Hello. I am new here and I just wanted to say hi. I joined because I am looking for writers to submit stories, poems, movie reviews, book reviews, video game reviews, or any other misc. writing creations for my new website which is home to many other pieces of writing. It is a collection of writing pieces where viewers can submit their own material and i am currently looking for some new stuff. I will be posting more about it in the other sections. Thanks and I'm glad to be part of the forums!
Welcome to the forums I hope that you enjoy your time here, and that we can help you with your writing. If you run into any problems, please feel free to ask, as I'm aways happy to lend a hand.
hello and welcome to WF.org. IT is a very evntful forum with lots to do around the boards. Hope ya enjoy the rollercoaster ride of amusement and all the information your creative mind could ever hope to be filled with. See you around the boards Tor
Hi JJ, welcome to the Writing Forums. If you haven't explored the site, I hope you'll do so soon, to find out all we have to offer. I also hope you'll get to know us and are inspired to develop your own writing here as well. Have plenty of fun!