversary. The momentum of the mechanical man threw the jinn of her feet, and soon she was pinned down to the wall, struggling against the robotic grip. But that meant the drone wasn't paying attention to Nick, and he already hatched a plan to deal with this menace. He sped towards a fuse box on the side of the garage's wall and used his CEO pass to unlock it, revealing a multitude of cables. He pulled one and it extended for a few meters, enough to place it next to the fire hydrant on the side of the road. Then he tried to draw the machine's attention by shooting at it with his gun. The damn sidearm had gotten him into this mess, it better get him out if it. He just hoped that Jenny understood his plan. The machine's grip was tight around Bint's throat but its head turned towards the plotting Nick and the drone's chest slowly opened revealing a missile that would no doubt make another nasty mess once it was launched. Luckily for Nick, Jenny was smarter then most people thought she was. Before the drone could turn The Prince of Alamance into a bloody smeer on the asphalt, the Crazy Jinn of Kaf Ajnoun threw another bout of smokeless fire at the thing's legs. The resulting explosion destabilized the robot enough that the rocket wend wide, missing Nick and hitting the fire hydrant. Water spouted out of the newly-formed hole in the ground, and the puddle sparked with electricity coming from the detached cables. With an enourmous exertation of strenght, Jenny broke free of the drone's grip, simultaniously kicking it towards the water. The machine's unstable legs couldn't resist, and it fell face first into the electric puddle. Where contact with it's damaged wrist short-circuiting the thing instantly. Jenny scrambled upright: "Pfew, that was a fun fight, did you see how I tossed his stupid face right into the water?" But Nick wasn't listening, the moment the machine was deactivated he searched for his dropped phone and called his secretary. "Agnes, it seems me and ms. Al-Jinni had a little accident outside of the parking lot, would you be so kind as to send a technician and a clean-up crew?" he said, ignoring the pouting Jinn. "Yes, that would be wonderful. And could you tell them that when they are sure it poses no more danger they'll transfer it to the lab? Thank you Agnes, I can always count you," and he hung up to look at Jenny. "You didn't thank me at all for saving your hide, yet you fawn all over that old crone like she's doing you a favor every time she deigns to speak to you!" she exclaimed indignantly. "That's because you are just a mercenary, worst you can do is kill me, but if I anger a secretary my life will truly become a living hell. Besides, my demeanor isn't important here." He pointed to the smoking drone, "Do you have any idea what that is?" "Some kind of human-made golem, so what?" Jenny answered. Nick smiled, a rare thing for him: "That, my friend, is an Alcatraz drone, I've been wanting to get my hands on one for ages, and now someone kindly delivers one right to my doorstep." Jenny was unimpressed: "I wouldn't call it a delivery if it shot rockets at you, and what are you even going to do with a busted up golem?" "All in good time, Jenny, all in good time. Now let's get to the van, there's an army of these things destroying the city, and I can't allow any more of my clients buildings get wrecked, or the payout will be more then my company can afford right now." --- “Oh man.” Tomorrow breathed. "that was way to close.” She’d managed to fly upward away before getting blown to smithereens like most of the block had but she’d recognized those droids. The same kind those damn GA members used as guards for their meta human prisons. No way would they release this many just to capture someone. Needless to say they'd nearly kicked her ass. Her visor went red again picking up danger in multiple sections of the city, Golden Alliance or not this mess had to be cleaned up one way or another……perhaps she could at least hold them until Magnificent or any other of those government bricks could get control of the situation. Tomorrow's eyes narrowed on the two robots going at it skyward, one was clearly another out of control drone but the other she didn't have any recollection of from her files. Still might as well assist and try to salvage whatever is going to be left of Alamance after this. Tomorrow clicked a button on her glove and took of speeding towards her two targets. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. --- The drone bobbed and weaved passed Popo's attacks both firing back and forth but Popo's enemy was suddenly impacted by a new challenger from seemingly nowhere A female hero in spandex, visors and a strange helmet that looked like it belonged in a sci-fi film had smashed into the drone. The rings sparking with electricity, she rushed Popo using the drone as a make shift shield. Tomorrow slammed into Popo full force, sandwiching the drone between the two of them. The vigilante's full frontal power based assault sent all three parties out of the air and speeding towards the ground. --- Tomorrow and the drone both crashed into the Earth skidding with another down the street. Her head was going to feel like she’d spent the night at the bub after this. Tomorrow punched the drone repeatedly as the two slowed. "So, who's next?" Was all she heard before she and the drone were separated by slamming full force into the back of some idiot’s legs sending him doing back flip and landing on his face. Tomorrow sighed in relief at finally being stopped and fell on her back. Her brain felt like it had been put in a blender, she looked over at the guy she'd plowed through who was currently pulling himself off the ground as was the the extremely damaged droid that sparking out of its limbs. Tomorrow blinked at the scythe that had no doubt belonged to the weird guy kidnapping looking guy in the trenchcoat. "Um.....hey!" She said yelled trying to snap him back into reality so he wouldn't be shot to death by the drone who was now taking aim. --- Popo didn't exactly fair much better, the robotic powerhouse crashed into some sort of giant bat ‘Repentance’ both of them going down together. Both of them crashing down in between the two bizzare twins that had also taken up the fight against the drones. Apollo and Athena. Though not much recovery time or surprise was allowed. The dazed Repentance, Popo and the twins soon found themselves surrounded by the four remaining drones Repentance had been dueling with in the sky.
"Ow! Popo! What in the heck is going on!? You're the one whose supposed to be kicking butt, not the other way around." Milly demanded banging on the inside of his armor. Her body was bruised from being thrown around and her head bled slightly but the armor had done it's job in keeping her safe. Popo on the other hand was covered in dents and scratches. The joint on his right arm sparked, hanging loosely. The G.A. symbol was still noticeable on the front of his armor. Milly felt the presence of three other meta humans close to her. Her eyes went white as she took stock of their abilities. The first one. He had powers of Darkness. Death. An amazing amount of dark powers. There was only one meta she knew like that. The villain. Repentance or better known as the Angel of Death. She shuddered. Great, now I'm stuck between crazy robots and a villain. The second. She was weaker but had mind control capabilities. And the third was able to switch places with people. She didn't recognize either of them. Meaning they weren't registered Villains or heroes, meaning they were vigilantes. Hopefully they would help...but that remained to be seen. "Popo! Watch out. One of them is a villain, the one to your right." Her voice echoed through his armor. "Understood." Popo replied. He quickly measured the situation, deciding which was the biggest threat that needed eliminating. He chose the drones firing a single rocket at each of them in quick succession.
I was ready to charge at the next robot... when... something hit the back of my legs and sent me flying into the air, I was so shocked I barely had time to bring my arms to my face to protect my head from the impact, not that it would do too much harm, but you never know, one careless move and one could have a shattered skull or a broken neck, my regenerative abilities were a bit higher than a normal person's, but at best that'd shave a couple weeks off of my recovery, nothing that could help me in the current situation if I were to get injured, nothing like a C or B hero that could heal a bullet wound within minutes. I got back onto my feet and brushed myself off, I was a little dazed despite what little protection I had managed to muster before face planting, then I heard a woman's voice and looked around quickly and saw a number of things, one, my scythe was just a few feet away from me, two, there was a robot about to blow my head off, that I definitely couldn't protect myself with my arms, and finally, is that... Ms. Tomorrow? Wait, no time to think about that now. Instead of moving toward my scythe or trying to get out of the range of that robot's fire... I ran straight toward it, as fast as my legs could carry me, which was admittedly, pretty fast, everything was a bit of a blur around me, I leaped high into the air and and fell toward the robot quickly, aiming to use my momentum and weight to knock it back and throw off it's aim.
Bill walked along the street, letting the heat of day absorb into his muscles. Every time he did this, he felt like a younger man. Like he used to be. Like a goddamned athlete. A stranger walked by, and didn't recognize him. Obviously, he didn't have his suit on. His face wasn't very well known. If his powers were known, he'd have consistent offers from pesky energy companies to ask him to come by. Technology had advanced, but it wasn't quite ready for what Bill had in his head. That's what the President thought as well. They often agreed on topics, which was shocking, being from completely different generations. Bill believed the world was getting better, but there was that constant worry that the supervillains would never stop. Would Earth ever be in peace? They had gotten close, but then all this had happened. Bill heard a scream, then immediately ice formed on the ground around him as he immediately started taking in energy. The air froze, and Bill's eyes lit up. His hands were buzzing with electricity, and he soon stopped taking in energy at a quarter of the maximum. There was a lot of energy to be gained from a sunny day. He sat down on the ground, then sent out pulses of electric energy. He saw the electric fields, and saw the presence of robotic drones identical to those in Alcatraz... What were those drones doing? Why were they attacking innocent civilians? Bill took no more time to analyze the situation before dashing off towards the nearest drone, which was around the corner of the clothing store. Focusing all the energy into his hand, he turned the corner and sent all 100 coulombs straight at the drone's head.
“A fourth one fell with grace dear brother” “Four is your score? Better work then, to lose is a feeling so sore!” Suddenly another bot crashed between them interrupting their chatting. “No fair, no fair, this one scared me, that’s against the rules.” Exclaimed the girl “But in wild battle we are, rules are but a mere illusion” Soon more people joined the fray at the same time the number of machines increased. “Oh is this a new act my brother?!!” “A new cast had joined!!” “Can we trust the winged man?” “Can we trust the shady man?” “Its heart I can’t read” “And his hat he should free!” “I see a new machine” “A new enemy I see” “I sense the heart of a living being” “I can see the body of a woman trapped inside of it” “FEAR NOT YOUNG LADY FOR THE THORNY ROSE WILL SET YOU FREE” Apollo drew a circle with his fingers against Popo, then an energy forced the machine in his position. “The thorny rose is a cast of two, of me you must not forgot!” Artemis gazed at Popo’s face and then she materialized a pink colored energy from her own mind. Whatever was the true nature of it she blasted it against the robot’s face.
"Lets wire goes here. Yellow wire goes here..." The masked genius said, as he played with the circuits in the disabled droid. As he continued working on the droid he was working on, three others hovered in. And without looking, ANTI pointed a magnum at each and shot a single armor piercing round into each, through the central core of their mechanics, thus disabling each with a single shot. All with one hand! The other was working on the one droid. "There we go!" ANTI yelped excitedly, as the recently disabled droid jumped to life and hovered above ANTI. But this one was not hostile to him at all. Instead of attacking him, it immediately ascended into the air and began its surprise attack on all the other droids. Ripping their metal to shreds before they could identify the droid as an enemy. "Ah. All in a days work. Now to find the culprit behind these damn robots." ANTI said, grabbing his nun-chucks and walking off through the alley and into the streets. Despite being highly intelligent, he had his tastes. He loved the nun-chucks because they were unbiased weapons. A sword or gun sided with whoever held them. Nun-chucks were on nobody's side. If you didn't know how to use them, they only guy they would hurt was you.
Santiago's wicked grin turned into a disappointed frown as he watched the heroes--and a few villians--take down the robots with ease. With a world-weary sigh, Santiago let his sword hang limply at his side and strolled around the madness of the fighting, trying not to get hit by anything lethal. When Santiago was almost hit by a stray bullet, he lazily flicked his rapier and the bullet twanged off of the thin blade...and headed straight for the back of the Angel of the Death's head. "Oops," Santiago said without much feeling. He leaned on his sword like a cane and looked on with a bored expression.
She had no idea where Jimmy was going and doubted he did either. He was tailgating any emergency vehicle he could find. Fire trucks, ambulances, police cars; there were enough of them zooming through Alamance's streets that he had no shortage of 'escorts.' When the vehicle they were following slowed down or turned onto a street he didn't want to go down, Jimmy just zipped past it and continued on until he found another and dropped into its wake. The only thing worse than his driving was the car itself. There should be an IQ test before a person is allowed to sit behind the wheel of a Lamborghini. You've gotta be this tall to ride the rollercoaster and this not-stupid to drive an 850-horsepower monster. The turbochargers sounded like a jumbo jet landing in the backseat and every time he downshifted the damn thing banged like a drive-by shooting and spat a puff of flames out of the exhaust pipes. Based on the grin on Jimmy's face, she assumed it was supposed to do this. On second thought, the IQ test wouldn't be necessary. No intelligent person would willingly subject themselves to this. "Where are we going?" Shoshanna finally asked, if only to return some sanity to this situation. "Midtown," Jimmy said. "The heart of the city. When stuff like this happens, that's the place to be." The Golden Alliance headquarters, Shoshanna thought. Hmmm, yes, we might find some answers there. So, there was a method to the madness. He wasn't stupid after all. "You ever been in a Lambo before?" Jimmy asked. She wanted to say, 'have you ever seen what a gravitational singularity does to one of these things? Have you ever seen a two million dollar Italian brick compressed into a little ball of metal the size of a grapefruit and propelled at an approaching tank battalion? You say Lamborghini, I say world's most expensive wrecking ball.' But that would be rude. And she wasn't allowed to be rude anymore. Court order. "No," Shoshanna replied. "I have not." "Well, there's a first time for everything, right," he said with a cheerful smile. While he talked, she continued to stare out the window, where the surrounding traffic was merely a blur. But, then, something came into focus. A robot swooped down. She'd seen dozens of them in the sky, but this one looked as if it wanted to introduce itself personally. It was keeping pace with the car, flying a few feet off the ground beside them, staring right back at her through the window. Shoshanna calmly unfastened her seatbelt and reached over to do the same for Jimmy. She grabbed him and her briefcase and burst through the windshield as machine gun fire tore the car to shreds. The flaming wreck went skittering across the pavement as she skidded to a stop on the sidewalk, holding Jimmy by the collar in one hand and the briefcase containing her costume in the other. His hands were still gripping an imaginary steering wheel and it took a moment for his brain to register what had just happened. "I-I think I just died... or shit myself… maybe both." He patted his ass and breathed a sigh of relief. "Nope, just dead." "There's a first time for everything," Shoshanna said as she placed him on his feet and shoved the case into his arms. "Take care of this while I take care of that." She nodded to the robot as it fired a cluster of missiles.
The van raced the streets of Alamance, ignoring any drones encountered. Nick didn't care about this part of the city, it was midtown were most of his clients properties were. He did felt a momentary stab of sadness when he saw the mangled corpse of a Lamborghini on the side of the road, but that disapeared when he recognized the person standing next to it. He despised those bastards who always got money handed to them, while as a kid he had to slave for every penny. So he pretended he didn't see the meta-human battle and sped further towards midtown. They arrived in midtown to find that many meta-humans had beat them to it, much to Jenny's dissapointment. "Aawh, they were here first, all because you don't know how to navigate a city." "The highway would've been clogged with refugees, my route was the fastest," Nick protested, "At least I can drive." Nick ignored Jenny's death-glare and focused on the battling meta-humans. There was the supervillain Repentance, he was a mystery to Nick, he couldn't figure out his agenda. He also saw the vigilante twins he'd sarcastically dubbed 'Jenny without the restraint and sense of danger' and a robotic man. This one wasn't an alcatraz droid and seemed a lot more composed, if a little banged up. He pondered for a moment before his eyes went wide in recognition. "Jenny! That armored robot, I think that's Finder's bodyguard." "Who?" Jenny asked impatiently. "A meta-human with the power to find other meta-humans, how do you think the GA always manages to find the supervillain's secret lair? Not many people know about his existence, it's one of the GA's most guarded secrets. Even I don't know anything about him save for his codename and that he is constantly guarded by a B-class droid." Jenny saw Nick's eyes practically twinkling with opportunity. "The GA never let's him leave the headquarters, he's that valuable. Do you have any idea how much they'll pay for his release if he ever get's kidnapped?" He picked up pen and paper and wrote down an amount, and showed it to Jenny. Jenny gasped, then flashed an evil grin. "Step on it, my dear Prince." Nick obliged, and the van sped towards the battle between meta-humans and alcatraz droids.
Mr. Clockwise strode down the sidewalk, swinging his walking stick in rhythm as he focused on the monstrosity of the modern age. Technology, soaring through the sky in the form of robotics. Why his generation thought technological devices were a good thing, truly they didn't understand how much harm it caused. Whether it be from addictive behaviors, health problems, or robot death. Mr. Clockwise cast a glance at the woman gliding at his side, suspended in the air a few feet from the ground. "I should've left without you." "You couldn't do such a thing." Era blew a short gust of wind near his face, tickling his cheek. "The guilt would eat you up." "Well, it shouldn't take you eighteen minutes and thirteen seconds to put on a costume. You always look the same, my dear." He grinned. "Spectacular." "Hush, this isn't the place for your silliness. See the heroes fighting over there?" "They beat us to the action because someone kept reapplying lipstick!" He said, waving his walking stick in her direction. "But it sure does look spectacular!" Era emphasized her point with a cartwheel in mid-air, which certainly attracted the attention she was hoping for, though not in the way she had planned. A hulking metal contraption hovered above the two heroes, casting a long shadow over them. "HALT!" The robot shouted in a deep, scratchy voice. "Prisoner escapee!" It raised its metal arm but before it could attack, the robot vanished, along with the rest of the current scene. Mr. Clockwise had sent everything backward in time for sixty seconds. It wasn't a big change and of course no one would realize anything different, but he did. The thought to go further went through his mind, but he knew that either in the past or present, the circumstances would end up the same. The robots and fighting involved were ingrained in the timeframe for a reason. But that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun. When his feet hit the pavement, he brought the pocket watch close to his goggles, eyes fixed on the second hand. 60...59...58... The countdown had begun. "You couldn't do such a--" Era started and paused. "Wait, what are you doing?" "Counting, honey." 49...48...47 "Well, I can see that your twin is back." He heard her sigh, no doubt from having to keep his double from walking away. "How long?" "Sixty seconds." 41...40...39 "What's going to happen?" "Robotic attack." 33...32...31... "When?" "Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven!" He counted aloud. 26...25...24... "Gosh, that soon?!" She shrieked. "Oh, this is exciting!" "Get ready to do a cartwheel!" He called out. 19...18...17... "Why?" "The robot! Get ready! In" On one, Era did an elaborate cartwheel exactly as she did a minute ago. Mr. Clockwise saw the robot whizzing through the sky towards them, actually, towards him. The other him. "HALT! Prisoner escapee!" Came the same monotone voice, followed by an explosion. As he watched his twin get blown to disintegrated bits, he couldn't hold in his laughter. He'd seen himself die so many ways, it had become comical. The easy distraction had given Era enough time to bring her winds to speed, kicking up debris and lifting a dumpster close by. Metal clashed with metal, sending the robot into a frenzy as it aimed for its new target. Mr. Clockwise slowed the oncoming bullets and Era ricocheted with wind, returning the projectiles back to their owner. Mr. Clockwise put his gloved hands together in brief applause at the perfectly timed shot.
Athena gazed at Popo’s face and then she materialized a pink colored energy from her own mind. Whatever was the true nature of it she blasted it against the robot’s face. The Guardian Robot had raised a shield the second after the other attacker had switched other places with him. The attack splashed against the shield, causing to flicker. His visor flashed a warning at the attackers. "Warning: You are attacking the Guardian Alliance. Stand down!" A drone flew straight at him and he held out a fist, shooting it's head. The drone shredded to pieces around him, clanging into his armor and sending out shrapnel in all directions. "Popo! Let me out! Just give me a gun! I'll shoot them! NO ONE MESSES WITH MY POPO!!" Milly screamed from inside his armor.
“My attack a failure turned to be? That I can’t believe!” “It was the color, you told him that it exist!” “I can see that my tedious brother, were it to be colorless he wouldn’t had seen it. However, I fail to see the art within something that can’t be seen!” “It could be art, it could be like music” “Or a narrated tale!” “Or the Golden Alliance!!!” “Pardon me my brother, but what is a Golden Alliance?” “I must confess my inquiring sister that I know more about a speck of dust than said Golden Alliance!” “Then how is that as a piece of art you proclaim it?” “I was merely mimicking the words of the machine in front of us. I thought perhaps he wanted to be part of the discussion!” “Can a robot think?” “That I fail to know, but technology can bring surprises to our heart!” “Like the movies!” “Like a light spectacle!” The machine named Popo stroke one of the drones and then Artemis felt the agitation of Milly inside of it. “I can sense disturbance, rage within that person’s heart!” “Is she troubled? Is she scared?” “That I do not know, but look at that my curious brother, more actors join the fray.” “This is quite the act, this is quite the play!” It was at the same moment than a couple of drones took chance to attack Popo and thus Milly within it, however with a flourish of her finger, Artemis disarmed the weapon of the drone. “We can’t let these beasts to attack their friend. They could harm the woman inside!” “But… wouldn’t you had caused harm to her anyway?” “………….” “………….” “Perhaps you’re right” “Right I am” “I can’t see though, why is that the machine fights its allies!” “Allies perhaps they’re not, to communicate with the beast we should try!” “But does it have a heart?” “That I can’t confirm, yet that I can’t deny!” Apollo then looked at Popo and asked. “Excuse us for the violence we offered you. If it’s that you of this drones a friend are not and instead an enemy of the chaos I would like a confirmation. A verbal agreement is enough my dear….. Steely friend….”