Hey guys, first off thanks for clicking this if you did. My name is Laura, I am 23 from England. Been writing stories since school when my English teacher really liked my story, I stopped after a few years. I've always written down my dreams (My wacky imagination amazes and scares me). But anyway last 2 years a lot of things have happened in my life with regards to my family. It was a wake up call to get off my butt and actually do something with my life. My brain hasn't stopped pooping out ideas since then. Wrote a novel, started a few others. Uploaded one or two on another site. I just need to get into that habit of writing/reading or doing something book related every single day. But it's hard when your brain keeps going, 'nah it crap, no one will like your ideas'. Anyway I am here and I will do this. One day at a time. Sorry that was a little long winded
Long winded? We are writers. This is about as lax as it gets in my opinion. Glad you came here. I hope you have fun. So what kind of stories do you like to write? Gods lamenting the loss of a library? Or perhaps dark comedy? Urban fantasy? I tend to be more urban fantasy myself.
Fantasy mainly but do write a bit of crime, comedy, supernatural. Gotta add a bit of humor to all my stories.
So, do you mean all types of Fantasy or more like High-Fantasy? Wow. I used to suck it suck labels. Listen to me label them off as if I know what I am talking about. I do not in fact know what I am talking about, but I suppose for an intro, it may get in a laugh. So I approve of my lameness. I won't, you don't disapprove.
Welcome and happy writing. Be cautious of uploading your work online if you seek eventual publication. Putting your work on line will greatly reduce the chance of a publisher accepting your manuscript, even if it's the greatest novel of all time. Cheers.
Only uploaded some short stories, my main stories are locked inside my brain. Anyone else find it so annoying how slow it is to write a novel, when the story is already completed in your brain?
My main story, which features a girl named Valorie, started in my mind in 2008. I just recently finished the first draft of the main story. If that answers the question.
Hi, welcome to the forum. The short story contest needs more votes. Want to immerse yourself in this forum? Become a voter in the short story contest. Get started on the right foot. Make someone's day and vote for their story. The link is in my sig.